Thursday, July 10, 2014

MiMi Camp 2014: Day 4

We got up at at 'em yesterday morning!! Up early (as in before 7 am!) and loaded the truck and headed out the ranch gate at 8:30! Right on schedule!

We stopped for breakfast at the diner in Mart......

only ONE waitress so we had plenty of time to do a photo shoot while we waited for our food.
Levi was such a good sport! He ordered a short stack of pancakes and they FINALLY arrived a full 10 minutes after the rest of us were served. Faith graciously offered her has browns to him to munch on while he waited.

The we made the drive to Quadville! We arrived WITH three kids, AND our dog and our cat!!
My sister and Mother and great niece were already there! It was a PARTY!!!

Deanie had picked up a TON of chicken nuggets and fries for lunch! While the quads napped the older ones were settled down in the living room with comfy denim quilts and Aunt Amber ordered the Lego movie for them.

After everyone was settled Amber and Deanie went off to Starbucks for a good visit with no interruptions!
I am so happy Amber is close to Deanie. It just makes me smile and feel good to see how much they love each other.

So I held down the fort while they were gone!

This is Mother letting me know SHE wants a quilt, too!!!

There! All better now!!!

While Amber and Deanie were at Starbucks having coffee - a visit long enough that they ordered TWO drinks apiece!!! - Mother and I had coffee, too!!

Just about the time I was heading to the guest room bed for a little rest - the movie was over and the race was on again! The babies woke up and we brought them down to the playroom.

Deanie and Amber arrived back shortly after that and Deanie proceeded to entertain us with a hilarious skit!!!

Deanie and Andie!

This was so funny!!

After all that laughing we herded everyone outside for some bubbles, chalk and Popsicle time!

That's a lot of people in the front yard!
I bet the neighbors thought we were having a party!!

It was a busy day and I think Mother enjoyed watching all the action!

Andie and Faith were GREAT with the quads and so much help!!

Who KNEW Popsicles these days were so GOOD????
My favorite was the coconut!!!

EVERYONE liked them - kids AND adults!!!!

Along about this time I was getting tired and didn't snap any more photos.
I could have shown you what novices Louis Dean and I were at cooking hamburgers on a gas grill!!
Baths for the quads followed dinner and then a little down time as we regrouped and loaded up the kids, cat and dog and headed home. The house was hot but thankfully with the central air and all the window units blasting it cooled off fairly quickly! We unloaded and the kids took showers while Granddad filled up the air mattress which successfully turned the guest room into a wall to wall BED!!!
After Sam, Faith and Levi were asleep I quietly slipped in and left water bottles and snacks for when they woke up. This is a tradition in MiMi Camp and one the kids reminded me of before we said our prayers and turned out the lights!

Two more days until MiMi Camp comes to a close!


  1. The stamina of an ox! That's how I think of you. One day the grands will know how absolutely amazing you are, if they don't already. So much fun for the cousins to have time together!

    1. I am still laughing over the restless leg syndrome...what a fun skit!

  2. I missed that skit - that's hilarious! Love me some Aunt Deanie :)

  3. Such a fun Mimi Camp this year! I don't know how you do it. I would be exhausted by now. I'm so glad you take videos. In the future everyone will be looking to see how people moved and sounded. Have a good next two days!

  4. What great fun! Deanie is hilarious,plus very flexible! When she starts showing her exercises, the quads are so interested! You are so beautiful, even in the morning, which these breakfast pictures attest to! I'll have to get me some of those coconut Popsicles!

  5. Linda, What a busy fun day. It looked like everyone was having fun. I love the darn funny. I bet you slept like a log.:):) Wishing everyone more fun at camp. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. those kids are such pretty kids too.

  6. You are going to need a Mimi vacation from all the activity of your camp!

  7. Summer fun! I wish I had your energy level! I didn't even know they had coconut popsicles. Have fun at MiMi camp!

  8. My goodness, another busy fun filled day. Your going to be exhausted my friend!!! I LOVE that picture of your Mother and the quilt. She has the prettiest smile. I'm sure you all had a blast all together in one place. I can't imagine just how much fun you all have :)

  9. You're such a good Mimi. Love all the pictures. There was no doubt that you mom was cold. Glad you can read your mom so well.
