Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quadville Yesterday ~ The Ranch Tomorrow! (Warning!! Video Overload!)

Logan has the most beautiful hair!!
Just like her mama!!!

I find it much easier to do their hair when they are occupied at the quad table.

Especially with this little girl!

Ah, Trystan!!! She is such a doll baby!!!

All three girls are as different as they can be......
but ALL delightful!

Harrison is such a good brother!
I love how he says, "KAY-EEE!"

As adults we forget to see the world through the eyes of a child.
I told Louis Dean it would be MUCH more fun to watch the quads play outside than to watch TV!

I was right!!
We ALL had a ball out in the fresh air!

That Trystan can make!

Harrison continues to melt our hearts.

I'm enjoying these 'Baby Quad' days. 
They are already coming to the end of 'babyhood.'

Now for the videos......

Kisses from children - priceless!

Running around in the living room and Kailey at the piano!

Playing games with Granddad!

Amber dressed all the babies in overalls in honor of Granddad!

Louis Dean plays with the babies or is sitting in there with them nearly every single minute on Wednesday except for when they are napping!

Kailey was clutching 2 shoes (that didn't match!) and a pair of jeans and a top all the time she was playing outside!


Happy Campers!

Just a girl  and her thoughts.....

I should have investigated the shoe situation!
Kailey REALLY wanted shoes!
She was a good sport about it, though!

Making memories with Granddad!

Today we have spent the time getting ready for a Karate Camp down at my step son's ranch this weekend!

Louis Dean cooked THREE huge briskets!
He loves my home made BBQ sauce so I made a QUART of it!
When he got the meat in the oven to cook low and long - using BOTH ovens - I took over and made potato salad - using 10 pounds of potatoes! We are supplying some of the food for his son's Spring Karate Camp.
We MAY have made TOO much but would rather have MORE than not enough!

It's been a beautiful day here with temps in the 80's. But it HAS been windy!!

That wind brought down a large tree limb that fell on our gazebo.
I heard it fall while I was standing at the kitchen sink.
I was dismayed - it IS a new gazebo canopy!
It DID get torn and some of the structure pieces were broken.

I should NOT have fretted! Louis Dean to the rescue!!
As I am sitting just inside the sewing room and watching him work - he has it nearly repaired!!
The canopy tore in one place and after I sew it back in the morning it will be as good as new.
I have never yet seen ANYTHING Louis Dean could not fix! And quickly!!
Be still, my heart!

Are any of you on Facebook?
I LOVE Facebook and joined in the fun of Throw Back Thursday last week for the first time.
Today I posted a pick from April 2003.
I worked at Larry Dodson's State Farm office and as soon as I got off that day Summer and I went out looking at Bluebonnets. I've always loved this picture. It reflects a time of hope and change and adventure in my life. I was divorced by April 2004 and met Louis Dean in April 2005.
Life changes can be slow and they can be swift.
As LD and I sat in the gazebo this morning with our Bible reading and coffee we both agree that we are in the prime of our lives!!

In the time it took me to write this last bit in my journal entry - Louis Dean has repaired the gazebo!!
Have I mentioned he is an AMAZING man???
Yes, I think I have!


  1. just love those babies! well they are toddler your bluebonnet photo!!! have fun in the country!

  2. He truly IS amazing, the wind had totally wrecked it! I can't imagine how long it took you to prepare all that food, and all the potato peeling. Did you do Logan's hair? It is really beautiful...both the hairdo and how shiny her hair is. Tryston is just adorable, and an awesome range of faces. I love the comb game with grandpa. Out granddaughter has always loved to crab grandpa's comb and "do" his hair. I have pictures of 7 years of her doing it.

  3. A man that can fix things - and fast - DREAMBOAT STATUS! The babies are adorable.

  4. I so enjoyed all the videos of the quads and "Granddad". That Kailey is going to be a concert pianist one day. Looks like your weather was great except for the wind. So glad the gazebo wasn't destroyed and you and LD were able to fix it.

  5. You could write a book just about gazebo adventures-- it seems like things are always happening to them. I live in a windy place so I can relate.

  6. Linda, You and LD are both amazing. Good hard working and loving parents and grandparents. Those kids love their granddad . I enjoy seeing all the photos and film clips. Be safe on your trip . Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  7. Best post ever are amazing.....lovely and fun post!!!! I'll have to look for you on FB....!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Looks as if you enjoy observing while lying on your tummy! =D

    Wonderful pics and tonight I'll get back to video watching. John loves that part, too.

    1. "What a gang!" That's what John says with great tenderness. "And so cute! How much cuter can they get?"

  9. I have yet to know your life story...being new to your blog Linda..but I know that your Louis Dean is an amazing man...Doesn't take long to figure that out. You two are such a sweet pair and I enjoyed all the pictures and videos... Have fun at the Ranch... I can already smell that brisket...

  10. Love the picture of you in the flowers:) Wonderful days you all are having.

  11. Those babies are so sweet playing outside. What's nice is Amber never has to make a play date for her kids. They will always have each other. Glad to hear that you were able to salvage the canopy. Darn tree limbs!
