Friday, December 13, 2013

A Fort WORTHY Day!!!

It had been two weeks since I had seen Mother so it was with a happy heart I headed off to Fort Worth this morning! On clear dry roads, I might add! A far cry from the conditions a week ago!

When I first arrived Mother wasn't ready. Today was 'Perm Day' so I had some extra time!
Off I went to Trader Joe's!

How I LOVE that store!!! I loaded up on things to serve at next week's tea!
Just between you and me - I moved a LOT faster by myself!!

Mother had been house bound just like the rest of us so as soon as I picked her up at the salon we were off to one of our favorite stores - BIG Lots!!!
I think it is IMPOSSIBLE for my mother to walk past a display of slippers without saying, "I NEED!!!"
She probably has at least 18 pair in her closet right now!!!!

Suffice it to say - Mother left Big Lots happy!
Me, TOO!! What an easy way to gift her for Christmas!
She NEEDED those slippers and pajamas!!
Her words as I put them in the buggy?
"THANK God!!!! Thank GOD!!"
Who knew?????

We ran through Arby's for lunch sandwiches......little did I know she had a stash of them in the freezer.
Not being able to speak every word clearly does have its disadvantages!!

She was a good sport and we made the best of it. PLUS -  she got a chocolate milkshake which now that I think about it - she put in the fridge and didn't drink it while I was there......
perhaps she was saving it for later.

Our dessert was the Cordial Cherries! We tried those chocolate wafers but they weren't good and we threw them in the trash.

Nita's home is decorated so beautifully!!!
This is where we will all gather as a family Christmas morning for breakfast and a Chinese Christmas Tree.
Not all family can come every year but all are invited.
Mother and I had a very good visit and some important conversations.
I am grateful for our relationship and grateful for her prayers.
She and I had prayer together before I left and I will always treasure this day in my heart.
We often pray together but this day was extra special to both of us.

After I left Mother I then went over to visit Deanie!
She is decorated for Christmas as well........
just not as much as Nita and I!!!
This is the Santa she won one year at the Chines Christmas Tree!
She has won MANY but gave most of them away!!!
Granted, she gave them to her children, but STILL!!!

Her tiny tree is elegantly decorated with vintage jewelry -
plus her Three Peas in a Pod ornament!

I came home in the 5:00 traffic by the time it was all said and done!
Driving - especially in traffic - is a good time to think and pray.
I did both.

Home to Louis Dean and DAMAGE Control!!
Yesterday I was gone and he cooked pasta and sauce.
I cleaned up.
Today he had made hamburgers.
I cleaned up.

No real housework for me today.
Just the damage control and unloading my shopping haul.
I started setting up the dining room table for the tea.
It will be buffet style - it's a come and go affair.
I DID buy some fresh REAL evergreens today!!
There is now greenery hanging in the hall so I can smell 'Christmas' every time I walk down it!
A wreathe is in the den and I have two pitchers of fir branches in the large - one small.

One of my favorite childhood memories is waking up on a cold morning and smelling the scent of a Christmas Tree!!!! We always had a Douglas Fir because that was the most inexpensive kind back then.
They well may be the most fragrant!
There was some Douglas Fir in the greenery I bought today.
I will wake up in the morning and it will be cold. 
I hope I can recapture that fragrance from my children when I walk to the kitchen to turn on the coffee!


  1. Linda...I know you have heard people tell you to treasure this time with your mother, but this post ,made me feel extra sentimental. My Mom has been gone a good 12 years and I miss her everyday. We loved shopping together and she absolutely loved pajamas and slippers (and purses and shoes and clothes!!). I would give anything to have had more days with her. She was 72 years young when she passed.

    On a brighter not...good for you on all of your decorating, I hope to see more soon! :)


  2. I love your Fort Worth days, Linda. Your Mom is such a dear. The pajamas and slippers from Big Lots look warm and COZY! Can't wait to see the images from your special Christmas Tea!

  3. I'm looking forward to your Christmas Tea too! I love your Fort Worth days with your dear mom. How I wish my mom was here and we could go out every other Sunday as we used to. Your mom was so cute with wanting pjs and slippers.

  4. Spending time with you Mother is so sweet. I love reading your blog and hope your positive attitude makes its way to my laptop and then to me each morning. Thanks Linda, your posts are always a good day starter for me!

  5. Linda, It so good to see you with your mother. You do have a special connection with her. She always looks good. I had to laugh at the photo of her standing by the house slippers. :):) I know you have posted about her and her slippers. Bless her heart. We got snow last night and so far, all day today. 6 inches or more of it. I am ready for Spring Linda. Blessings to you and LD, xoxo,Susie

  6. Oh I had to laugh at how fast you can move all alone. That's what my daughter told me this morning when I hinted that I'd enjoy going with her on her shopping adventure. She said, "But, Mother, I can get so much more done without you." Sigh. I moved on to Plan B: well maybe we can get together another day. Hope so!

    Your time with your mom sounded very special. I'm glad that you take the time. It's important for you both. come home to a mess in the kitchen. I think I could get used to it. I do have a lot of sawdust on the dining room table, though, come to think about it. =D

  7. Linda, you are incredibly patient! Your mother is adorable! I had to laugh at all the Arby sandwiches in the freezer! We had Arby's in CA but not here in NJ. Hope you have your feet up and are sipping a cup of something hot and sweet! Have a lovely evening!

  8. That is too funny about your mom always thinking she needs more slippers. Maybe she has some dementia. My dad does and has to keep lists all over his house so he doesn't forget things now that he's a widow. Glad to hear that you were finally able to get out and about. I'm sure that ice was treacherous! We have had a rainy day today so I stayed inside all day today. I'm so sick of rain. It rained practically all summer and we've had a very wet winter so far too. I feel like moving to the desert now!

  9. I see you touched a cord in several of us...Mothers..What precious people they are and how I miss mine too. It was November 11, 1991...She was 79 and cancer one the battle. I miss her every day..And you mom brings me comfort and a smile...mine loved slippers too...What's up with that? Haha ...You are one special daughter.
