Monday, June 2, 2014

Easing into June.....

We had such a wonderful time Saturday celebrating the quads' second birthday! 
For some reason that night neither Louis Dean nor I slept well at all.
My toes were hurting so bad I didn't go to sleep until very late.
Louis Dean actually got up and went in his music room and worked on a 'new' old song with his guitar.
At 5:30 am he was still up!!
Since we had NOT rested well during the night - we slept late on Sunday  morning.
We had coffee out in the gazebo and shortly after that it was time for lunch!

We ate - a fresh summer salad and a serving of the Mexican Cornbread - al fresco in the gazebo.
I had absolutely NOTHING written on my planner to do on Sunday so I took a rare day of doing just what took my fancy!

Louis Dean and I bought this bottle opener one year in Galveston and the sun had faded the design all away.
I repainted it to look like LD's favorite beer. I will varnish it after the oils are good and dry before hanging it.

I set art out since I missed painting last Tuesday.
This way I can dabble a bit on my current projects when I get a few minutes.

One of the jobs I had in mind to do this summer was this foyer closet.
My, my, my!! What a mess!! I decided to tackle it and within an hour or so it was done!! THREE bags of trash and everything else organized in the door. NOTHING on the floor!! I still need to go through the coats and the upper shelves. They hold all my photo albums. That is a job for another time.

I usually listen to classical music but Sunday I put on these country albums.
My favorite is the one of Don Willaims.

What was Louis Dean doing???

Working on the fence and then the gate!

This morning he had the gate materials all out and ready to go!

While he was working I sat out there with a cup of coffee to supervise.
A granddad in our neighborhood takes a walk with his three little granddaughters every morning.

They always stop by here so they can 'kiss the tree!'
It has a face with eyes, nose and lips.

It's a neighborhood tradition!

This afternoon Louis Dean had the gate pretty much made by the time I left to go over to Quadville.
He finished hanging it while I was gone.

It was quiet when I let myself in the front door.
Everyone was still napping. I fixed me a glass of tea and read a few chapters in my book -
a novel by Belva Plain. I heard the babies wake up and brought them downstairs to color.

Amber turned Bubble Guppies on for them and they snuggled up on the couch.
Logan stayed for about two seconds!

She's a busy little girl!

Amber had to run an errand and Kailey was forlorn!
I love how their personalities are coming out more and more!!

I am a MEE MAW as far as Kailey is concerned!

Logan would rather help me in the kitchen than play!

Summer doesn't REALLY start for me until I hear the first locust of the season. Here it is - the tail end of the second day in June and I have yet to hear it! Louis Dean and I are back in the gazebo where we started this morning.
It was in the 90's today so the house A/C has been on and we have a box fan blowing on us out here.
It's hot enough so perhaps tomorrow I will hear the locust......


  1. even on a relaxing day you get so much done!!! you are right I haven't heard any locust either...lots of doves though....

  2. I wish I could borrow LD. We want to put up that same kind of fence, but neither of us know how to do it. And the "experts" are so expensive!

    The quads are looking so grown up. Two years went so fast. I so enjoyed reading yours and Amber's account of the party. It looked like so much FUN!!!

    Your salad looks so good. I am sending Joe to the store tomorrow to get the things to make it.

  3. I have not heard locusts or crickets yet. Planning to just do what you felt like on Sunday, then look what all you got done, with no pressure! That is how it should be. The quads blue quilt is beautiful.

  4. I am thinking that the busy quads are a lot like their grandparents! At least, you're not going to rust! Sounds very warm down there already. Have another fun day.

  5. Linda, You just keep on keeping on :):) With nothing on your to do list, you still worked. LOL. The gate is looking very nice. LD is a good carpenter. My Teddy does well too. He's off on his golf trip and I have done very little , because it's been supper windy or raining. Now today looks pretty, so I may finally paint that table on the porch. So eager to have it over with. Blessings for a great day, xoxo,Susie

  6. Hi Linda, I also listen to music when I clean and Don Williams is one of my favorites. We have the sounds of summer here, the frogs and locusts are singing every night while we sit on our patio. Your bottle opener looks great! I am still recuperating after surgery so not a lot is getting done here, dr says two more weeks. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Busy day. Water, fence, cleaning, painting, babies. Love the video's you share. June has come in with a bang.
