Thursday, January 16, 2014

Books, Art and Music = Culture

Books, art and music equal culture in my mind. Yesterday was FILLED with 'culture!'
" Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively."

We spent the night Tuesday in Quadville so we had the joy of breakfasting with the quads!
Logan was blowing kisses!!

As soon as breakfast was over Amber dressed all the babies up in such CUTE clothes!!!
Baby clothes have come a LONG way!!!

They had THE cutest shoes on as well.

This pic was from one of our 'good' cameras!!
Kailey does have a thousand expressions!

Louis Dean took this one and I like it because of the girls standing in front of each other! 
Looks like Trystan has FOUR arms!

Then we were off to the library!

I stopped recording JUST as Kailey was getting into the spirit of the thing!

Just look at this stylish gal!!
Amber picks out outfits for all three girls and then lets them choose which one they want!

Logan chose the skirt and fancy shoes while Trystan went for a more sporty look!

We even had art at the library.

They colored tangrams - which was what story time was about!

After story time we played inside the library in the toddler corner.

Logan enjoyed every bit of this day!

Getting a photo of all four at the table at the same time is not an easy task.

Lunch at Chick Fil A!
Paparazzi is everywhere!!

Back to Quadville in time for Granddad to introduce the quads to a three quarter violin - which he hopes one of them will be playing someday.

 Then the babies were more than ready to settle down for an afternoon nap!

When they woke up and came downstairs they discovered Mr. Hu and Granddad playing music!!

I love how Harrison is swaying to the music and Logan never stops pointing until they finish the song!

It was a wonderful day!!! 
Smiles all around!

While my pork chop crock pot dinner didn't happen - I started too late - I DID put together a dessert!
Cool Whip, strawberries and angel food cake.

If you notice - three of the quads at least TRIED the Cool Whip!
Logan was the only one who didn't!

That was the way our Quadville Wednesday ended!
We came home last night and I have spent today just puttering around!
It's time for me to roll up my sleeves and tackle another room!
Today it is the sewing room and I intend to give it a good cleaning before I clean MYSELF up and head out to play Bunko this evening!

Counting my blessings on this Thursday of January 2014.......which also marks my 1,000th blog post!!
Who KNEW I would have so much to say??


  1. Happy 1000th's post. That is a LOT of writing and a boat load of great photos Linda. LOVE every post, every photo.

  2. Congratulations...1000 is a very happy number. I've only been following you for a short time of those 1000, but sure love the ones I've read. One of these days, when I have time...I want to got back and read some of your older posts.
    I played the violet for about 4 years when I was in grade school. But gave it up in Junior High. I was never very good. I hope one of the quads decides to play it with a passion for it.

    1. I guess the reason I couldn't play the violin, is I couldn't even spell it in the previous comment....HaHa

  3. it was a GREAT day, i cannot believe how big and beautiful those babies are. they are just too cute for words!!

    i am so happy you come here and share the bits and pieces of your life!! you have such a joyful spirit. congrats on 1000, i will have to check my count. i have no idea where i am at!!

  4. What a fun way to spend time with the little ones. Nothing more precious.

  5. Oh they are so active and curious about everything. How wonderful that Amber gets them out for some fun at the library. I must say that all the gals in this family look pretty hip and happening. (I'm sure that the guys do as well.)

    I can comment from my iPad, but can't see the vids; I can see the vids on the PC, but can't comment. Crazy.

  6. Congrats on your 1000 post!
    Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful life, looking forward to reading the next 1000 :)

  7. And a good time was had by all. Congrats on post number 1,000.

  8. What an adventurous day for the whole family! It is awesome and great how much effort all of you are willing to spend on those babies - one day they will discover that and feel so so fortunate and greatful and blessed. By then they blossom every day and learn so many wonders of the world with you. Way to go!

  9. Congrats on your 1000th post! I too want to thank you for sharing your life with us. I know my life is so enriched by knowing you. I'm so glad the quads liked the library. You have a nice library there! (And I should know -- I've worked at enough of them.) And I enjoyed the music so much. No wonder Harrison was dancing!

  10. Congratulations for the 1000th blog, and we love them all! What a greta day with the quads, and educational too! So glad you shared your day, i love watching them (and you and LD) growing up!!

  11. 1000 posts wow!!...Those babies are just getting to big...!!:)

  12. I think those quads are keeping you young! The library looks like a great place to take them. It's so nice that they offer so many activities there. That dessert sounds good. I haven't had strawberries with whipped cream in so long. I went to my sister's house today and got to see my 3 yr old great neice. I got my "little girl fix". I told my husband that whenever I see her I feel the same way I do when I look at a small puppy. I just can't get enough of her! Guess that's what happens when you only have boys. LOL!

  13. wOW 1000 posts. That was funny because it did look like Trystan had 4 arms. They each are their own little person and so cute.
    I was tired after just looking at the pictures with them going in different directions.
