Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Couple of Shut Ins!!

It's hard to believe that yesterday we had the doors flung open to the fresh air! Today has been cold - only reaching the upper 30's and going down into the teens to night! Louis Dean and I have stayed in and stayed warm! I read and played Scrabble while Louis Dean watched football.  I showered and changed from a gown to pajamas. Haven't worn real clothes in days!

It was too cold to grill outside this afternoon so I did these steaks in the kitchen.
Louis Dean was convinced a steak would make him stronger and help him get well.
Between the steaks and the fireplace our house smelled delicious!

Our daughter in law called this afternoon to check on us. They had been sick earlier this week but being younger and stronger - they are already well! I told her that's the difference between the young and the elderly! It takes us longer!!

Our angel neighbor, Stephanie, left a pile of groceries on the porch bench this evening.
The only thing we were really out of was dog food but she covered all the food groups and this will allow us to stay in a couple of more days. What a blessing since it's going to be really cold here in Texas.

Christmas is slowing disappearing from inside the house and is stacking up by our bedroom door.
This is just from the den and kitchen.
I'm not even trying to clean - just packing away a room at a time.
We don't have a lot going on this month so there's no pressure.
That's the beauty of being 'retired!'

pic from Paul Dellegatto on Facebook

Talk about being cold!!!
My blogger friend and Facebook pal, Sandie shared this pic tonight.
It looks like it's safe to say that it's freezing all over North America!!!

We are staying IN and staying WARM!
Hope YOU are, too!!


  1. stay warm....enjoy your time taking it easy....yall are so's good to take a break

  2. I'm glad you're being smart and staying in and staying warm. From gown to shower to jammies sound perfect to me. We had a good day at Church, football this afternoon, and now I'm thinking I need to get my hair cut and a perm tomorrow. Sending love and hugs.... PS...those steaks look delicious.

  3. Those steaks look mighty succulent, Linda! I am happy that you are staying safe and warm!

  4. I love your new blog header photo, Linda! I'm sorry you are still feeling ill. My husband and I fought bad colds last fall and I know how debilitating that makes one feel--we coughed and coughed till our ribs were sore--not fun at all. I find rest and lots of liquids are the only things that help--take good care to do both and stay out of the cold! Thank you for your prayers for my son-in-law's family!

  5. Hope that the steaks worked! They look delicious. And that map! It looks terrible.

    Feel better, both of you! Yes, that is an order.

  6. Those steaks look great! We're staying in tomorrow too-I'm thinking it may be a soup bubbling on the stove kind of day! Stay warm and get well soon!

  7. Glad you are staying where it is warm. How wonderful to have neighbors that make sure you all are taken care of.
    We have 12+ inches of snow and temperatures heading to -10 our high will be -3 with wind chills of -30 to -40, a good day to curl up under a throw with hot chocolate and a good book. As you say you can do that when you are retired;)
    Take care.

  8. Oh to be retired and stay home. It is awful here as well, but I have to go out in it. Hope you and LD are feeling better each day. How sweet of your neighbor to get you the essentials while you weren't feeling well. Your steaks look so good.

  9. Hope y'all feel better soon! I will try to get your blog updated today or tomorrow!

  10. This cold is historical for sure...what happen to global warming? At least people are being warned and hopefully are able to prepare and stay safe. Get well soon.

  11. Sending some of my summer your way, Linda. Enjoy your hibernation!
