Tuesday, January 7, 2014


We DID it!!! We got well and we have Christmas all down and stored away!

However, I could NOT bring myself to take down this tree in the den.
I decided it will be my 'Everything' TREE!
When I was at the Dollar store buying a few more ornament storage containers,  I picked up a couple of boxes of hearts and a heart garland. I kept a few strands of red beads from the Santa Tree so NOW I have a Valentine Tree! This will look better once I get the Santa paintings down and the regular ones back up.
 I also have some Valentine decorations up in the attic but - that's for another day!

I can't TELL you how much Louis Dean has been DREADING this moment!!
The dreading of it was worse than the DOING of it!! 
It took us less than an hour to go from THIS - including the tubs and bags you CAN'T see  -

to THIS!!! All snug as a bug until next time!
This was a huge load off our to do list!!
I even took the Snowmen out of the gazebo.
The top is so totally torn up I didn't want the coming rain to ruin any of my decorations.
So ALL of Christmas is down! (Except the Santa wall!)
This has left behind a house just waiting to be cleaned and fluffed and spruced up!
Soon we will be finishing out last year's projects - such as the trim in the hall and the rest of the kitchen flooring  - and starting on some new ones - such as refinishing the kitchen cabinets and getting new granite counters and a new sink! And hopefully 2014 will the year I FINALLY finish painting the outside trim on the house!! I started this 5 YEARS ago!!

All in due time. All in due time.
For NOW we are planning on spending the next couple of days with the quads!
We haven't seen them for 10 days tomorrow!!
That's way too long! I KNOW they have grown and changed and are doing more!
I already have my overnight bag packed and some kitchen/food stuff in another one.
There's been a recipe going around on Facebook called:
I'm going to try it tomorrow! Maybe make some tacos to go with it.
Since I want to get up and get going in the morning - and since I have done more today than in the last 8 days all together - I think I will go to bed early!


  1. so glad yall amongst the living again....this wind and cold has done a number on my allergies....have fun with those sweet babies...oh and check Facebook I sent you an invite...

  2. My niece told me that she decorated her tree with my grandmother's jewelry. Guess it was her everything tree. She sent me a photo, which reminds me to go looking for it.

    Have fun with those sweet grands! I know that you two will pace yourselves, right? Be good!

  3. Linda,

    I took down all of my Christmas today as well. Three hours!! But the enjoyment I had over the past 4 weeks was worth it. I LOVE Christmas!! Now I need to fill up all of these bare spaces!!

    You have some great projects planned for this year. We are focusing on the lakehouse. We are in for a great ride!

    Say hello to those babies for me. You must be in withdrawal after 10 days!! :)


  4. Hi Linda,
    I've missed being out in blog land and catching up. Finally got a new computer and hopefully now all will be well! I can only imagine how much fun you have with the little ones!

    The holidays were so difficult but we made it through. We did things differently with new traditions and I feel that really helped. I'm so hoping this year brings peace.


  5. That's a big job, Linda - but doesn't it feel good when it's done?
    I like the idea of an all-year, all-celebration tree. Why not?!

  6. Linda - happy that you are well again and ready to rock and roll. It is Elvis's 79th birthday today actually! Well, I used to be his fan some years back!

  7. So happy to hear you are feeling better, that cold can be difficult to get rid of, I know some who have been dealing with the cough for months. You are so good at getting things done, I wish I had your energy! I loved the tray of tea, what a great idea for a cold winters day, may have to borrow that idea and give it a try! Stay warm there in Texas, we are expecting more sleet this afternoon.

  8. Glad you are up and about and am sure the grandbabies are wondering where you two are!
