Friday, May 16, 2014

Sister, Mother, Sandbox and a Friday Night!

This morning I got up extra early so I could get to Fort Worth in time to say goodbye to my sister, Deanie. She is headed to Austin to have some adventures with her grandchildren. SHE has been my role model for being a Grandma/MiMi/Bella ......and perhaps a MEE Maw as well!!!

For some reason I just needed to SEE her and give her a HUG!!!

My siblings and I have bonded late in life. It has been since our mother's stroke in September 2005 - just 3 months after Louis Dean and I married. I told him today that I wished we could have had this bond with each other when we were children. He said, "Well, 'childhood' was unavailable to you!" So true. Every family has a story and ours is no exception. Perhaps that's why we treasure each other so much more as we have all passed the half century mark!

Coffee with Mother!
IHOP was super crowded this morning so I drove us across the street to Rise and Shine!
It's a local diner with GREAT food!!!
The omelets were delicious and Mother enjoyed the buttermilk pancakes.

We stopped at a couple of garage sales - just one 'find' - a small easel for $5 - then took Mother home and I showed her all my pictures from the week on the ranch and the days in Quadville.
I also gave her a bottle of Juicy Couture as a belated Mother's Day gift.

Louis Dean and I came home and went straight to bed for a glorious nap!!!
Actually only I napped! He rested a few minutes and then went to work in the backyard on the sandbox!

I was so surprised at all he had accomplished!!

We will neat up the landscaping around it and start picking up cool sand toys!

I think Louis Dean is almost back to his normal self!
He cooked some chickens in the pressure cooker for Chicken Salad - we are looking forward to friends coming for lunch tomorrow and then I am taking some to a Fun Gals Gathering tomorrow night!

While he was in the kitchen I worked on the deck.

Every year I bleach the deck for the season.
The fall leaves and the spring pecan beards make it black........
bleach does the trick in cleaning it.
I need MORE bleach!

I'm loving how our backyard is shaping up!!

We spend as much time as we can outside until the HOT HEAT of Texas Summers arrive!!

Bleach works on the stone as well.
I need more bleach!!!

I carried my lap top to the gazebo, made me a margarita ( one of those Daileys frozen kind!) and am writing my journal entry outside!

Louis Dean used some of the chicken to make Shake and Bake - his FAVORITE!!!
We baked a couple of potatoes and are calling it a dinner!

I made some chocolate chip cookie dough to bake up in the morning and it is shaping up to be a great weekend!!!


  1. Louis Dean looks a whole lot better! And tell him for me that I LOVE the sandbox. My granddaughter had one of the big plastic ones shaped like a turtle. But this is sturdy, big, and the sides are deeper so the sand does not escape. I wanted a sandbox as a child, and never got one. BLEACH, now I know! Our front stoop has been covered with green something, maybe moss. And bleach will remove it! What a great picture of you and your mom, you do look alike.

  2. You always have such productive days! I love the sandbox. It makes me think of the one my sister and I had when we were little. We had such a good time in it and I'm sure your grandchildren will also.

  3. Love all the pictures, and your captions to tell us all about them.
    My sister is 6 years older than me, and we were not close growing up, but now we love being together.
    Your mom and you are so cute together.
    I am a Bleach Addict...use it for so many things...and it works, and I can get it at the Dollar Store, and it works just as good as the name brands.
    Loving you back yard, and the sandbox...oh my little great grandsons would love that.
    Louis Dean is looking really well, and cute as usual. Takes such good pictures with his many expressions.
    Sending love and smiles

  4. Good day indeed. LD is looking great. The sandbox is a winner for all the grands. Memories to be made.

  5. Linda, Louis Dean is very wise! (referring to his saying that childhood was unavailable to you). I think you are blessed to have bonding with siblings even this late in life. Better late than never. The photo of you and your mother is lovely, and Rise and Shine looks like my kind of place.

  6. The backyard is looking like a playland / wonderland. :) Great pics of a great place for fun and games. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Never a dull moment! I hear you on the siblings...more of the other way around with mine as far as closeness. Oh well, not worth crying over. I love the it for the quads? I mean, you do have cats! Ha! Just kidding.

    I would love to sit outside with a tall drink and blog, but it could become a big bad habit! ;-)


  8. Linda, You and LD are a really good looking couple. You look pretty with your mom and sister. LD looks handsome with the cat.LOL You are the hardest working people I know. Glad you had some fun with your mom. Blessings for s great weekend, xoxo,Susie

  9. WOW! sounds like a great day! What a wonderful sandbox and good looking outdoor area. I am wondering about bleaching the deck???? I have never heard of that before, doesn't it destroy the wood? If not, that might be a project for me this summer.

  10. Yes, a sister is a terrible thing to waste. Mine invited me to a flower show, but I thought I'd hold her up too much with this bum toe of mine. Now I wish that I had said yes. That comment from your wise one there made me tear up. So good to see him back in the kitchen doing his thing. What a great sandbox that is! Have a happy weekend...

  11. Oh how I wish I had a sister.. there it is something so special about that bond. Wonderful photos and so glad you had the time together. Your backyard looks great and I love the sandbox! leslie

  12. I love that you and your siblings have such a strong bed. Definitely better late than NEVER!! Louis Dean done a great job on the sandbox. If you all are ever in Kentucky, tell him my kids need one!
