Tuesday, August 19, 2014

'Sunday' Overalls and a 'Normal' Tuesday!

Louis Dean has been wanting some new overalls! Saturday afternoon we drove over to the Levine's Department Store where we have been buying them only to discover it was CLOSED! As in a VACANT BUILDING! I then took him to Sears where the salesman said they did not have any in stock but could order them for him. A light bulb went on!!! We came home and he ordered FOUR pair straight from Dickies! That was Saturday evening and they arrived today (free shipping!) about 5:30 this afternoon!

He was excited!!!

AND he got a free hat!!

He is so cute!

He said they arrived just in time for him to wear a pair over to Quadville in the morning!

It was nice to have a day not laced with stress and hard work!!
Although Louis Dean DID rehang the gutters over the side of the house!
Bet they'll catch some rain now!

I picked Ruth Ann up at 10:30 this morning and we spent the day in Dallas.

This was my haul from the Goodwill.
The peach cobbler candle was especially fragrant! I burned it tonight during art class.
The little suitcase will be perfect for me to pack for Quadville. We will be going over there tomorrow and Amber will be having surgery Thursday morning on both of her knees. They will clean out the arthritis, remove a cyst and hopefully discover and repair whatever it is that is causing her so much pain. We will be staying a few nights and I thought the suitcase would come in handy. I have others but it was easier to buy this one than find and haul out what I already had!

After Goodwill Ruth Ann and I had a quick lunch at Popeye's Chicken and dashed to the movie theater (the fancy Dallas one where tickets are a whole dollar on Tuesdays!!) to see 'The Fault in Our Stars.'
I must say we would have preferred a happier movie!

We shopped at Central Market afterwards and I discovered they carry Stello D'oro!
I LOVE these with my morning coffee but haven't seen them in forever!
Now I know where to find them!
We bought a Blueberry/Cranberry Muffin to split and we ate it in the little cafe area.
We keep saying we are going to go there for lunch someday!
The food - Oh, the FOOD is amazing!!!

Our house is secure with two sheets of plywood bolted together from the INSIDE!

I told Louis Dean we could save some money and just paint the plywood and add trim!!

I have gone through the umpteen sacks of fall decorations and now have the 10 tubs stacked neatly on the patio outside our bedroom door. I will be unloading and decorating from these closer to September.  I found this Spider Man in the trash as I was on a morning walk some years ago. He's getting a little faded now. Maybe I need a LARGE black marker to brighten him up! Or I may just let him fade away......

Sherry and Ruth Ann came for art tonight. I finished the snow trees and they finished their bluebonnets and cactus paintings. We may miss a Tuesday or two and then we will be starting our Christmas painting - Santa Kneeling at the Manger.

After we cleaned up the art table I set it for a fall dinner.
It may be 100 degrees and it may not cool off for a few more weeks but I am more than ready for FALL!
And I must say, I have totally enjoyed this 'normal' Tuesday.
However, I am also totally tired and think I will sleep well tonight!


  1. Yes, LD is cute indeed and yes, your maindoor looks like it is safe inside. In Finland we need thick doors but that is mostly due to the hard winter. Our is so thick you would be amazed! And true wood. When we lived in the house we had a door with glass beside it but had to have an other door and foyer after it otherwise it would have cost us too much in heating way. Well, I am so happy to learn you had an uneventful day when talking about major insidents! Please do enjoy the warm evening in your gazebo! Hugs.

  2. I beg you and readers pardon due to my bad English and mostly typos. It is not because I am an unable person but due to I am in a hurry always and a non Enlish speaking person with ability of four languages. I know Linda does know this but not sure you all did. Well, as said life in the L & LD goes well and we all are very happy about that! Hugs.

  3. Your fall table is beautiful!!! And your painted trees look almost alive. To me, like a snowy Russian woods. My grandmother loved Stella D'oro and so introduced me to them! They still sell them at our grocery store, Martins. But only a very few varieties,maybe three kinds. I think I will have to get some now. Louis Dean is so cute! And I see your dog is also anxious to see what is in the box! So sad to see an old favorite closed down. Empty storefronts are altogether sad. They are a big loss of jobs too.

  4. Linda even your quiet days are very busy! Always exciting to have a parcel delivered, esp with a free cap! X

  5. You are a busy lady! Louis Dean is so cute!

  6. That sounds like Busy Tuesday to me! Louis Dean looks very happy with his overalls and hat - like Christmas in August!

  7. I'd sleep good after a tuesday like that too! It's nice that Louis Dean is so easily pleased. i do love the faded Spiderman! Hope your wednesday is just as nice as tuesday was.

  8. Linda, LD did look like a boy at Christmas. :):) He's such a good man. I know you were happy to have a calm day. I am going to be praying for Amber. Breaks my heart for what she has to go through. I love the painting. And the little dinner table setting. You made me laugh about the door. But you could be onto something. Blessings for a fun day at the Quads house. xoxo,Susie

  9. Oh that brainstorm of yours is giving me one, too! Thanks. Your painting... Trees in Snow...is so peaceful. That's the one for Robert, right? Life is about to get real busy for a bit. We're praying for all you folks and a good result for Amber!

  10. Your door looks festive even without the window! I can't wait to see your finished painting, it is beautiful just the way it is!

  11. Oh My!!
    I was out of town for a few days and missed all the "excitement". Sorry to read about all the water and the aftermath, but glad things are getting back to order now. What an awful feeling to have water EVERYWHERE all of a sudden. God bless you, GF.

  12. I have no clue how you do all these things in one day! Your art is beautiful and I love the table setting. I'm so ready for fall & cooler temps.


  13. Prayers that Amber's surgery goes well
    Your table setting is beautiful :)
