Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday at Home

It is so icy here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that even the churches are closed.

This morning we had our coffee by the fireplace and watch Ed Young, Sr from Katy, Texas on TV.
That was the church we attended last year when we lived in the camper down there.
After THAT sermon I watched where Ed Young, Jr is pastor.

Louis Dean fixed a hot breakfast complete with sausage, eggs, biscuits, jelly and MORE coffee!
Then we did our regular Bible reading and study.
It was a good Sunday morning!

We spent the afternoon watching football. 
I can only watch SO MUCH when I decided to work on some Christmas gifts.

I have planned all along to make pillows for the quads to go with the quilts I made them for their first birthday. I had to be inventive because Kailey's quilt was black and white with zebra print. No more of that print left so I was looking through my stash of stuff to see what I could use.
Would you believe I cut up the very NICE and very EXPENSIVE shirt Louis Dean wore at our wedding?
He has always HATED that shirt! It was soft as air but he said it didn't FIT!

No worries! I used the strip down the front with buttonholes to make the 'K' for Kailey.

I used even MORE of the shirt to make the front cover of Logan's!
The 'L' is made from the buttonhole strip of one of MY favorite shirts.
Since the front of her pillow looked a little plain....

I added some pizazz to the back!

I need to pick up some more fiberfill but mostly they are done!
Just finish stuffing, sew them closed and launder!!
Win! WIN!!

I have not been successful with the gifts I have made or even purchased for the 3 older grands in recent years.
When children are small they seem to like anything but as they grow more sophisticated it gets harder and harder to find something they like or want and that we can afford!

I have planned on a family gift card to their favorite restaurant and in addition I think I will sew pillows for ALL my grands! I'll buy inexpensive fluffy bed pillows ( my favorite kind, anyway!) and make covers with their initials. They ALL have denim quilts from when they were little so it would make a nice set to use for watching TV or playing video games.

I am so looking forward to Christmas Eve. ALL eight of my grandchildren will be here for dinner!
Second time this year I will have all of them with me at the same time!

Okay! I may be ready for the ice to go away now.
I need to go to the store!


  1. we ventured out to wasn't too bad but after it refreezes won't be good...too much moisture still out there...I love those pillows...

  2. Our daughter and her family got out to Trophy Club to grocery shop and eat dinner. It was already starting to freeze back by the time they got home. They are forecasting freezing fog here (just north of Weatherford) for tomorrow morning and a high of 32. Looks like another day homebound! Stay warm!

  3. How smart and creative you are. Grandpa's shirt made for some nice pillow fixing. Most of our doz. grandchildren are teens or adults...much harder to put something together like the little ones. I made many pillows when they were small and also made a quilt for all 12. But now put some of my baking into what the older ones love...there favorite cookies, or pies, ect. This year they all wanted my candied that's easy.
    I slept in and sent my dearest to Sunday School alone, enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee getting ready slowly, and joined him for Church. Football for us all afternoon too.

  4. Wonderful creativity! I should say that you are more than ready for a warm-up!

  5. Such cool Xmas gifts you have planned! Lucky kids!

  6. I love your pillows, and what a special gift for the little ones! I especially love the thought of repurposing fabric and buttons! Your home is always so cozy, warm and inviting Linda, just beautiful!

  7. LOVE THOSE PILLOWS!!!! I'm so excited, they will be perfect for their cribs and for watching Bubble Guppies in the play room! :)

    Just a thought, should we get cheap pillow inserts for them so we can remove the pillow covers and wash them as needed? Versus stuffing them?

  8. Poor you with those freezing temperatures! But you're certainly making good use of your time indoors.

  9. Linda, So glad you and LD are safe. Your pillows are really a cute idea. You are making keepsakes for the kids . They are not baby materials they will use them longer. Be careful when going outside. xoxo,Susie

  10. How blessed you are that you will have all your grands with you Christmas Eve.
    Even at the ages of 5 and 7, it's hard to know these days what kids will really like.
    We have been staying indoors since last Wednesday. Would really enjoy that fireplace of yours.

  11. Glad you stayed in and warm. Being crafty while holed up. You're good.
