Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rain, Coffee, Games, Exploring, Swimming, Fishing, Camp Food and Camp Fires and S'mores!!

The thunder and hard rain woke us up from deep sleep in the early hours of Sunday morning! I staggered out in the downpour to let Lucy out of her kennel. I confess to breaking the rules and letting her sleep out the rest of the night in the corner of the shelter on an old sleeping bag.

The plans were for Andie to text me when she woke up so she and I could watch the sun rise.
After the rain started I knew there would BE no 'sunrise' so I went back to sleeping soundly!

This little coffee pot was a life saver!!
I had to fill it THREE times to get TWO decent cups of coffee but, HEY!!
We DID get coffee!!!

Trish and Andie joined us in our shelter while Deanie slept in!
She totally missed the REAL bacon and eggs and pancakes we had for breakfast!
I think her extra sleep was worth it, though!

It RAINED!!! And RAINED!!! AND rained!!!!

I passed the time braiding Andie's lush THICK hair!!!

Then Deanie, Andie and I sat and chatted and watched the birds that are nesting in the screened window of their shelter while Trish napped.

The whole purpose of a camping trip is to unwind and relax so we can go back to 'Life' with renewed strength and energy!!

We played games until the rain stopped.

Then did a little exploring!
Next time we camp here we will use this old fireplace that's just a few steps beyond our campsite!

The rain was wonderful!!!

Streams that were bone dry yesterday were twirling and swirling merrily along this afternoon!

We went on a nature walk......

and took pictures standing on a little bridge with water rushing below.
Deanie held on to me so I wouldn't fall!!

Then we went searching for a good swimming place to come back to later.

This site was just opposite where we swam yesterday.
More 'Pin Up' poses!!
Deanie is a fun MiMi to Andie!

Next up FISHING!!!!

Andie got to do everything on her 'Wish List' this weekend!

Trish was a Super Mom!! She put the worms on Andie's fishing hook!!
While we fished Deanie and Louis Dean got to spend an hour or so together of 'Quality Time.'
They love to visit and - as everyone knows - Deanie is one of LD's all time favorite people!!

I could not believe these little white flowers with brown centers.
We used to pick these when we were little kids.
I haven't seen any of these in YEARS!

It was 68 degrees earlier today but the late afternoon warmed up nicely.
The water felt GOOD!!
Shall I tell you about Trish FALLING??? She was heading into the water and the fall just pushed her on in!
No injuries!!

While WE were off swimming and playing - Louis Dean was cooking our dinner!

OKAY!!! Believe it or not!!! Andie was the THIRD one to fall!!!
She was reaching for the fly swatter (Flies are HORRIBLE here!!) and FELL OVER!!!!
Louis Dean and I are being VERY careful!!!

Dinner!!!! BBQ chicken, baked beans, baked sweet potatoes and white potatoes.

It's been a great camping trip!!
The morning storms giving way to sunny afternoon skies just added to the adventure!

We ended our evening with a campfire on the rocky ledges behind Shelter #3!
S'more's for dessert!!! Tonight I had one with Almond Joy, graham cracker and a cracker sized marshmallow! PERFECT ending to a wonderful day!


  1. The dinner looks wonderful.I love the picture of you and your wonderful hubby! Your braiding is beautiful! When I was a kid, my mom had one of those percolators that she put on the stove burner, I loved to watch the coffee go up and down on the top.

  2. That BBQ Chicken does look good. I haven't been camping in so many years. Growing up we camped all the time... I married a city boy, a preacher, and most of our vacations were church conferences...nice we got to travel and see a lot of places, but most of the time in meetings.
    I envy your lifestyle of camping.

  3. What? You messed with the s'mores recipe? And how! I'm never going back to plain chocolate again.

    What fun days you are having! And Louis Dean's cooking looks amazing!

  4. Linda, What a fun time. Even the rain doesn't dampen your good times. playing games, then walking swimming and fishing, plus plenty of good eats...what more would you want. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  5. Sounds like the trip was a success. Where did you go?
    That bbq chicken looked really yummy!
