Friday, June 6, 2014


June 6th is a popular birthday around these parts!
Amber celebrated her 29th birthday today!

This was the very FIRST of what would be gillions!!! of pictures of her!!
This was also the very first time I got to hold her!
When I was pregnant I once jokingly said, "I hope I LIKE this baby!!"
You might be surprised but I have never been a baby person!
Her daddy looked at me and said, "YOU better hope this baby likes YOU!!"

It is also my mother's birthday!!

It's a funny story but true.....
I got pregnant (after 5 years of trying and a round of Clomid - a fertility drug) on my mother's honeymoon and then had the baby on her birthday! We had flown out to San Francisco where Mother and her next to the last husband were on their honeymoon. We had been there many times before and wanted to escort them around. After they flew back home we flew Summer in and stayed an extra week! We drove up to Yosemite National Park and stayed in some tent cabins. Anyway......

This morning Louis Dean and I picked Mother up as usual and I suggested IHOP - as usual!
The surprise was my sister and her daughter were there at the table waiting for us!

Mother is 88 years old!
We all laughed and talked and had such a good time together!!

Since we don't have any hot water at our house Louis Dean and I took showers before we came home this afternoon. I came in and went straight to the bedroom, put on my nightgown, turned the A/C, fan and sound machine on and went to BED!! It's a lovely thing to be able to take a nap anytime you want to!!


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet daughter, specially because she is such a special mother of QUADS! Wow, your dear mom looks wonderful for her age and looks like she has a lot of zest for life yet!
    Enjoy your weekend and have lots of naps!

  2. YES, I agree! Some people wonder why Phil and I are night owls, and sleep late, and take some naps.But that is the beauty of being retired and doing whatever you want! Awesome, two birthdays of people you love very much, on the same day!!

  3. You look so pretty with your baby daughter Linda!

  4. What a pretty young mother you were (and still are). Your mother is too young looking and spry to be this age. Just eat her up while you can!!


  5. What a BIG day! So much to celebrate!!
    Happy Birthday to Amber and to your Mom!!

  6. Linda, what a great post! Happy birthday to your dear mother, and to Amber! And I loved the video of your mother. She seems like a lovely person, and you are just like her. I enjoyed hearing your's and your mother's voices!

  7. Linda, love this chapter in your life. As a girl we camped in the tent cabins in Yosemite many summers. Camp Curry was our favorite, and the fire fall and Indian Love Call..

    How neat that you have birthdays and celebrations together. I love the top picture..precious.

  8. Happy Birthday to your girls....oh a nap sounds of these days I will get to take

  9. Happy Birthday to both of those of beautiful ladies!

  10. HappyBirthday to Amber and your Mom. I know your mom enjoyed her day. She loves being with all of you. Hope Amber had a good day also. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  11. Hope that they had very happy birthdays and have plans for a wonderful birthday weekend. There were a couple of times in this post when I laughed aloud...thanks for that...started my morning off right!

  12. your mother is just beautiful and so full of joy and happiness.. Happy 88th birthday. i could hear all the fun going on in the background. Happy Birthday to Amber to

  13. Linda!
    Happy Birthday to Amber and Mother! Your Mother's face is aglow because of the love and laughter that surrounds her!
    Enjoy the weekend!

  14. Happy birthday to everyone. Your mom is precious. Happy to have found your blog. xo Laura

  15. happy birthday to amber and your mother. I had to chuckle when you said you got amber while you mother was on hers & next to last husband s honeymoon. do tell, how many hubbies? lol you're just the bestest story teller linda! hugs, pam in burleson

  16. Happy birthday to your Mom and your Amber. What a big day of celebration and surprises. Yes, very interesting - next to last husband! Love your success with Clomid and all the beautiful people in your life as a result of it.

  17. Happy birthday to both your mother and Amber. I did have a wee giggle when you said 'next to last husband' cheers from Carole's Chatter

  18. No wonder your mom looks so young...she's had a fun life I think! "next to last husband" :) Your photos are great and you always look beautiful.


  19. Your mum is the same age as Queen Elizabeth fun!

  20. Well I'm late but what's new. Tell your momma Happy belated Birthday.
