Thursday, September 25, 2014

Riding the Rails

We are having a ball here in Colorado! Yesterday morning we left Manitou Springs for the 45 drive down Highway 115 to Canon City where we rode  the train through the Royal Gorge.

It was a great way to celebrate my birthday!

Louis Dean says he is always waiting on a woman!
This time he was waiting for the train!

We had seats in the Vista Dome car.

We sat across from a couple of newly weds from Indiana. They were so cute!
They tooks pics of us and we took pics of them!

I could get used to the motion of a train!

Louis Dean is always flirting with a cute girl!!

After we got back to the motel we took a good nap!
The altitude is a bit hard on Louis Dean. We were both bone tired so I think it is affecting me some, as well. We just walked across the street to a little diner for our dinner last night. We were the ONLY customers in there! While I went back to bed as soon as we returned to our room - Louis Dean stayed up til the wee hours of the morning. For some reason he couldn't sleep so he listened to and studied his music.

Every morning I make a quart pitcher of icd tea and stick it in the ice chest so we can drink from it all day. The air is so dry up here and we seem to stay thirsty!
Today we are going to eat lunch at The Airplane Restaurant! It is actually IN an airplane!
That should be fun! From there we will spend the remainder of the day up on Cheyenne Mountain.
I have my book and he has his guitar. The ice chest is loaded with snacks and sandwich fixings so we can eat a picnic lunch while we are up there. It's been fun to do something special everyday. Tomorrow will be our final full day here. We plan to head home Saturday morning.

I am loving our Colorado Vacation!!!


  1. Planes, trains and automobiles. You've got it all covered this trip. :) What fun.

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful day!

  3. I love riding the rails. So much fun! I'm so glad you are having such a wonderful vacation. Late happy birthday to you!

  4. Linda, This is a great birthday trip for you. I know you two are seeing and enjoying all the pretty mountain views. I have only had two train rides...that was into and out of Chicago...I truly loved it. Oh I have taken the downtown train into Chicago from the suburbs before, many years ago. Keep having fun and take care of each other. xoxo,Susie

  5. What a fabulous time to vacation in the beautiful state of Colorado. Hope you are have a wonderful birthday trip...sure looks like fun!!! Y'all enjoy!!!

  6. What a great trip to take for your birthday! It is good to have a change of scene and pace. Keep on having fun!

  7. Happy Birthday Linda, Many Happy Returns! X

  8. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You look SO pretty in the picture here you are holding iced tea. Gosh, it seems like you just got there, and now you have to go! I can't wait to see you in the train restaurant!! You are very organized and have everything.all fixed up nicely, you are like me. The Quads will be over the moon to see you.

  9. What a way to celebrate a birthday. Nothing more beautiful and loads of things to do and see in Colorado. Stay safe.

  10. I have never been to CO. I've heard how beautiful it is (and dry). My husband went on a fishing trip there many years ago with some other guy friends. He loved it and said he thought that I would too. It's been fun following you on vacation.

  11. Happy late Birthday Linda! I was born in Colorado, a little town called Montrose over the mountains in the desert part. We immigrated to Canada when I was 6 months old. Still love it though, lots of relatives there all throughout the State. I am so glad you are having a good time, you deserve it!

  12. I've done all this and loved it! I'm so glad you two are having a wonderful trip! Yes, the altitude can get to you...take it easy and stay hydrated. Are you drinking water too? The ice tea can cause well as coffee.

    Happy belated birthday sweet lady! You look so cute ~


  13. You both look so cute:) so happy you two are having so much fun ❤️

  14. Looks like two love birds had lots of fun
