Thursday, June 26, 2014

On This My Wedding Day - NINE Years Ago!!

Louis Dean and I have now been married NINE years!!
I am starting this journal entry with the Throwback Thursday pic I used for Facebook!

Louis Dean and I have been sitting out here in the gazebo looking through our wedding album and talking about what a wonderful day June 26, 2005 was for us!

I stopped at Central Market on the way home from Quadville this afternoon to buy our Anniversary Meal.
So without further ado I am going in to cut up that Texas 'Candyloupe', slice the peaches and strawberries and pour us a glass of bubbly while the lasagna bakes!
I am not cleaning or reading or blogging or writing this evening but sitting with my precious husband and giving him my undivided attention!
Who KNEW that the very best and happiest years of my life would start when I was in my mid fifties??


  1. Oh Linda, thanks for sharing this sweet happy occasion with us. Your words are so precious they brought tears to my eyes. So wonderful that you and LD have each other. You're an inspiration! Oh, and Congratulations!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Many blessings to you both. = D

  3. I hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful day!! We need to celebrate each and every day that we have with our spouses! You are beautiful in your wedding dress.

  4. Congratulations to both of you on your anniversary.

  5. Well you know what they say? You saved the best for last! Happy Anniversary to you both. You seem perfect together. I wish you many many more happy years together too.

  6. You're a beautiful couple and I am so happy for you that you found each other. Your life is so full! Congratulations!

  7. Oh sweet lady, you looked gorgeous as a bride and so did LD!
    You two always looked so happy and so connected together, loving the adorable quads and all; that I would have never imagined you just had 9 wonderful years together! You are both very blessed and congrats!

  8. You and LD are the sweetest couple ever! I have been visiting you long enough to know your beautiful story! Happy Anniversary to the dearest far away friends! I hope you are having a perfect romantic evening in the gazebo!

  9. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!! I love the beautiful wedding pictures!

  10. What lovely wedding photos! Congratulations and best wishes to you and LD on your anniversary!

  11. Happy Anniversary you lovebirds!! I only wish there were more pics!! :)

    Jane xx

  12. Dear Linda, I send my very best congratulations on your wedding day and wish you so many more. The pics are priceless - you two shine and glow. What a blessing indeed that you and Lois Dean found each other and were so brave to jump into the love and happiness almost right away. I guess when you find the True Love you know it immediately in your heart and mind - like you two did. KLICK.
    I know you had a lovely day today together - plus tomorrow will bring another one! You two will not ever run out of love but get more and more as the time together will go on. The wonder of life and love!

  13. It is such a joy to know you two via blogging and facebook. I am so happy for you both.

  14. Wishing you and LD a very Happy Anniversary today! I hope you both have many more years of health and happiness!!!

  15. Love this...thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Anniversary!

  16. Happy Anniversary! I am married 9 years this coming September too!

  17. Happy, happy anniversary! I am glad for your 9 years together and wish you 99 more! You and LD are two of the nicest people I have ever known. Hopefully someday we will meet in person. Lots of love to you both.

  18. Congratulations you two love birds! I'm so glad you're living in the happiest times of your life right now!! I enjoy following along, via blog, to see all the joys you and LD share. Such fun and joy!

  19. Linda, Happy anniversary. I loved all those pictures. God has blessed you both with a good strong love and family too. Here's wishing you many more years. xoxo,Susie

  20. Happy Anniversary! Looks like it was a great time and a fun night together to celebrate.
