Sunday, July 14, 2013

Family Gatherings!

This has been a great weekend filled with MANY family gatherings!!
It started yesterday in Quadville when Summer, Sabrina and Raynie came over to see Amber and Mike's new house! I thought Summer expressed it well when she said, "The quads will enjoy growing up here!"

Sabrina let Logan don her sunglasses!
See Amber's newly repainted dining room light in the background?
As handy as I am with my dandy little red camera - I did NOT get pictures of Raynie playing with the babies. My battery had died and was on the charger.....but trust me - they were all adorable!

We moved the party to our house where Raynie rode the big horse!

I love her precious little feet!

She was admiring my dangle earrings and said they were 'soft.'
These actually belonged to Raynie's GREAT grandmother!
They are my very favorite pair.....but I told her when she is old enough SHE could have them.
I think MiMi (Sabrina's mother) would be pleased.

They look pretty good on her!

Thursday was National Mojito Day and Sabrina brought all the ingredients for her home made version!

We rounded out the evening with a dip in the NEIGHBOR'S pool!!
A perfect ending to a GREAT July Saturday!!

This morning we woke up to COOL temps and RAIN!
Who would have THOUGHT??? In TEXAS and in JULY???
What a blessing!! We sat in the gazebo enjoying our morning coffee before going to church.
As soon as we got home Robert and I started making batch after batch of Popcorn Crunch!

We tried TWO batches using the Whirley Popper.....and we burned both batches!
I resorted to the old fashioned recipe......

but even THAT didn't turn out with this wet weather!

We headed to Fort Worth for a Family Gathering with limp popcorn!

This is a funny picture!! Louis Dean was so impressed with Nita's new sofa! Deanie got one first, then Nita got one.....we get ours on Wednesday! LD was pushing the power button to raise the footrest. The sofa has TWO cushions so it's actually like TWO recliners. Only there were THREE people sitting on it! This beautiful lady is Lily and she is ever gracious.....even as HALF of her section began to rise. She just scooted over towards Louis Dean! You can tell we all had so much fun!!

Nita - always beautiful and smiling!

Who KNOWS what Louis Dean was saying??

We had bragged and bragged to Robert about how funny my brother is!!!
He did not disappoint us!! We  LOVE Lonnie!!!

AND we love Michele - his lovely wife!

Robert seemed to really enjoy the visit. Nita's husband was showing him some of his dinosaur artifacts.
Their house has museum quality collections!

I absolutely LOVE Family Gatherings!
Everyone seems to have fancy cell phones these days!
I am getting one Tuesday!!! A real 'grown up' phone!

This picture makes me smile.

Guy talk.

As I was going through my pics from this afternoon I had a surprise from Deanie!!
I posted it on my Facebook album and SO many people 'liked' it I decided to add it here as well!
She is so cute!!!

Mother was in her element! ALL mothers enjoy having a lot of family around chatting and laughing together!

My mother, Nita and her handsome son, Bill!!
His visit sparked this social afternoon.

We have a budding artist in the family!!!
Haley painted this beautiful canvas!
I am so impressed with her work!! Hopefully she will continue and share many more projects with us.

Here is the beautiful artist holding her painting with a proud great grandmother in the background!

I don't know how we could have packed any more into this weekend than we did!
The house is still open with the attic fan on as I write. IMAGINE! Texas in July and cool enough to keep our doors open to the fresh air!! What a GIFT! Thank you, Lord!!!


  1. Great photos, Linda. Looks like a wonderful time!!!

  2. Your post are always like a breath of fresh air. There's nothing like family!!

  3. Another busy weekend for you. Your weekends are always full of fun! I hope you have a relaxing week. Families are always the best.

  4. Your family has so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have a cooler/rainy reprieve. We are in for a hot/humid week. Glad for you!!!!!

  5. You packed a lot into the weekend, Linda - lots of love and laughter. Whenever you talk about that popcorn I think that I should make some. One of these days!

  6. :inda, That just looked like the best fun, having everyone talking and enjoying time together. Your pop-corn story reminded me of my girls. LOL. Hope you get to enjoy the coolness longer. We are in for some hot stuff this week.xoxo,Susie

  7. Limp popcorn even sounds good to me. What a thrill to get some rain! Do NOT send it this way, though. Your mom does look perfectly calm, content, and happy.

  8. Looks like a great time was had by all! Isn't this weather glorious? Hope we can keep it for another day more!

  9. Oh enjoy that nice weather. I just saw today where we were getting ready to hit a heat wave in Kentucky this coming week. Good thing we are headed out for vacation on Thursday..of course we might end up in Texas with even hotter weather LOL

    Glad you all had such a GREAT family weekend. That painting is just amazing, such a talented young gal.

    Hope your week is just as awesome. Enjoy that new cell, I love mine!

  10. isn't it wonderful to have family close have a great one that is for sure

  11. It looks like you had a great family get together with everyone. I bet you'll enjoy your new sofa and cell phone you're getting this week. I just recently got an iPhone and love it! You would be surprised how much you'll use it with everything on it. Glad to hear that you got some rain. I heard that TX was dry right now. We would GLADLY send our excess your way if we could.

  12. Looks like fun for all. Whatever LD was saying in that one photo ...he looked really comfy. ;o)
