Wednesday, October 15, 2014

More Tea, Please!!! It's a Quadville Wednesday!

Louis Dean woke up early and came on over to Quadville while
I caught a few extra minutes of sleep. I packed up a small suitcase as we will be in QV for a few days while A&M get away for a little while.

I got over here just in time to get the kids dressed and fix lunch!
The kids were soon settled down in their rooms for 'naps.' They did, indeed, take a nap but they spend a few minutes just playing with each other. They are two to a nursery so it's a little 'quality' time.

A tea party is ALWAYS on the afternoon agenda!! At least on Wednesdays!

They look forward to it.......and so do I!

Our first round of 'tea' featured heart shaped crackers with flavored whipped cream cheese.

While they enjoyed the SHAPE - they were NOT impressed with the TASTE!

I love how THEY love these tea parties!

The pumpkin muffins were their favorites!
Harrison ate a full muffin all by himself! I kept cutting each one into fourths - over and over!

Logan helped me clean up the tea dishes.
They are learning early!
They want to hang out in the kitchen with me while I cook dinner.

Trystan likes to help pick things up and put them where they belong!

Dinner was good and I served it right at 6:00. We had rice pudding for dessert which I served in their tiny tea cups. Those plastic tea sets sure come in handy! Perfect size for serving little ones.

After dinner we all went outside for awhile.

The kids love to run. I pulled a few weeds and we all just enjoyed a bit of fresh air.

Amber asked Kailey, "Sing your ABC's to MeeMaw!"
And that was just exactly what she did!!!

Baths are always fun!!!
I think clean babies make good sleepy babies!
However, I hear someone still awake upstairs......


  1. They look lovely! Love the bath towel picture - certainly a good warm bath makes the trick soon! Good Night, Linda!

  2. They are so cute in their towels after their baths! Seems you should have left the muffins whole! Since they loved them and ate so much! Where did you find that apron...someone must have made it! AND where did you find the heart crackers? I would love to get some for our little Anne.

  3. I love those heart crackers too. Where did you find them? Thanks for all the videos. It's so cool to see those quads in action. Have a good time with them while Amber and Mike are away.

  4. Love the Quads! And heart shaped crackers, how brilliant, have never seen such nice crackers X

  5. Great series of shots and the last one is the winner! :)

  6. Linda, The little ones are growing and talking and dressing themselves. The time is flying by right before our eyes. Love seeing your film clips. It's like we are involved . Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  7. Awwww...too cute! Love those Wednesday memories!

  8. You are such a good granny. I am having withdrawls from not loving on our little Tristan. Talked to Jill today, and they all have colds...hate that when babies have runny noses and feel bad.
    Sending love and hugs.
