Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I thought I took a pretty picture of the sunset last night......

Dean's is breathtakingly beautiful!!!
This was untouched by any photo enhancing!

I decided to try out the hammock this afternoon waiting for my paint to dry!
You always have a critter to keep you company down here!
I used www.ribbet.com and the impressionism tool to make this pic look a little ARTY!!
After all - this IS Tuesday which is my usual art day!

Robert (LD's grandson) took this photo yesterday and shared it.
It looks like a painting to my eyes!

Lucy remembered where she lives yesterday and stayed in the camper with me all afternoon and was snoozing under the table at my feet last night.
I think she was TIRED!
This morning here came her friend wanting to know if Lucy could play!

Dean's property is interesting. He's not the first landowner of course so it's fun to imagine who lived here long ago.......and where did these steps lead? Now they lead up to the big tank!

Which is where Louis Dean spent some time fishing again today!!
He is a happy camper!!

I am doing my journal entry early today. We are packed up and ready to load the truck.
I'm always a tiny bit sad when preparing to leave. I was always sad when I would see RV's pull out of the RV Resort we lived in back when the quads were tiny.
However, our work here on this March trip is done.
The wood trim is all painted and the door is done - both sides.
Louis Dean made the bedroom airtight.
We will be back in April ready to tackle other projects!
All of this is to get Dean and Sherry's new house ready for them to move into by the end of May.

Even though we had some projects we wanted to do we still enjoyed lots of time to reflect.
Louis Dean spent hours fishing......and thinking and dreaming.Thank you, Blondie, for your insights!
I am not a fisherman so I used my time to walk and sit and just BE!
Louis Dean spend precious hours with his son and grandson.....time making memories for us to talk about when we get home. He is so proud of them both! They are more alike - Robert and Dean - than they know.
Both of them are deep thinkers and both have the most kind and loving hearts!

We have loved our time in the country but it is now time to say goodbye!!
We will be BACK!!!


  1. ",,,,wanting to know if she could come out and play"....gotta love that.

  2. Sounds like "time well spent". Great photos. I loved your artsy touch to your hammock photo. Travel safely.

  3. Linda, You need to use that sunset photo in one of your paintings. WOW. I like that the turkey came around to check you out, so funny. And the dog at the door, I laughed out loud.. If Robert is a nice as his grandfather, he'll be A-Okay won't he. Linda, I think it was good for you to sit and rest, then take some nature walks. You'll be all replenished. Be safe on your travels home. xoxo,Susie

  4. Such a beautiful sunset! It looked like both a fun and woerhwhile time, Linda.

    My Dad loved to fish and would fish off piers in Brooklyn and Long Island. I loved to go along with him when I was a little girl, even though I did not want to fish. I'd bring a book to read or just walk along the shores collecting shells. I just loved to be near him--just like you wanted to be near Louis Dean

  5. Beautiful sunset! I missed ours tonight I was soaking in my tub Hubby got it all finished...have a safe trip home!

  6. I know of 4 precious toddler's that will be waiting for Grand Dad's big enterence tomorrow!!!! Be safe. Happy you had some leisure time:)

  7. That's such a beautiful sunset. I'm sad for you too to have to say goodbye but it sounds like you'll be back again soon. Loved the turkey picture.

  8. Beautiful sunset! It looks like you had the nicest time out there...in the country.

  9. Gosh. It all went by so fast. I am glad that you both had time to reflect and relax and decompress. Even Lucy!

  10. Glad you all had such a wonderful trip. Safe travels returning home
    That pic LD took of that Sunset is absolutely stunning!!!

  11. I feel that the picture of LD and the goat needs a caption contest....

    "who caught the most fish, LD or Mr. Goat?"

  12. Popped in for a little visit tonight, Linda, and caught up on some of your recent posts. Nice to see you and your hubby had a little time in the country...a little relaxation, a little work, some hunkering down under the blankets to combat the chill. You had it all, didn't you?

    The babies are growing!!

  13. Linda, you should look up how to make a little heater using tea lights and terra cotta pots. Supposedly you can heat a room for several hours with one small candle. Sounds like what you need for the camper.

    1. I have seen that!!!! That's EXACTLY what I need to do!! Thanks for the reminder.....

  14. Linda! That sunset photograph is beautiful!
    Did you think of interpreting it with a brush, Artlady?
    ...and that image of you chillin' with the gobbler is a Thanksgiving greeting in the making!

  15. The picture of Robert and the Billy Goat made me think of the story of Billy Goats Gruff or something like that.
    Love the picture of Lucy's friend at the door. hehe
    And yes I must agree LD's sunset picture is awesome
