Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Project

I love redeeming things!! My hall has long been a dark dungeon but no longer!! I've been wanting to redo it since we did our bedroom. At long last - it is getting DONE!!!

I started on Thursday and have been working on it ever since.
Prepare, stucco, Kiltz, paint, glaze, another glaze.....

In between working in the hall I was also 'redeeming' some pieces that GO in the hall!
I bought this little corner cabinet for $88 back in 1983. It is an inexpensive thing but I would rather redeem it than buy something new.

I based it in.....and later added three different 'layers' of color and a bit of sanding!

An old dark ugly frame is getting a new life.

This mirror was in a bedroom once upon a time but has been in the hall for years.
It will return to its rightful place tomorrow.

All that's left is the trim which I will paint WHITE!
We are ordering mirror sliding closet doors and hopefully can get them and put them in this week.
See that wet spot on the carpet?
I spilled paint!! Thank goodness I have a Rainbow vacuum cleaner. It cleaned right up. I just had to pour on a half gallon of water and it sucked all that glaze and paint right up!

It felt good to accomplish something I have been wanting to do!
It may be wishful thinking but I detect a slight change in the light.....
the locusts are giving out their end of season cries......and a few dead brown leaves have scattered themselves on the front porch this evening.

Fall is coming......even though it was over 100 degrees here in the DFW area today.

The temps had fallen a bit with an approaching thunderstorm - no rain so far - just lightning and thunder!
We love our neighborhood birds and as I was watching them up there in the dead branches of the trees across the street - we were reminded to fill our feeders.

We have enjoyed having our grand dog, Sadie, here this weekend.
She and Lucy are good friends.
Little Sadie is old and deaf and mostly blind.....but she is a dear and we love her.

Louis Dean and I have accomplished a lot this weekend with our projects.
He cooked the meals today - his version of goulash for lunch (Delicious!) and a PBJ sandwich for supper.
Last night I did not sleep well even though we went to bed at 10:15! It was 4:00 AM before I finally dozed off. Bet I will be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow tonight!

This will help, I'm sure!!


  1. You are working so hard ! Great changes. Hope you have a lovely nights sleep tonight.

  2. I love the changes you are making, Linda! Sadie and Lucy are delightful!

  3. The atmosphere is changing here as well! I always notice the difference on the last weekend of July.

    Linda, you did a lovely job redeeming the corner cabinet, frame and mirror! The hallway has transformed nicely, but not easily! I am quite certain that you will be happy when this project is complete!

    A sweet sip of Riesling toast to you and LD tonight!

  4. I look forward to seeing the finished hallway - it is looking so interesting!

  5. Your hallway is looking good! Hurray for the vaccumn that took up that paint.

    I'm with you, reuse what you have. That is true recycling. It looks nice with the light paint on it.

  6. You've both kept busy...what with redoing the hall and cooking. That goulash sounds fantastic.

    Oh yes, hot, hot, hot here too!! rain.

  7. Love the pics of the work you have been doing! Feels so good doesn't it?!

  8. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished hallway. Yes, there is a definite change in the air-the summer is winding down and I am so ready for fall, my favorite time of year!

  9. You are always working hard at something and am sure the finished project will be great.

  10. I have been painting things too... I always forget to take pictures though...Don't you just love when a project is finished though!!

  11. Hey are ya!
    Oh friend, you've been busy! I love how your paint job turned up and you must be too, after a job well done, specially with such great furry company at your side, lol.. so cute! Have a sweet week.

  12. Linda, Like I have said you and LD ever NOT work? LOL. Your projects are looking good. You need to do a post on the vacuum cleaner that sucked up the paint. xoxo,Susie

  13. New paint does wonders on everything and it looks like you accomplished so much beautifying, Linda!

    Our evenings and morning are getting cooler, and the monsoon rains have been coming on and off. It is sad that Manitou Springs is having all the post fire mudslides form the rains, but the rest of Colorado needed it!

    Hope you have a good sleep tonight!

  14. More great projects! Thank goodness for paint. It can change so many things. You are such a go getter. Yes, Fall is around the corner. I enjoying our sunshine at the moment. xo Linda

  15. Love how you repurpose and redeem pieces.
    I hope to redeem several frames before hanging them back up on the wall.
