Sunday, May 11, 2014

Smoking Cheese and Other Sunday Activities......

It has been a great day down on the ranch!!!

This is Crystal - Sherry's daughter with the baby goat!!!
I LOVE this pic!!

Louis Dean and I had dueling cameras this morning!

He calls the three geese Larry, Curly and Mo!!!

Pretty MUCH!!

They seem to do do everything together!


My sweet husband.....he always shows up for meals!!

Fried potatoes with onions and peppers!!
His son had smoked sausage and Sherry had cooked some fried potatoes as well!
It was a smorgasbord!!!

After we ate Sherry helped me put a BUNCH of cheese on to smoke!

On the left is the cheese for Sabrina! Ours is on  the right!

I turned it often throughout the smoking......

THIS is the result!!! (For Sabrina!!) Hope you like it!

There are so many pretty things down here on the ranch in unexpected places!

My dear husband is nearly back to his normal self after a severe allergy/asthma/bronchitis attack!!

Leaves of three - leave them be!!

Right???? I am so NOT certain about poison ivy!!!

It has been a glorious day down on the ranch!!

I have had a BALL!!!

SO many critters and nature and I love it all!

Who can resist such a pretty face??

Lucy watched as I helped a LITTLE on Dean and Sherry's projects!

Double picnic table - DONE!!!

Octagon table with fire pit - DONE!!

Redwood picnic table - DONE!!!

I didn't get a picture of the new chicken coop they finished up this afternoon!!
It looked so good I could have added curtains and made a playhouse out of it!!

Louis Dean and I were resting in the shade this early evening and we had visitors!

These are 'wild' horses which seem to get tamer as we go.....

It has been a great week down here on the ranch!
We are all packed up and ready to leave in the morning.
It's always a little sad to have to close up the camper and leave.....
we seem to have three on the home....
and in Quadville. That's where we will be heading as soon as soon as we wake up in the morning!!


  1. Another wonderful post of your adventures at the ranch. Love that first picture. That is what I call precious!!! Mmmm smoked cheese, that sounds so good...I'll bring the crackers.

  2. All that food looks so good! Glad to hear LD is feeling better. Have a safe trip home.

  3. Wonderful! The first picture was my favorite, then the second, and on it went till they are all my favorite! I love the baby goat standing up in the first picture, and I have never seen cheese being smoked. Too bad you have to leave, but I think you make fun wherever you go.

  4. Linda! I love, love, love your posts. Makes me feel like I get to tag along with you on trips to the ranch! Adore the pictures of the animals and oh my, that cheese looks divine! Great post!!! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Love all the pictures and so happy you can go there and spend time.

  6. Linda, So glad to hear that LD is better. The horses looked tame just walking up to visit like that.LOL There is a lot to see and do there. It was great that you have had a good time and enjoyed yourself there on the ranch. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  7. The time goes by so fast! Glad that Louis Dean is feeling lots better. His time in the country has been healing. I really like that first photo, too. Looks as if they are having a great conversation. So that's how smoked cheese is done...looks yummy!

  8. Linda, I am curious about the cheese. I mean I bet you did not eat them all up while picknicking, did you? Are you going to vacuum them and use later? Or what was the purpose? Never heard of that kind of smoking and just trying to figure this out. In Finland there are few smoked cheese awailable in stores. Not many though. I am no great chef but like cheese a lot. Would be fun to learn more if you may.
    Hope you got back home sweet and sound plus that LD is better and an active himself again. Hugs from me.

  9. Glad that LD is feeling better and was able to enjoy all the fun of the ranch. Wonderful memories and delicious cheeses to take home. Yum!!! Lots of up-close fun with the animals - Beautiful!!
