Friday, August 16, 2013

Out and About!!

I woke up in Quadville this morning! It always feels like a holiday when I spend the night over there. As soon as the morning routine was done I gathered up the quads and we went on a walk through the neighborhood. Amber had gone to do errands but she asked the nanny to go with me - just in case that quad stroller full of babies got to be too much for me! The weather was beautiful today in North Texas! Rain from the day before has cooled things off and made the walk pleasant. It's not every August 15th that you can get out and do this in TEXAS!!

I'm happy to say we walked a good ways down the street before turning around. Notice the word 'down.' Coming back was UP hill and I admit to letting Tiffany push the stroller the last little way!

Sun on their faces and wind in their hair!

Seeing the world through the eyes of a child has GOT to be one of life's biggest blessings!!!
Thank you, Lord!!!

After the babies had their lunch and were down for their naps, Amber and I ate ours while watching a 'program.' Today's choice was Perception. That's a pretty good show but not a favorite of Louis Dean's so it made the perfect companion to our lunch/rest hour!

Then I left to do some errands of my own. The area Amber lives in is so nice and has some great shopping places. For example Central Market which is owned by HEB. You all know that is my very favorite grocery store - right next to PUBLIX which is in Florida!

I love everything about this store!

I had a few things on my list......
I am an alternate for a Bunko group and was asked early this morning if I could play tonight.
Everyone brings something for the pot luck and I knew I could get something wonderful here!!

I always check out the wine section.

Especially the TEXAS wines!!

Lo and behold I found that awesome wine (the Texas Viognier) from Becker Vineyards right here!!!
I also picked up a bottle of their Riesling. Can't wait to try THAT!!

I have been invited to  a wine tasting party next month. It's interesting how that came about.
Facebook is such a SOCIAL network and I find I am friends with people I seldom see and some I have never met. One 'friend of a friend' is hosting the party and those in the DFW area will actually gather at her home. The other 'friends' will join online. I think this will be so much fun and I intend to take this bottle of special wine as MY contribution. Hope they like it as much as I do!

Back to Quadville to load up and head home.
But WAIT!!! The babies were just waking up from their naps so I could not bear to leave without helping get them from the nursery to the changing table downstairs for a diaper switch, then a drink of water (actually tea!) and settle down to a little play time. I do love these babies!

This morning Amber brought Logan in (the guest room) on her way to the quad table for breakfast.
I had just woken up and had no make up on and my hair was a mess from washing it last night and going to bed with it wet. No glasses, no earrings, no recognition! She clung to her mother in Stranger Danger fashion.
Praise God by the time I arrived in the kitchen she knew who I was!

Logan took my earring off and YES! I wear CLIP earrings!!
Notice how the quads are so often intertwined with each other?

I had put the clip on her ear and she took it off. When I put it back on MY ear - she took it off!
Now she's trying to put it on her - but she forgot where it goes!

Children are the most wonderful form of entertainment EVER!!!

As in last night - I leave you with a link to Amber's blog where you can see for yourself where I've been the last few days!


  1. They look so happy and perfectly content. What a great group of babies. Scratch that. They really aren't babies anymore. I have noticed that they seem to play and interact with one another very well. Guess that they had to have that cooperation thing all worked out in the womb. Have fun at your events!

  2. I'm so with you on this: "Seeing the world through the eyes of a child has GOT to be one of life's biggest blessings!!! Thank you, Lord!!!"
    All I want to know is, what kind of vitamins you take? :-)

  3. Thank you for sharing, seeing the quads is so much fun,reminders of the more simple pleasures in life - the admiration of a child!

  4. Oh, I love to see the children! We've followed them since birth and I'm amazed at how they've grown in everyway...simply adorable Linda! We're also lucky we have our mothers to come stay with us one day a week; I say luck, cause some are still alive, but live far away from their children too. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Maybe you should spare 'one bottle' of Texas wine...I'll be over to pick it up!!!

  6. What a blessing to be able to see your sweet quads so often! We're so enjoying living close to our little ones.

    Love, love, love Central Market!! Stocked up on fresh roasted Hatch green chile at the one in Southlake on Wednesday!

  7. Those babies are just so to watch the video's...

  8. The quads are adorable, Linda. I love Quadville. :)

  9. Linda, I can only imagine that the stroller would be hard to push even on flat land....that's a lot of babies. :):) Do people stare whenever you go down the street?? They sure are growing.. Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. xoxo,Susie
