Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm NOT Finished YET!

While I am NOT finished with my decorating YET - I HAVE made some progress today!

The dining room is now DONE!

I had to cancel art class on Tuesday night because the table was PILED high with fall debris!

I picked this arrangement up at Goodwill over the summer.

The Harvest Angel was a craft project with the grands a few years ago.
I love it because it is made of wood and will last!

This piece is under our vintage photo wall......

Lots of family history - both mine and Louis Dean's are on this wall.

Pilgrims were a gift from my former boss's wife.

Or maybe THIS set was from her!

The dining room is now clean AND decorated so tomorrow afternoon I can move on to the sewing room and gazebo. It's one thing to decorate INSIDE with the A/C on. MUCH harder to do things outside when it is still in triple digits down here! Today was our 27th day of 100+ temps making it the 27th hottest summer in Texas history. The last few years were MUCH hotter - so I am not really complaining!

As I move from one room to another - sometimes I have to go BACK and add things.
I covered the living room table with a lovely fall brocade skirt.

I added fall leaves and a scarecrow to the suitcase in the den.

Wednesday was my day to spend in Quadville.

Amber gathered them all up after their nap and we headed to the mall.
They LOVED looking at all the sights!

See the disgruntled look on Harrison's face?

It was because Kailey kept KICKING his seat back!

Even in a stroller these babies will MARCH at Grandma's command!

They are SO cute!!

There's a play area at the mall and Amber occasionally has play dates there with other moms of multiples.

Kailey girl is a climber!

I love how she scrunches up her little nose!

Logan was out on a big adventure!

There's no GATE to the play area so Amber and I were in high alert and watched them every single second.
She would take two and I would take two.
Trystan DID try to escape - so did Logan - and MORE than once!

I stay until after bedtime on Wednesdays and it is a sweet time to help with baths and see them all so clean and happy. They roam free in the kitchen after baths and Amber's Tupperware cupboard will not be tidy for another few years.

I can't tell you what amazing parents Amber and Mike are!

As a parent of four adult 'children' - with three of the four having children -
it is such a blessing to know all my grandchildren are having wonderful childhoods!
I wish I had had the parenting skills my children do.

Thank you, Amber, for dressing up my blog for FALL!


  1. You may not be finished, but you have made a lovely Fall statement thus far!

    I always smile when I see the quads in their stroller...they look like they are in their own little roller coaster car!

    It is a gift from God's to live long enough to watch your children parent.

  2. P.S. When I said Fall "statement" I also was referring to your new blog design! Nice work, Amber!

  3. Love the "fall" look for your blog, especially love the picture with all the Grands:)
    I will say it again your home is soooo pretty! Love all your decorating.
    I laughed out loud watching the quads march in their stroller.
    The sign says it all, our Grandkids do take after their "Beautiful Brilliant" Grandmas:)
    Thanks for sharing:)

  4. I love the Autumn theme on your blog!!! The quads are delightful. Your home looks so warm and inviting!

  5. Linda, to be able to read your blog the first thing in the morning on daily bases makes me happy, gives me strenght - makes my day! Thank You!!!

  6. Oh they are brilliant and beautiful, but have you been chucking Tupperware all over the place lately? We got such a kick out of watching these videos and all before 7 a.m. Hope that you get the chance to sleep late.

    Oh the decorating is looking fine. I think you must do it to get a sense of autumn because, in the natural, it is so hot there. (Just 40F here this morning. I'm going to have to start thinking about frost.)

  7. Love those babies and all you fall décor! I'm starting today on mine! Yay!!!

  8. Your house is beautiful (as usual) with all the fall decorations. Those quads are quite a handful. Now that they are walking all over the place you are going to have to get roller skates to keep up! Thanks for the videos. They started my day off just right.

  9. Oh Linda... I just want to decorate my mantel...please come help... I can't even do that one little area good...please come help:)))

  10. Oh those babies make me tired just watching...they are energy personified!

  11. I love your diligence to decorating and sentimentality and celebrating the everydayness in life. Those kids of yours have parenting skills inherited from you.
    We spend some of these hot days at the mall with our grand kids, too.

  12. All of your Fall decorations look so pretty! I noticed your blog design right away. The quads sure are cute in their multiple cruiser! I bet it's fun for the kids to get out of the house and play with other kids too.

  13. OMG I love the expressions in the picture where Harrison is slightly disgruntled. It made me laugh.
    they're so darn cute
