Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello, SEPTEMBER!!! I Have Been WAITING For You!!

My favorite day of the year arrived and I have enjoyed every single minute of it!!

As soon as I woke up I hit the brew switch on my coffee pot and turned the oven on to bake a first batch of fruitcake cookies. Neil Diamond was already singing September Morn as I lit a special fall scented candle.
Every September I get down Autumn Across America by Edwin Way Teale. I pick up where I left off the year before and just keep reading through it.

This day was everything I hoped it would be.

The fruitcake cookies turned out delicious!

This is my 29th year to make them.

After coffee and reading I mixed up the Pumpkin Spice Muffins.

I filled some tins with cookies and bagged up some muffins for friends, neighbors and family.

Two dear friends came by to visit and pick up their goody bags.
June loves the fruitcake cookies more than anyone I know and I always give her the biggest tin chock full of them.
Her daughter, Kimmy, loves the Pumpkin Muffins so that bag goes to her.
I enjoyed showing them all the videos of the quads and catching up with each other.

Our dinner tonight was a fall friendly meal of roast, carrots and potatoes.
Never mind that it was 97 degrees today!

Most of the decorating has been done. 
Only Louis Dean's bathroom was left and I did that late this afternoon.
He's not thrilled with the debris in there but , like I told him, it could be worse!
Wednesday is the echo cardiogram so we will be in Quadville tomorrow.
I promised Louis Dean a little drive way sitting time with a glass of wine but bedtime is at 10:00!
Morning comes early and I am so NOT good with them so I need to get plenty of rest!
It's quiet out there tonight. The locust were especially loud today. They know the season is changing.
I am so READY for it!!!


  1. Sounds like a lovely day. I'll be praying for LDs test. The echo is nothing. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I listened to September Morn in honor of you.

  2. I thought about you off and on today...I swear I could hear Neil Diamond in the

  3. Tell me about Autumn Across America, what kind of book is it? You are doing what the bible tells us to do. Live in the present; do not look back and do not look forward. It would save a lot of stress if others would do that. The cookies and muffins look so good; I can almost smell Fall through the screen! Neil Diamond's songs are timeless, he has written so many good ones! I love beef stew, it is one of my favorite dishes!

  4. I knew you would be celebrating today!
    Is all those dates every time you have made that recipe?

  5. I can see, read, feel the excitement. I can't wait to enjoy fall through your eyes. We don't get much of that around here, ya know. :)

  6. Your September 1st is right out of a book. Martha Stewart could never keep up with you. I will be trying your cookies as I love Fruit Cake!! Saying a prayer for LD. What a special day....because of you, I pulled my Fall out today...can't do as much in a rented apt. (there are rules) but I did as much as I could and it looks nice. Tomorrow I will bake. Today I did make Molly some pumpkin dog biscuits.

  7. So many yummy things over here! Hubby would love your fruitcake cookies...he's a fan of all things fruitcake. It's beginning to feel like fall over here as well...though I must admit I'm always reluctant to see summer go! Happy Labour Day!

  8. I love the sight of a well-used recipe book. The fruitcake cookies sound so delicious Linda, will you post the recipe? X

  9. Good Morning, I have enjoyed catching up with you this morning as I drink my coffee. September starts my favorite time of the year. We always traveled to see the fall colors. Your cookies and pumpkin muffins look yummy. My son is still working in your state in the Houston area, sounds as though he may get transferred to there. He doesn't care as long as he works. Prayers are being said for you and your other half that the test goes well. It is just as stressful for the wife and the husband. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  10. Praying all goes well with the tests. Your cookies look amazing and I have to enlarge that photo of the recipe for the Fruit Cake ones...that sounds like something I might like.
    Take care and know ya'll are being prayed for.
    xo bj

  11. Happy September 1! It is like someone threw a weather switch here on Vancouver Island, was hot last week and now cooler with rain. It definitely feels like fall!

  12. This post put a big smile on my face! I love to see someone celebrate with such enthusiasm! :D I love that you make the same cookies and pumpkin muffins every year...and record the date that you made them. Such fun!

    I'll be checking back to see how your dear husband made out with his echo and followup.

  13. Love the dates all over the recipe!

  14. I love that you start Sept with Neil Diamond too! He is a long time favorite of mine and I've seen him every time he's been in this area. Even got up and went to sit/stand in line at 3 a.m. for tickets! Wouldn't do that for anyone else, that's for sure.

    I can just smell that beautiful candle and the scents from the oven. I love how you record the date each time you make the cookies/muffins. :)

    P.S. I'll stop by next Sept 1st !

  15. Poor LD you'd think by now to expect that debris. LOL
    One day I want to grow up and be like you.
    Full of life and loving
    And Dang if you don't make me hungry with all your tasty meals. ;o)
