Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday is Our FUN Day!

Ruth Ann and I always run around together on Tuesdays! Sometimes we make our plans the day  before but as often as not we call each other shortly after we get up and have that first cup of coffee to decide what we want to do! Today we had pedicures! We BOTH picked PINK polish! Neither one of us usually choose pink so it was kind of funny we both did today!

For lunch we went right next door from the nail salon to 
They specialize in Argentinian empanadas and BOY-OH-BOY!!! They were delicious!! Ruth Ann and I each ordered two and then we split those so we had FOUR different kind! We will definitely be going back there! It was time to pick up my friend, Reaoma, for the movies!

THIS is what we WANTED to see!!!
We arrived right at the time for it to start and nearly every seat was filled!
We could not find three together so we went to Plan B!

This was a cute film and uplifting. We enjoyed it but will try for our first choice again next week and we will arrive EARLY in order to get good seats!

We made only one thrift store stop and I only found TWO things!!
A gallon sized zip lock bag chock full of sharpened pencils!!!
Louis Dean is always looking for a pencil!
I also found one really nice replacement cushion for Louis Dean's chair in the gazebo.
He loves it!!

I came home and put jumbo baking potatoes in the oven.
Ruth Ann brought over the cheese and sour cream and that's what we had for supper.
You can't go wrong with a good baked potato!

It was just Ruth Ann and I painting tonight!
I put the final glaze on my cactus and bluebonnets.

I  pretty much finished this Italian style painting.
There's something about it that I just love!

We also started planning on this year's Santa painting.

Ruth Ann and I both really like this one!
We hope to start it as soon as RA finishes her bluebonnet one!
I will be painting TWO of them - one for my Santa wall and one for the Fort Worth Family Chinese Christmas Tree gift exchange.

I also want to paint this one and make it look like Louis Dean and me!!
That should be fun!!

I have one more Santa to do for my sister, Nita's, birthday in November so I better get BUSY!


  1. Your Italian picture is full of golden sunshine, inviting steps and beautiful plants. I want to go there and just stand and soak it in; and also go up those steps.The bluebonnets and the wheel are equally beautiful! I hope you will be hanging them and do not put them away! I read the book "Heaven Is For Real" and I also saw an interview with the boy and his dad.

  2. I want to see a close up of your bluebonnet picture. I've enjoyed watching you do that one. The Italian picture is incredible. Everything Ginny said goes for me too. I think the Mr. & Mrs. Santa is going to be cute with you and LD as the characters.

    Sorry you didn't get to see the movie. I just got it out of the library yesterday and plan on watching it on my vacation next week. Rio 2 is on my list to see also. You always find something to watch, don't you?

  3. I have been craving a big baked potato and seeing yours only intensified it. Yum! Your paintings - the blurbonnets and the Italian - are beautiful. Did you study art or is this a gift that you paint so well?? I hope you do the you and LD LOOK-alike painting. That would be so adorable. But I LOVE the Santa bowing to Jesus. I would love to own that.

  4. Beautiful paintings and your lunch looks so yummy. I keep hoping to make some of these empanadas.

  5. Linda, I love baked potatoes for a quick and light supper too. Some times I will put the last of some sloppy joes on it with cheese. Love all the paintings you have chosen to do. I told everyone what a great painter you are.:):) blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. I think your Italian painting looks like the stain in your laundry room, golden with highlights. It's just lovely. Your paintings have so much character. I painted a partridge in a pear tree last year. I need to do something new.

  7. I always enjoy seeing your paintings and I'm always amazed at how very talented you are. Can't wait to see the Santa painting of you and LD. What a great idea!

  8. I'd love to watch Heaven is for Real. I might have to try and see it soon. My dad said the book was wonderful.

    I love the idea of you painting the Mr. and Mrs. Clause like you and Louis Dean. That will be precious :)

  9. mmmm which painting do I like best. Wow I like them all. That will be too cute to have mr and mrs claus in your likeness. Can't wait to see it.
    You are so talented.
    "Heaven is for Real" was one of book club choices this month. I need to get my book soon. Tried yesterday but Half Price Books was sold out.
    But I want to see the movie too.

  10. Do you by chance know who the artist is, who painted Santa kneeling at the manger? By far my favorite one I've seen! Thank you!
