Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cooking With the Quads!! King Ranch Chicken!

I have been using some old recipes lately!
Today was King Ranch Chicken.....

.....and it was delicious!
The recipe was given to me by my sister in law, Lynda Kay.

I loved seeing her handwriting on this recipe card that is 15 years old.

This is what a child's plate looked like at dinner tonight in Quadville!

Kailey helped tear up the flour tortillas.....

as did Logan.

Amber used to help me cook when she was a little girl.
This is almost like deja vu!

They even placed them in layers over the filling.

All three girls helped make dinner!

The babies are such good eaters!
They are TEXANS already and love Mexican food!

It was a good day in Quadville!
Louis Dean was here in the morning and I came over around noon.
There's no hot water at our house so we took advantage and had  hot showers over here!

Trystan loves to play with her toys.
She especially loves the little Bubble Guppie characters.

Granddad went home this afternoon while I stayed.
He has some work to do what with the gate and utility room!

Harrison's personality is developing more and more.
He is a peace maker and keeps the girls in line.
He will reprimand one of them if they are not sharing.
He is so smart! I am amazed at all the things he knows and I think,
"HOW does he KNOW that??"

Logan is still my Mini Me and I love it!!

The quads all lined up on the window sill!!

I'm spending the night and we had the best evening!
A movie night complete with popcorn and Cokes!
Robocop was a pretty good movie!!
Ruth Ann, you and I passed on that one more than once when it was at the Starplex!
Who KNEW it would be so good??


  1. cooking already that is awesome!

  2. Great getting them involved in the cooking! I love that recipe.

  3. That plate looks so good and nutritious. Loved seeing the documentation of them cooking! Did Harrison give it a go or was he baking rolls with LD? = D

  4. I love watching them tear up the tortillas, they are so cute! What a very cool thing for you to think of for them to do!! And they also know how they helped make dinner. I love their plates.I also love the video of them talking about grandpa being gone. The windowsill picture is very good!

  5. O, I am so in love with your babies...watching them grow has been such an enjoyable event, thanks to are so good to share your blessings with all of us.
    and we LOVE the King Ranch dish....ummm!

  6. They're cooking! Fabuloso! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  7. They are so cute helping you cook. I hope the receipe pinned correctly because it looks and sounded good.
