Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dressed for Sunday!

This morning over coffee Louis Dean and I had a good discussion and came to a decision about church.
We recommitted to our membership at Fellowship Church and were there for the 11:30 service this morning.

I took Louis Dean's picture since he looked so pretty!!!
I STILL need to give him a haircut but he cleaned up nice!

I love this jacket! I bought it at Primart in Aberdeen, Scotland!

I LOVED that store!!!

Louis Dean will see his cardiologist this month and he has an important question to ask him regarding our church service! You see, he is a heart patient and has three stints in his heart. The music at Fellowship is really loud and the bass is throbbing and the drums are amazing. Great music! Not Louis Dean's cup of tea but it is a wonderful church and preach the truth with a relevancy for life today. The pastor is Ed Young, Jr. His father is the pastor of Second Baptist Church in Katy, Texas where we attended while we lived in the RV park.
His question for the doctor is whether the loud music can actually cause harm to his heart as in altering his heart beat.
He clutched his chest all through the beginning of the service but said he felt no after affects later.
IF the doctor warns of caution we have decided to enter the services just as the music portion ends.
Whatever we have to do - we will make it work!
Next week we intend to visit one of the Sunday School classes.

After church we shopped the Dollar Store and Louis Dean carried all the bags out!
I was so surprised when he KEPT them in his arms! I had to buckle the seat belt for him but he said he did NOT want to have to gather all the bags up again so he just held on to them!!

This afternoon we have watched football and are STILL watching it!
I went over to Stephanie's next door and hung out with them in their back yard for awhile.
I love how they do the weekends!! Outdoor fireplace blazing, big TV in their gazebo with the football game on, lots of drinks and food and friends gathered round!

It's been a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Now that sounds like fun. Fireplace outside and food and friends.
    I've not been to Fellowship Church, but the loud music seems to be the norm everywhere. Our church has been like that for many years and gets louder every year. Now you have me wondering. My husband had stents and then quad-bypass surgery a couple of years ago. To avoid the loud music, he stations himself at the back door to greet and help Mamas with their little ones. Then he comes and joins me in the service. I will be interested to hear what the doctor says.

  2. Our church has some of both...I am not a fan of the loud music that is so repetitive as if they wish to put one in a trance. Just not my cup of tea either. Interesting about asking the doctor and a good idea. If I were to guess...well, I should not guess. There is no MD behind Vee. Ha! You both look fantastic. Love your jacket and LD's tie!

  3. Very, very interesting - we will ask the cardiologist too because now I am curious.
    You two look so very nice in your church clothes!!

  4. That loud music can be a bit much-it does make your chest feel odd I think. We don't have it where we attend and that's fine with me. It is good to find a church that you enjoy. We have a wonderful church family that makes us look forward to every Sunday!

  5. Our church has loud music too from a worship band and I enjoy it. Good to ask the doctor just in case. I think it is important to connect with a church.

  6. Our church has blended music, but it is loud. My dearest had 5 bypasses 15 years ago, a stint 5 years ago, and a pace maker 2 years ago, and is still ticking like a Timex Watch. The music has never affected his heart. Good to ask your doctor if he's concerned. We call every day a bonus as Don's grandfather, father, a brother and nephew all died of heart attacks before age 50. Don celebrated 76 in December...God is good all the time, and then some!!!

  7. Wow, you two look stunning in your church clothes! The weather looks beautiful! Our sun never came out of the clouds today. As always, the forecast was wrong. We are exhausted from the game. It was hard fought and tough. I am glad that we have two weeks to rest.
    I hope that you share what the doctor says.

  8. Reading this post and the comments just makes me happy that there are still people who enjoy their church and are interested in worshiping our Lord. Going to work each day and having to deal with all of that just gets me down sometimes. You have really refreshed me. I recorded "The Winning Walk" today but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I wanted to see Ed Young for myself.

    You two look so nice in your "church clothes". Yes, LD does clean up well! And I love your jacket.

    Our church has guitar and piano but neither are loud even though we do sing contemporary music along with our older hymns. I've been in churches with loud music though and I know just what LD means about the bass, etc. It really makes your heart feel funny. It is wise to ask the doctor about it.

  9. Wow. I never thought that music could harm your heart. Please let us know what the doctor says!

  10. I bet you enjoyed getting back to church! That is a good question for the doctor though. You can never be too careful when it comes to your heart. I could imagine that the stimulating loud music could make his heart beat faster which may make him uncomfortable. My mom has a stint in hers too.

  11. You both look lovely, Linda! I don't think loud music is good for anyone, but this is my opinion. I prefer to keep my music soft, I find that loud music grates on my nerves.

  12. I hope the music situation gets resolved.
    As I have gotten older, that bothers me more.

    I love your jacket!

    White Spray Paint

  13. Okay you've got my curiosity peaked. I can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say about the loud music.
