Friday, September 12, 2014

Jam Session, Cooler Temps, Visit With Mother, First Fall Fire - I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!

Louis Dean has been going to a jam session at a local rec center on Thursday evenings.
Last night Ruth Ann and I went to hear them play.

It touched my heart to see how much this meant to him!
Bet I'm up there again NEXT Thursday!

Louis Dean dedicated 'Just Look at Us' to his 'Beautiful Blond!'
Now if that's not romantic I don't know what is!!!
I tried to video more of the song but people kept walking behind him so this was all I got -
the ending!

My big accomplishment Thursday was putting the garland and lights up after Louis Dean nailed the trim in place. I started hanging 'debris' up years and years ago to hide ugly spots or broken places.
If something looked unattractive - I just hid it under garland or bows or whatever!
For many, many years that's the way I handled the ugliness of Life. I covered it up and was pretty good at it. Now under that lighted garland is a firm foundation of stained and sealed wood trim.
I no longer cover things up in shame which is far different from the scripture that tells us,
"Love covereth all sins." I think about this every time I 'redeem' another broken place in the house or another area of my life. 

We came home last night and sat out on the driveway for a couple of HOURS!
We were still out there at midnight when the cooler weather blew in.
It was worth staying up for!!!

This morning started early - and you know I don't 'do' mornings well!!
We downed one cup of coffee each and then dressed and hit the road to Fort Worth.

I was glad to see Mother and she was glad to see me!!
I think it's been a month since I had last seen her!
I did a few errands on the way to Cotton Patch Cafe.

That's where Mother and Louis Dean usually go when he picks her up from the beauty salon.

We had just been in Stein Mart which is in the same shopping center as the cafe. We got to chatting with the lady who was checking us out - and the lady in line behind us - and they recommended the potato soup! I ordered it and was glad I did! It was delicious!! Perfect for the cooler temps today!

Mother LOVES their chicken and dumplings!

Louis Dean defiantly ordered the DINNER portion of Chicken Fried Steak!
Just because he COULD, I suppose!

It's always such a treat to look around at all the interesting things in Nita and Mike's home!
Mike is quite a collector and is constantly changing up the displays.After leaving Mother we visited my sister, Deanie, at her temporary home.
She and Charlie sold their house and much of their 'stuff'' and are about to look for a new place and start another adventure. Deanie and I got to talking and catching up and I totally forgot to take our picture! I need to take pics of my siblings. It's important. We just recently got over my brother's brush with cancer. I want to take more pictures when we're together.

I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to SHIVER slightly as the temps fell this afternoon.
Louis Dean and I decided to shop Walmart before heading home.
I found M&M's Candy Corn! I restocked my supply of the real thing and filled up all my candy dishes. SOME ONE'S been nibbling the corn!!  I confess! It is I!!

While I put the groceries and things away Louis Dean started our first fall fire!!

I fixed us a simple supper of fresh French bread, sliced cheese, slices of pork loin (thank you, Stephanie!!)  onions, tomatoes and potato chips. We ate in the gazebo where we could gaze at the fire. LOVE the smell of a wood fire!!!

While I am not usually a red wine drinker, I enjoyed this one tonight!
We came out here about 6:30 and it is now after 9:00.
It's chilly and the fire has died down now.
I think it is time to go to bed.
Perhaps we will leave the patio door open to this cool fall air!
That will be a refreshing change from the A/C we have been sleeping under for months now!


  1. Your joy is contagious! What a pleasure music brings to so many, I can see Louis Dean's smiling face. We are at the lake installing closet systems and the temperature is supposed to drop to 42 tonight. I welcome the change in seasons and a slower pace. I am craving a big pot of ham n beans and a houseful of hungry eaters! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. That potato soup looks delicious. I love potato soup! Thanks for the video of LD singing. He's really good.

    I haven't gotten any candy corn yet. I haven't even seen it around here. I'm sure there's some out there. I just have to look.

  3. I want to go to your house for supper Linda and may take mother along too, so we can all have fun, lol! I also love music and LD's singing, how wonderful for you.
    Enjoy your weekend lovely family.

  4. Hello, Dear Lady! I've missed you and that's all my fault. Good to catch up. And very good that you are having some cool weather. That fire looks like it was fun, and what a nice dinner you made! And as always, you are keeping busy, making memories and sharing them in your own unique story telling way!

    Yes, do take some pictures of your siblings, even if you're not all together at once. You need to sort them out for us! I think I've asked you that before...I get mixed up when you write about each one.

    Love to you and enjoy these carefree days of (almost) fall! :)

    Jane x

  5. I'm glad you have so much real beauty in your life ! You deserve every bit of it! I sure miss you!

  6. So many happy moments in your day! And no, there can not possibly be more romantic than LD singing those songs for her lady whom he loves so much. Priceless.

  7. Your fire is lovely and your house is magical! Warm and powerful with so many things to gaze upon. I like your owl. I went shopping today and got several kinds of owls for fall. I love your fridge, where did you get those magnets? The soup looks really delicious! I wish we had a restaurant like that here. And your fabulous dinner, yum!

  8. Just lost a long comment. will be back later to redo. it. In the and hugs.

    1. I hate it when that happens!!! Sometimes I even COPY my comment - just in case! Happy Saturday, Dear Wanda!!

  9. You are one of the happiest, most loved ladies, ever. :) I am sooo happy to know this.
