Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yesterday.....and today!

It seems I have developed a pattern of skipping Wednesday and catching up on my journal on Thursday.
Perhaps because after a full day in Quadville I come straight home and go to bed!

It takes a few extra minutes to put my 'words' on the pictures I use of the quads.
Amber has had her pics 'stolen' a couple of times and passed off as belonging to someone else. 
It's just an extra bit of security.

Granddad specializes in holding the babies but he will be the first to tell you -
"I don't do windows!"

One of our favorite times of the day is when we get the babies up from their naps!
I had individual bags of animal crackers for them and they really 'ate them up!'

Earlier I gave the girls their bracelets. 

They were a little large on them but they seemed to enjoy wearing jewelry. 

I saved the animal masks I brought for late in the afternoon when the babies - actually people of ALL ages! - tend to get a bit fussy!

I wasn't quick enough to snap pics of them in the nano second the masks were actually on their faces!
I tried to make sure they weren't frightened by them. Amber was scared of masks when SHE was their age!

Logan helped me in the kitchen!
 I was making a strawberry cream cheese cobbler for dessert and she stationed herself in front of the oven to keep watch.

It turned out to be delicious.
This was a recipe going around on Facebook!

Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler

1 stick ( 1/2 cup) butter
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 quarts whole strawberries, capped and washed
4 ounces cream cheese, cut in small pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter and pour into a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish. In a small bowl, mix together the egg, milk, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Pour directly over the butter in the baking dish, but do not stir.

Add the strawberries, arranging in a single layer as much as possible. Sprinkle cream cheese pieces over strawberries. Place in preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes, or until top is golden brown and edges are bubbling. (Crust rises up and around the fruit, but fruit will still peek out of top.)

Summer joined us when she got off work. 
I had picked up a bottle of Cupcake Vineyard's 'Angel Cake' wine.
Last week we had Red Velvet which was really good.
Angel Cake was a bit sweet for our tastes so I took the rest of it home and blended it with Chardonnay.
Win! WIN!!

I take pictures nearly every single day.
This was my very favorite one for Wednesday.
I loved listening to Louis Dean talk to Summer about the stock market as she sipped her wine.
I got to spend time with BOTH of my daughters which always makes for a very special day!

Today Louis Dean and I have not ventured out of the house except to fill the bird feeders and take out the trash. It has turned winter COLD making it a good day to stay close to the fireplace.

When I woke up this morning I immediately started to pray for several people who were facing surgery today. God put a song in head and it's been on my heart all day. 'I Need Thee Every Hour' reminded me of just how needy we all are. It also brought back to my mind the times when I would go up to the hospital to see Amber and then later to the NICU to see the quads. You just can't walk through a hospital without realizing that we are all in such desperate need!

This is a 1933 American Hymnal published by The Broadman Press in Nashville, Tenn.
A long time ago I taught a craft classat church where we painted them.
I still have mine.

It's only 6:00 but I feel like we are winding up our day.

Time to make supper and maybe do a little reading while Louis Dean is practicing his music.
I put freshly laundered flannel sheets on our bed and the whole house (except the guest room and of course Louis Dean's 'music' room!) is finally clean with all bits of Christmas finally put away.
I even laid out my clothes for in the morning when I go to Fort in WARM clothes - sweater and heavy pants and boots!
I have to remember that TEXAS Cold isn't really all that cold when you compare it to other parts of the country or the WORLD for that matter!!

This photo reminds me that it's REALLY not all that cold here!
I have a lovely friend who lives in Finland - where it is REALLY cold!!!!
She takes the most beautiful photos and I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this one!
So stay warm and close to a fireplace or heater!!


  1. You pack a lot into a post, which makes them so much fun. I'll be peeking back in to catch the videos. Stay cozy!

    1. Oh you should have just heard us both singing along with LD. We just nicely got started and off he went. That man needs an entire song! I'm sure that, if you'd join us, we would make a great quartet. What fun!

  2. Oh Linda..You are so much fun, and I do love all that you pack in a post! Your life journal is just delightful and "real". I love real authentic people! Your hymnal was published by Broadman but much earlier than mine. Same old wonderful songs.. Sending smiles and hugs.

  3. Does your daughter know from a teacher's perspective how lucky she is to have four healthy children. So many multiples have problems and these kidlets are so cute. sandie

    1. Yes, I do! We prayed and prayed for the health of our babies while I was pregnant and are so thankful for them every day. They continue to amaze us!

  4. The girls seemed to really enjoy the bracelets. Isn't it funny how such a little thing can be so entertaining? I'm glad you had a "day off" today and didn't go out in the cold. I had to go to work and it is COLD! I don't think I'll ever be warm again. I have a couple of old hymnals also. Those hymns have so much truth in them. I love singing hymns.

  5. I totally loved peeking in on your day with the babies! What a delight they are...and what a blessing it must be to your daughter to have you two visit each week. Your strawberry cobbler looks wonderful...I must try this one sometime.

    I love hymns, so it was a treat to me to hear your hubby sing "I Need Thee Every Hour." Oh, we do need Him, don't we?

  6. I don't blame you for skipping posts on Wednesday with being with the quads all day! They are more important anyway. They sure are cute looking at their masks and jewelry. I heard that your area is getting hit with a winter storm today. I hope you're inside warm and safe.

  7. I love all your posts - But LD singing my favorite hymn brought tears to my eyes! My Daddy loved and sang that hymn and my sweet son sang it at my Daddy's funeral - so many memories. Love to you both.

  8. so much love and so many warm hugs!! that ld is the best!!

  9. I really like the blogs new look. Loved listening to LD singing the hymn.
    Yes I do believe you playing with the four little cuties could take it's toll on your energy level by the end of the day. LOL
