Thursday, June 19, 2014

Seeing Life Through the Eyes of Children!! *Warning!* Photo OVERload!!

I arrived in Quadville Wednesday morning looking like an old fashioned pack horse loaded down with bounty!

That little white chair I picked up in Mart, Texas has come in unbelievably handy!!!

Kailey took right to the vanity table - as I knew she would. First she thought it was a climbing toy!

Harrison liked his fire truck.
Little did I know it was a remote one with no remote!
Oh, well.......

The doll baby bed was a hit with the girls.
Trystan immediately started putting her doll babies in it!

Of the three girls, it is Trystan that seems to know how to appropriately play with any toy!

They were so sweet with their little baby dolls!

Harrison enjoyed the doll bed, too!

This is Trystan's 'I am concentrating on  my Bubble Guppies show' look!

Around and around she goes.....

Kailey showed her maternal instinct and wrapped her baby up in a handmade baby blanket......

Granddad arrived a little bit after I did.
He always wants to make his own grand entrance!

They DO love SHOES!!

They sure do love Granddad and his music, too!

I am still using at least one old recipe from my card collection every week.
This one was from the grandmother of one of the little boys in my Sunday School class.
I believe he is now serving our country as a soldier.

Corn Casserole as only Mrs. White could make.
Hers  was MUCH better than mine!

My BBQ brisket was pretty darn good though!

Little hands are reaching higher these days.

They have learned to step on things to gain new heights!
This prompted Amber to purchase more safety aids for drawers and the stove and oven.
Hard to keep your eye on all FOUR at the same time!

It rained before and during dinner but stopped soon after.
This was a fine time to go outside and enjoy the fresh rain washed air!

See how handy my little chair is?

So much to see and explore!
They loved seeing the wind blowing the trees and  when they picked up a leaf and let it go - the wind would sweep it away!


Sweet Trystan!

Trystan LOVES dirt!!! Doesn't every child?

Mamas - not so much! Amber is a good sport and if it makes the babies happy and isn't harmful - she's all on board!

Look at her on her tippy toes!

Kailey is doing her yoga stretches while Trystan is so into the DIRT!!

Sweet Logan needs a bath.....

They all do!!

This may have been the first time a pre-bath rinse and nail brushes were necessary!

SO worth it to see them enjoying nature!

After this photo we all went inside and cleaned up!

It was a GOOD day in Quadville! Every day is a GOOD day there!

Skip to Thursday (today).....

Shades of Beverly Hillbillies as we prepare for our camping trip to Mineral Wells State Park!

Louis Dean is a master packer!!! He learned it from Jerel Dogget, his beloved father in law and father to to his beloved first wife, Ellen.

All the sleeping bags will be wrapped around the ice chests in the morning!

Can we get ANYTHING extra in there???

Yes!!! Two Razors that Sherry brought over!
We are going to have so much FUN!!!

Our last thing on the 'To Do' list.....water the plants!


  1. Those lights are beautiful! How long will you be gone? My favorite today is the girls gathered around the new baby bed! AND Harrison inside it!

  2. Love all the pics of the babies with their new toys and in the dirt! It was a great way to end our day.

  3. Linda, were you a girl scout? You are always prepared! I am trying to be more like that these days, thinking and planning ahead saves so much time and energy. The babies are so cute, my favorite is them watching the leaf blow away in the wind. The time goes by so fast when they are little. I hope you find more goodies at the thrift store! They always bring BIG smiles! Have a great day!

  4. Bet that the kids love seeing you arrive never knowing what goodies are in store! Have fun camping this weekend!

  5. Linda, I truly enjoy visiting your blog to share in all the love. Your family has plenty of love. Those little ones love their grandparents so much. LD is like a big kid himself , when he is with them. I hear him singing ditties to them. I hope you have a fun safe camping trip. Take care, xoxo,Susie

  6. I absolutely love seeing the pictures of the Quads! My two little ones stay dirty. I say dirty kids are happy kids. Sounds like Amber and I have that in common for sure :)

    Hope you two enjoy your camping trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. Have a lovely trip, LInda. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  8. I think that's the first time I've seen the Quads in the dirt like. Too cute.
    Oh and I love how Harrison got in to the doll bed
    Love how LD packs. LOL
