Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday's Prayer and Praises.........

As I journal tonight I have my granddaughter, Raynie, on my mind.

It breaks my heart to see her so sick and still waving at her Bella!
Summer and Sabrina took her to the hospital tonight after a couple weeks of being sick and getting sicker!
Every time they THOUGHT she rallied - then she relapsed.
We don't know exactly what is wrong but we DO know she is dehydrated and has lost weight due to this!
As awful as an ER visit is - this is the right place for Raynie tonight.
God bless her little heart!!! I just want to reach through the screen and hold her!!
Until  I can - I am keeping my phone close and have cleared my schedule for tomorrow just in case they need me.

This morning I left about 10 am to spend the day in Quadville!

These babies are growing by leaps and bounds!

Every time I visit I try to bring something to entertain the babies.
My black and white scarf from The Purple Buffalo in Buffalo Gap was a HUGE success!!!

I KNEW Trystan would love it!!

She loves all textures!

Logan enjoyed it too!

This scarf requires supervision and I was watching them every second!

They were so cute!!

This afternoon Amber took Harrison for an appointment so.....

since Kailey was AWAKE  and the other girls were still napping - I let her roam over the house freely!!!
For an hour she lived the life of an ONLY CHILD!
Of COURSE I gave her a cookie!!
Albeit a CHOCOLATE one!!

Kailey wandered down the hall and into my FAVORITE closet!!!

She found lots of interesting things to look at!

The on to other adventures!

After Kailey had thoroughly explored the downstairs I put her back in the playroom where she totally entertained herself!

Pretty soon Logan and Trystan woke up.
I HAD to let THEM explore TOO!!!
After all, Kailey was happy in the playroom having some time to herself!

The girls LOVED having all this freedom!!

And I LOVED watching them!!

That sweet Trystan!!

What a great place they have to play!
The playroom is bigger than the whole apartment they had for a few months!

This is a memory I will keep and treasure!
I would not have SEEN this had I not BEEN there!!

Harrison arrived home after his appointment and was DELIGHTED to see all his TOYS!!
Apparently he had missed them so!

At day's end babies and Grandma were tired. 
Busy babies make tired babies. 
These are healthy HAPPY babies!

I close with prayers that Raynie will soon be back to HER happy healthy self!!


  1. Linda
    Sending many prayers for little Raynie, and hugs to you.
    Hope she is feeling better soon.
    Thanks for sharing so many pictures of the Quads, they are getting bigger and of course cuter.

    1. I love to share! Thank you for being such a special friend to us! I know how much Amber appreciates you and all you have done for them!

  2. Quads! :) As a mother of seven, I was in heaven looking at all the pictures. Mine were all so close in age that I sort of know how busy you were.
    Mine were all 13, 14, 15 months apart and then the last when the last little one entered Kindergarten. It was a busy time of my life.
    Now a great grandmother to 14 and great grandmother to six.
    You are going to have such a full life with out those wonderful little ones. Yeah..I know, tired too. :)

  3. Oh I am sorry to read this about your little Raynie and am saying a prayer for a quick recovery. Three weeks is a long time to be under the weather.

    So fun to see the quads happy and growing and exploring. They all seem to get along so well, too.

  4. I'm ptaying for Raynie, Linda. I've read that a long lasting virus is making the rounds this summer in many states.

    The Quads are getting so big and each one is adorable! I get tired of taking care of one grandchild....I can't imagine four at once!

  5. Praying for your Raynie to be better soon. These yucky bugs are tough on the little ones.

    Sweet, sweet pictures of the Quads! Our Ryan will be 1 next month and is into everything-can't imagine how busy we would be if he had 3 others his age! (I know it would be a lot of fun, though!)

  6. They are just TOO cute! Praying for your Raynie.

  7. The quads are always so cute! I can tell Harrison is getting bigger. You can definitely tell him apart from the girls now. I hope Raynie gets better soon and they can find out what is going on with her.

  8. Linda, I am praying for Raynie. The babies are growing so fast...just like you said. I hope everything works out for all of you. Take care. xoxo,Susie

  9. I hope you'll be posting soon to tell us how Raynie is. Poor lil' things, so cute and delicate looking on her hospital bed...To see the quads now no one would ever know how tiny they were when they came into this world.

  10. I am sending prayers for Raynie too. And look at all those beautiful babies. sandie

  11. Prayers for your sweet Raynie. You sure had a big day with those babies. You are a blessed woman with so many sweeties in your life.

  12. Hope Raynie is doing better. Hugs and prayers.
