Monday, July 7, 2014

MiMi Camp 2014: Day 2

It has been a good second day of MiMi Camp! We all slept very well last night! Louis Dean used sleeping bags to make his nest on the wooden bed platform in the  bedroom while I slept on the sofa bed and Levi on the floor in a sleeping bag. The mattress is STILL on top of the truck so we will have the same sleeping arrangement tonight with LEVI in the top bunk and SAM on the floor!

When Louis Dean and I woke up the kids were already down in the meadow with the goats!
Faith was good in leaving us a note telling us where they were!

Sam entered the goat pen and was surprised when they got OUT!!
He quickly chained them and waited for Uncle Dean to tell him what to do!

The goats are secured in whatever area they need to be cleared!
These goats LOVE poison ivy AND Sherry's flowers!
That being said - we try to keep them where they want the area to be grazed!

Today was a fun day of fishing!

Levi caught 27 fish!!!!
(Albeit some were very small - they were still FISH!!)

Uncle Dean - our super star host here at his ranch!!!
After spending the morning fishing with Uncle Dean we retired to the camper with the A/C at full blast!
Lunch and 'quiet time!' This lasted nearly 2 hours while the kids rested and I read to them.

Then it was BACK to fishing!!!

I think this must be their favorite part!!


That and the critters!

The kids are having a ball!!

Tonight we went down to the meadow to watch Uncle Dean hold a Karate lesson with a couple of his students.

We watched and then the baby goat 'butted' in!!!

Faith and I did a denim craft while the boys were off exploring.

Karate lesson on weapons.

Another good day in MiMi Camp!!!

Tomorrow - The ZOO and Dr Pepper Museum!!!

A special thanks to our grandson, Robert! He arrived today and helped so much in making this a FUN day!!!


  1. This is the best Mimi Camp ever!

  2. Love the picture with the tree! They have lots of different kinds of animals, did I even see a turkey? I cannot wait to see the zoo and the Dr.Pepper Museum! My son and best friend are totally addicted to it!

  3. I love this post! All the pic' s are great but my favorite is Levi & the goat w/ Faith in the background. You can see that they are having a wonderful time:)

  4. Every helper on the team makes it so much better. Have another fun day today! Not sure about those sleeping arrangements, but perhaps that mattress will dry out eventually.

  5. Linda, Levi is going to be a good fishing pal to LD. Those goats will entertain the kids. LOL. It's nice that Robert could come be with all of you. Wishing everyone a fun day. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. Mimi Camp 2014!!!
    I am late due to all of the wedding activities!
    How wonderful is this post!
    The images of "Kiddos" and the "Kritters" are so precious!
    ( I was sorry to read about the leak in the camper!)
    You have the most wonderful way of turning lemons into lemonade, my friend!

  7. Always enjoy these camp posts!

  8. It looks like fun - have fun with all your grands!

  9. Looks like you have a crew full of fisherman on your hands!!!

  10. Aww cute Kids. Both Kids --- furry and furless. LOL

    Looks hot too
