Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Sofa, Dinner Party, NUTS.....and a Prayer Request

We had a lot of action going on around here today! We were getting ready for a dinner party!

Louis Dean was busy in the kitchen making his famous dinner rolls.
I came along after the dough was 'proofing' and cleaned up after him.

Then he would come BACK and do some more baking.
He baked. I cleaned. Repeat. Repeat again.

I think he was studying the clock when I snapped this shot.
He has a funny expression on his face!

Every single roll weighs exactly the same!

I managed to get a little kitchen tine in between his putting on the roast and making the bread.
Brownies with ice cream was the dessert. I made company mashed potatoes and candied carrots along with a garden salad to round out the meal.

Just as we were expecting our company - our new sofa arrived!!!

Well, bring it on IN!!! We have been expecting you!

It seems LARGER here than it was in the showroom.
I suppose that might be because the showroom is so much LARGER than our den!!

Company arrived just minutes after the delivery!
Sherry (our beloved daughter in law) and her daughter, Crystal, sat with Louis Dean!
The beginning of a lovely evening!

This pic was so cute I just HAD to post it! Louis Dean's face is a little blurry - but you have all seen his face before!

Dinner is served!

I love having friends and family over for a meal. Especially when it is FAMILY and they are FRIENDS!!

We were in Classy Casual mode!

Food was serving Boarding House style.
Stress free!!
The dinner party was in honor of Robert's visit and included his Uncle Roy as well as Sherry and Crystal.

After dinner I hauled out my box of playing cards. For NUTS every player uses a whole deck of cards each!

Who KNEW Crystal and her mother were so competitive???

I won the first round!! AND the second!!! 

Crystal won the third round!

Sherry won the fourth!!!
All the ladies WON!!
Great fun and lots of smiles and laughter.

Both Sherry and Roy brought bottles of wine.
After everyone was gone and the kitchen was clean we retired to the den to try out our new sofa!

I poured glasses of wine for Robert and me.
I got such a kick out of serving his in this tiny little glass!

As much fun as we have had today, we have still been mindful to pray for Little Andie.
Andie is Deanie's granddaughter and she had surgery this morning. It went well and she is still groggy and out of it tonight. We are praying for a good recovery and low pain. Andie has had more than her fair share of surgeries in her young life. She is such a trooper!!!
I will get to visit her tomorrow.

I close my journal entry for this day with a prayer for Andie.
Lord, please comfort and heal Andie and help her as she recovers. Give her - and those who love her and have been with her today - strength and peace. God grant the doctors and staff wisdom in taking care of Andie and keep her safe in your hands. Dear God, please bless this precious child. She has been such a blessing to so many! We thank you and praise you, in Jesus' name, amen.


  1. ...and amen. So hard to see the children hurting.

    Well I hope that sofa lives up to every expectation! Our sofa is in need of replacing. We roll from it. John is threatening to put it on cement blocks. Ha!

    Fun photos of another lovely evening in Texas!

  2. AMEN The new sofa looks great. WOW I am impressed the ladies won on their first NUTS attempt. Shows some folks are just quicker learners than others. :-) Good job ladies!

  3. Total comfort and joy all the way to my prayer for Andie!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear Linda!

  4. I love your new sofa! Wish I could sit on it and try it out. It looks comfortable. That dinner looked yummy. Y'all always have the best meals. So sad to see Andie laid up in a hospital bed. I hope she recovers quickly. So sorry to hear that she has health problems that require so much medical attention too!

  5. Looks like a wonderful evening had by all, and such scrumptious looking food! Everywhere I look, there's food and sweets.

    Speaking of sweet, love the sofa AND pray for sweet Andie.

  6. Linda, I said a prayer as soon as I read your blog. May God bless Andie and her family. Your dinner party looked like a fun time. Nice to have your new sofa...but that was close timing.Enjoy your weekend. xoxo,Susie

  7. Praying for Andie. Thanks for sharing your full day with us...including great food, good company and a new sofa!

  8. I will say a prayer for her. I am so sorry she is so sick! sandie

  9. I would love to know what "company potatoes" are and also how do you cook the roast so it slices so nice & pretty?
    Kristal C

  10. Hey, Kristal! Company mashed potatoes are awesome and easy and taste even BETTER the next day!
    Peel and cut potatoes as usual. I used 7 large ones because I wanted enough for leftovers! Mash them (I use a mixer) with about 6 oz. cream cheese and 1 cup sour cream. Season with salt and pepper - and I use garlic & herbs mix plus garlic salt. Pour into a baking dish and sprinkle shredded cheese on top. I also sprinkle some parsley. Refrigerate (up to a week) and cook later if you need to. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Trust me - there will be NONE to throw away!!

    Louis Dean uses an electric knife and cooks the roast only til it's done. Not like I do - I cook it (long and SLOW) until it falls apart!!

  11. Hope Andie is doing well, Linda. re sleeping - I was a very bad sleeper for several years but am much better now. I found I had to learn not to worry when I couldn't sleep - I just do a little relaxation exercise or do a little daydream to pass the time and more often than not I'll drift off. Do you ever get woken up by a dream and then go back to sleep and find yourself still in it - happens to me quite often!

  12. So much fun! And still the tough challenges of life are always there, aren't they? Hope little Andie has a quick recovery.

  13. Hope is going well for Andie.
    LD and the girls looked very happy and comfy on that new couch
