Monday, September 8, 2014

Good Reports and I am a Quick Change Artist!

I woke up at 6:00 this morning and was standing at the window of the medical building taking this picture of the sunrise at 7:15! I don't see many sunrises!

I am happy to say I received a good report! Of course the blood work won't be back for a few days but my EKG was the same as the last one and my health is better than it was this time last year!
Praise God and thank you, Jesus!!

I was home by 9:00 and changed out of my nice clothes and into a painting smock and started back to work on the kitchen! After Louis Dean and I ate a sandwich lunch, I changed out of the painting clothes and BACK into my nice ones and we were off to see HIS doctor!

Our last photo op in a doctor's office - at least for the foreseeable future!
Louis Dean was given a VERY good report!
The doctor pronounced his heart STRONG and healthy!!!
When he had a heart attack a few years ago he was IN the heart cath lab - therefore his heart was not damaged since they were there to work on him immediately!
What a relief!!! I talked to Dr. Yeppes about that low blood pressure scare and he said I did all the right things. Kept him resting and elevated his feet, skipped his blood pressure medicine until his BP returned to more in the normal range, gave him plenty of water to stay hydrated.
We were literally SKIPPING out of the office!!

Once again I changed my clothes and started back on the painting and cleaning in the kitchen.
About 6:00 I put the nice clothes back on and touched up my make up - after all - I had put it on 12 hours ago!!!

We picked my youngest son up and took him to Joe's Crab Shack for his birthday dinner!
His birthday was in August but he has been busy and so have we.
I can't tell you how much I love having him back in Texas!
Not that we see that much of him - he is busy with his career and rightly so.
Still - just KNOWING he is close by is wonderful.
All FOUR of my children live in the DFW area and I am so blessed!!

He was sporting a t shirt he said he wore just for me!
He wished he had had this back in our homeschooling days when he was trying to EXPLAIN something. Imagine how silly of me to think he was arguing!!!


  1. I see lots of sunrises -- almost every day. That's what happens when you have to be in work early. So very glad you both had good reports from the doctors. That is such a blessing. What a treat to have dinner with Ben. I love his shirt. I can see one of my brothers wearing that.

  2. What a treat to get to see your handsome son! And so great that you both got good health reports! You have had a long day but a wonderful one. And your sunrise is so pretty in pink. I never get to see sunrises, only sunsets!

  3. What a lovely son you have Linda. Glad to hear you and Louis Dean both had good results from your health checks X

  4. Woo hoo for good results!!! You had a super busy day! Love the Tshirtt

  5. Great news for both of you and a wonderful day. :)

  6. Linda, I am happy about your good health reports. Love it. You and LD are a great looking couple too. You will need to buy a new outfit, you surely wore that one out doing your quick changes. LOL Happy birthday to your cute son . He and Amber have those dimples. xoxo,Susie

  7. So glad for the good reports! Great! You WERE a quick change artist. Your son looks like a nice man and his t-shirt is funny.

  8. Didn't know that one of your many talents was "a quick change artist". Glad for all the good reports.

  9. Oh my goodness Linda....I so related with this post today. I can't believe how many times I change clothes on some days. Living here I like to wear shorts most of the time and a tank top because it hot...but then I don't want to wear shorts to the store, or CVS, or market...and then there are those appointments... You are so cute in every picture. That son of yours is sure handsome, and love his T-Shirt. That margarita looks all that salt. Have a wonderful day, girlfriend. BTW Congratulations on the good Health Reports.

  10. So happy for you both - that was a really great day! I could use a t-shirt like that :)

  11. I am so excited to come here tonight and hear these good reports!! Praise the Lord!!

    I am smiling thinking of all the times you changed your clothes today. And you still looked great at the birthday dinner! :D

  12. Good news (twice) and a family dinner. Sounds like a perfect day.

  13. Praise God for good health reports!!!
