Friday, August 22, 2014

Crazy Photo Shoot and Chilling With Amber!

The quadruplets are accustomed to getting their pictures taken.
Like their mother - they have grown up with the camera and know the routine!
This morning the babies had BOTH of their grandmothers with them and they were in heaven!

It is well nigh impossible to get a group shot that is good of everyone!!

What can we do???

Only Harrison seemed to stay in the same position!
This sequence was snap snap snap!!

The kids enjoyed one more visit with Maggie!

The funny thing is - I loaded her cat box and food along with my suitcase and bags.
Then after loading Amber and her stuff - I drove away - forgetting all about the cat! Again!
The good thing is we were at the Sonic close to Quadville when we remembered. Poor thing!

Back to our earlier photo shoot!

I was trying for four little quadlings in a row......
Kind of like the one I took of them out in the yard on Wednesday.

Kailey was bored.....

Logan was doing her gymnastics.......

I think this was the best one of all! But Trystan's eyes are shut!

Amber did really well last night getting up the stairs. She spent a fairly comfortable night in her own bed.
AND she managed to get DOWN the stairs this morning with no problem by stepping down sideways.

She gathered her babies to her and they said their goodbyes.

I brought her home with me and settled her in the den where we proceeded to watch movies the rest of the day! Movies complete with popcorn and cokes!

I made us a salad supper as we continued our Movie Marathon!
Amber is getting around well and even did a few of her therapy exercises.
I am encouraging her to stay ahead of the pain if possible.
She is pretty impressive! While I'm sure she misses her babies - I think the peace and quiet is good for her.

Louis Dean drove over to Fort Worth this morning to pick my mother up at the hairdressers and take her to lunch. The cafe doesn't open until 11:00 and he picked Mother up at 10:00. Since they had an hour he thought he would go to Sam's for a few things - but they got lost and ended up on a brand  new toll road that just opened up. He had no clue where he was or where the road would take him......but he told my mother,
"Pauline, I don't know WHERE we are or WHERE we're going BUT I have a full tank of gas and we have all the time in the world and no one to tell us what to do!"
He said Mother just threw back her head and laughed out loud!!!
They had a ball and he told me she laughed and giggled all the way!!!

All in all I would say that this has been a pretty good Friday!!


  1. So happy allis going well! Your cutie pies are on the move

  2. That Amber is one tough gal!
    Glad she's home with you so you can take care of her
    We never get too old to need our mom's

  3. I hope Amber continues to heal - she has the best nurse a girl can have!

  4. With all that love flowing her way Amber is sure to get well soon. I get lost all the time when I am driving, even with a sat.nav. I have no sense of direction atall! X

  5. I am sure Amber will recuperate much quicker at your house....she's a lucky young woman to have you and Louis Dean to take care of her. I can not imagine having quads!!!! Oh my.....they sure are cute tho!

  6. I will be praying for Amber. Hope she recovers quickly. She is an amazing young lady.

  7. Since you are amazing, it does not surprise me that your daughter is amazing. Yes, it is never good to chase pain. Looks as if you know how to enjoy a quiet day...watching movies and snacking.

    Louis Dean is a peach of a son-in-law. Your mother thinks the world of him so, of course, they know how to have a fun adventure. I'm sure that there's more to that story, too.

    I don't know how you'll get studio style photos of those active quads...bribery doesn't work on two-year olds, does it? LOL!

  8. Linda, Poor LD, bless his good natured. Your mom too. In the traffic these days it almost takes two people to navigate. I am so glad Amber is doing so well. I am like you, I think she needs the quiet, not to be stressed that she can't run to the needs of the children, at this time. She is one brave girl ! I am always amazed at what all she does every day. She deserves mini breaks even when she is well. LOL ...Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  9. LD just cracked me up saying that to your mom! What a hoot and a great attitude. So glad to hear that Amber is recovering well from her surgery. I know you are spoiling her rotten! She isn't going to want to go back home now.

  10. Well, we all love our children. But if we are sick or healing from surgery, we do much better without them just for awhile. To be able to sleep and eat whenever you want. AND have a mom to help you when you need her. The quads look sad when they have to try and be still. And I like he candid shots better than posed...when they are just all over the place! It shows their personalities better! If you want them to be still, try holding a piece of candy or a chip or something in front of them, then tell them they have to be still in order to get it!

  11. Great photos! Hugs and prayers for all ~


  12. Your post make me miss my mother oh . so . much. Amber is blessed and I know she knows it.

  13. This post makes me think of my recent attempt to photograph 3 dogs. 2 would cooperate the other did his own thng. Not comparing the kids to dogs but just experience of geting everyone to cooperate. LOL
