Thursday, October 9, 2014

Guess Who Came to TEA??

Wednesdays are Quadville Days for us!
Louis Dean said he could use a day off from working on his fence!

He is always happy to sit with a few 'babies' and watch a little TV.
These days it is most often Frozen or Paw Patrol.
We arrived late morning so while he camped out in the play room, I fixed us all a cold cut platter for lunch while Amber went on some appointments. Nap time gave Granddad another opportunity to rest. He just gathered up a few pillows and napped in the nursery along with the quads. Logan woke up early so I whisked her downstairs to lie with me in the guest room. She put her arm around me and cuddled right up and went back to sleep. I can't tell you how GOOD it feels to have a two year to nap with!!

After naps while I was putting tea biscuits in the oven, the kids found my bag of costumes from Goodwill! They each pulled out their choice from the pile. 

Harrison was not all that thrilled with the astronaut.....

he seemed much happier with Batman!

Kailey chose the Lady Bug - just as I thought!!
She really DID like it!!

Hers came complete with wings!

I asked them if they wanted to wear their play high heels but they opted for shoes of their own!

They enjoyed this LARGE doll baby!!!
Another Goodwill find!

I really thought Logan would pick this blue outfit.

Trystan LOVED it!!!! She said she is Tinker Bell!!!

While Logan chose the REAL 'Tinker Bell' outfit but renamed it 'Frozeen!!!'

They enjoyed dressing up!

Don't we ALL??

Finally tea was served!!

Granddad played music in the playroom while we had our tea and biscuits.

More TEA!!!!

I love our tea parties!

I love to hear Trystan say, "I TINKER Bell!!!!"
She has the cutest little voice and the SWEETEST smile!!!

Memories are being made as we sip.

All my children and grandchildren have loved my tea since they were all babies.

By the time we had tea and I started dinner - the day was practically over!!!

I love to cook with rosemary! Since we left home without remembering to clip some - I strolled down the street from Amber's house where I knew there was a large bush by the mailbox of a house. I knocked on the door but no answer. Do you think they will miss these stalks??
Dinner was easy peasy! Chicken and new potatoes, garlic green beans, salad, rolls and butter. Dessert? Oreo cookies!

I didn't think I had an ounce of energy left when we got home.
Apparently I found a bit more and Louis Dean and I sat out in the gazebo with a glass of wine before calling it a day!

Today has been another busy day!! Aren't they ALL???
I have paid bills - including house taxes and all budget items - walked Lucy - for her sake and MY exercise - cleaned house - changed all bed linens - did laundry - and now have cookies in the oven baking for Louis Dean's jam session tonight! I will go to that and leave early so I can take in my oldest grandson's ball game at 8:00! I feel sure I will go straight to bed when I get back home!

As busy as I am these days, I often stop and remind myself that being busy is a blessing.
Someday I will be too old and frail to do all that I do now.  I will look back on these days with longing. If there is any one thing I have have learned in life - so far! - it is to savour and enjoy the moments and experiences NOW! Today is all we have. Now. We may not have tomorrow. I want to remember the past with no regrets. I want to live today as if it were my last.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” 
― Bil Keane

“The history of yesterday, and the mysterys of tomorrow will never defeat me when I share the gift of today with others, because inside I know that I am based on a true story” 
― Fwah Storm


  1. Great post! LOOOOOVE the pics of the babies, the one of Trystan smiling is gorgeous and that one of Logan looking back in the mirror is so cute. I'm so glad you get to enjoy these days with the kids as much as I'm glad they get to enjoy them with you and LD. These are the exact type of memories I'd hoped we'd all get to make when Mike and I started our family. Little did we know it'd be four at once... ;)

  2. You always have a busy day and that is good! You are right -- we have only today. We don't know what tomorrow may bring. I think as you do that someday I will look back on today as a good time in my life.

  3. Your Quad days are so fun to hear about. Please tell us more about LD's jam sessions. Pictures?

    Jane xx

  4. The ladybug is my favorite (big surprise) you sure pack the most into your days!

  5. How on earth do you keep Louis Dean's socks white? I see so many pictures of him in his sock feet. I cringe thinking about keeping them white.

    Love your blog. Every day I look forward to seeing what you've been up to.

  6. Hi Linda, I read this carefully, all of it and the whole darn time I'm thinkin', how in the world did those babies get so big?? Has it been that long since I have visited??

    I am exhausted and a tad ashamed after reading would take me a month do do all of this!!

    Dinner looks amazing, I was hoping there was a recipe as on dish meals are my favorites.....

    And I would love to have a two year old to cuddle with, it's been such a long time for me!!

  7. They are just too sweet! But I am tired just thinking about a day with four two-year-olds! Glad you still find the energy to document your days!

  8. Fun, Fun, Fun! I love the dress up & tea party:) not to mention the adorable children. Trystan' s picture @ the mirror is one that should be enlarged & framed:) Good job MeMaw!

  9. I so much agree with you. Time goes so much faster and is so much more precious as we got older. We need to LIVE in and enjoy each minute as it comes. You seem so much like me in many ways.I adore the first mirror picture, that one is my favorite! I knew they would love the outfits! Sleeping with a two year old...the sweet smell of their hair, soft skin, little toes and fingers, relaxed face and sweet breaths, their baby skin on your is HEAVEN. Not much can be better.

  10. P.S. I've been forgetting to tell you how much I like your fall background! and also the cool way your camera makes videos into pictures!!

  11. What a marvelous day you had Linda! The pictures of the babies are priceless....great photography! I think I need to learn your tea recipe...must be where you get your boundless energy! Love the post!

  12. My grands love dressing up too, I have a big bin of dress up clothes and they'll dig it out and find things to wear. Enjoy!!!! Dinner looks GOOD!!!! Yes, we should be thankful that we can do all we can now, b/c one never knows.

  13. What wonderful memories you are making with the quads:)

  14. Linda, I love reading your blog. It's like joining in on all the fun times. The children are growing up so fast. You are a wonderful blessing in their lives. Hope your weekend is fun and some relaxing. xoxo,Susie

  15. So much love and positivity coming from this post Linda! You are amazing! X

  16. You are so bad. LOL I really doubt the neighbor will miss a few sprigs of rosemary.
    That picture of Trystan looked like a Mike smile.
    All the pictures are so cute.
