Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Bluebonnet Art Day

Today Ruth Ann and I found some Tuesday Treasures at our local Goodwill!

I forgot to take a pic of Ruth Ann's basket but she found quite a few things as well!!

This was my favorite!!
A tea chest!

I love signs and these two are already hanging in the gazebo!
That wine cork frame will hold a simple painting soon.

I have never found a purse that really works for me - but I keep trying!
Perhaps that's what Mother is doing with all those house shoes she buys......

Our movie of choice was The Monuments Men - perfect since it involved ART and this is ART DAY!

We started a bluebonnet painting tonight. This afternoon I gathered up the bluebonnet pictures I have painted in years past to refresh my memory! One of the special things about spring in Texas is the bluebonnets!

We gathered around the table about 6:30. The first session of a new project involves the tedious process of laying the palette. Since I freeze it between classes - we only have to do it once!
Ruth Ann is really coming into her own in art!

Sabrina has so much talent! She is a pretty amazing artist!

My daughter in law joined us tonight!

She is a natural!! She has an artist's eye for composition and color.

I knew she would be great!!!

We had the best time tonight!

I put out a plate of sliced brisket, smoked cheese (made by my DIL!) and crackers to snack on along with a pitcher of strawberry mint tea.

Sherry's sister, Cindy, was our cheerleader!!

Tonight we laid the palette, put on our pattern and based in the entire canvas.

After we finished everyone pitched in and put the dining room back to rights!

Except for the lingering smell of the oils and turpentine, you would never know we had been there!!

It's been a wonderful Tuesday!
Louis Dean has rested a good bit. He did the odd and end jobs around here- taking out the trash, unloading the last things in the truck, picked up prescriptions at the pharmacy, watched a little TV.

I like looking at the dining room pic!
Come Easter Sunday I will have all my children sitting around that table!!
It will be the first time for them all to be together in years!!


  1. you had a great Tuesday...I love blue bonnets...that is exciting to have all your kiddos for Easter...

  2. It looks like so much fun! And your yummy plate of food, too. I LOVE the tea chest you found!! Will you hang it in the kitchen? Seems that everyone but me find great things at Goodwill!

  3. Oh Linda.... we almost went to Texas this week... I so wanted to see the Blue Bonnets...but it was just a bit to far.... so maybe next year!.... Sounds like the perfect Tuesday!!

  4. Another on of your fabulous Tuesdays. Good finds..I buy to many purses, but still looking for the "perfect" one.

    Your Paint Tues. just looks like such fun. Love the paintings. What a bunch of talented gals.

  5. Your painting night looks like so much fun. I've heard about Texas bluebonnets, I would love to see them one day.

    The whole family together for Easter! That's fantastic! Wishing you all blessed day!


  6. Hmm bluebonnet looks very similar to lupiini in Finland. I am almost sure those blooming flowers are relatives - like you are to me. Please google up lupiini just to check, Linda! In here those flowers come in a couple of colors

  7. What a fun time! I love that tea box. Looks like Mary Englebrit... So happy you will have all your kids on Easter!!!

  8. Linda, I love seeing the art classes. Love it. That was nice that LD did things to help out around the house and let's you girls have your time together. Good man. Get photos of your Easter family gathering. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  9. I absolutely love that tea chest! Any time you don't want it anymore, pass it on to Pennsylvania.

    The bluebonnets pictures are gorgeous. I can't wait to see them done.

    How wonderful that all your children will be with you for Easter! That is something very special. Keep LD resting till then.

  10. Many good finds! (I have yet to find a purse that works for me either!) It is truly enjoyable looking over everyone's shoulder to see how each one's painting is shaping up. This is the one that will feature bluebonnets, right?

    I described a typical week to John last night and he said that you two were unbelievable. Exactly. That's what I've been telling him for two years!

    What an Easter it'll be! And I know that you'll take a photo here and there. Hand the camera over and get the five of you together please!!

  11. You saved the best news for last - what a grand Easter it's gonna be!!! Can't wait to see your photos!!

  12. What an artsy lot you are over there! I remember the beautiful bluebonnets in full bloom on our visit to Texas in the spring of 1999.

    Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter!
