Sunday, April 13, 2014

April Karate Camp - Few Words - Many Pictures!

April is THE most beautiful month down here on my step son's ranch!
He says October comes in a close second!

The meadow made a wonderful place for a Karate Camp.

Lucy got in on the action at camp this year!

Louis Dean is sporting our new gravity chairs.....this is right outside our camper door.

Karate Games!

My step son is in the foreground left in black.

We had lots of great camp food!!
Pulled pork, beans, baked potatoes, nachos and more!

Lunch Break.....

Lucy had a lot of friends down here!

I was amazed at the creative combinations for baked potatoes!

Lunch was a success!

After lunch there was a break for fun and games.

The ranch has an awesome meadow for camping!

Real Karate men do dishes!!!

Some used the break to rest......

some rested in their tents.....

some used the time to practice their forms.

Lucy made new friends.

This lady was a lover of a pretty face!

We had lots of smoked chicken and brisket for the evening meal!

My super cute husband!

Bless his heart! He thought he could SIT on that ice chest!

Morning coffee in the meadow.....

Louis Dean loved visiting with all the karate people!

My favorite tree at the ranch!
This is above the barn......

Louis Dean at our his new gravity chair!

My Karate Rock Star Step Son!!

Did I mention we had LOTS of food???

The newest resident at the ranch!


This was THE most delicious smoked chicken!
I just had some for a late night supper with a piece of smoked cheese and a dinner roll -
and a chilled glass of Chardonnay! The perfect meal!

Is he not CUTE???

No big bonfire this time. The wind was too high!
We settled for a fire pit one.

Breaking camp!

Yard art!

Love the beauty of spring down here!

My stepson is in the red shirt.
He is an amazing guy and does a great work with his Karate!

I kicked back in that gravity chair this morning and relaxed!

The campground is now empty.

Louis Dean helped untangle the goat.

He and I took a walk around the ranch this evening........

it is so beautiful down here!

I think I have said that before!

April on the ranch.


Lucy loves it here.

She loves the other dogs and tries to imitate them.

So many nooks and crannies to this ranch property!

The earlier rain gave way to blue skies this afternoon.

Lots of Indian Paintbrushes but NOT ONE bluebonnet!!!

Beauty everywhere!

The one and only cactus I found on the ranch!

We came across some interesting fox holes!

April Karate Camp is over.
The ranch is quiet tonight with just the night sounds.
We do love our visits here.
We will be going home tomorrow but will be back soon!
It is a wonderful thing to have a step son with such an awesome ranch that we get to enjoy!!
Thank you, Dean and Sherry, for all the good work you are doing!!
We are thankful to be a very small part of it!!


  1. It looks as if you had so much fun! The ranch is beautiful. I can see why you enjoy going there.

  2. Wow that was a fun weekend! I LOVE Indian paint brushes! Have a safe trip back

  3. that is a beautiful place, but where are the pictures of you and L. D. doing Karate? Have another question, is a gravity chair easy to get out of? Or once you get there you never want to leave it?

  4. Linda, Everyone ate good at the camp. The food was fabulous...I bet that LD cooked most of it. He is a cutie pie and has a beautiful heart, doesn't he? The place your Son has is sure pretty. I thought that was Paint brush flower. I have seen the blue bells of Texas and the paint brushes. So pretty. I have only been to Texas once Be safe down there....aren't there snakes around that rattlers?? xoxo,Susie

  5. Looks like such fun, and beautiful weather. What luck to find the fox hole, do you think it was occupied? WHERE did you find the gravity chair, I want to find out about it!

  6. Oh that ranch looks like a fantastic place to visit! It's beautiful. The food looked delicious. I bet you look forward to visiting there often. Thanks for the tour!

  7. So beautiful there and that weekend just looked like the best fun. Such a relaxing getaway for everyone. The coral flowers are so pretty. You call them Indian paintbrushes? They are much prettier than our Indian paintbrushes. Back to another busy week. Hope that you are both getting your rest. No moss growing on you folks, that's for sure!

  8. Oh what a great weekend and camp. I've never seen green that green...lovely. And the food...oh dear...drooling all over my keyboard.
    Thanks for sharing a wonderful weekend. And Yes, your hubby is darling.

  9. Looks like an AMAZING trip! We bought my parent's those gravity chairs last summer. I totally want some now. They are unreal comfortable aren't they? You all cook the best looking meals. One day I'm making my way to Texas so you can cook for me!

  10. Lovely pics, Linda - great to see the flowers! Cheers
