Sunday, July 7, 2013

Capping Off the Weekend!!!

We have had two adventure filled weekends in a row!!
Yesterday was pretty special - we all went out to lunch together!
Amber had reserved a table for NINE at Gloria's and let me tell you - it was GLORIOUS!

The babies were next to perfect and it thrills my heart that they get to go out and experience things just like everyone else!

ALL the babies loved the bean dip and chips. Beans and rice were big hits too.
Kailey and Logan were little ladies eating out of the plates - for awhile at least!

A lady dining with her husband recognized us from our blogs and came over and introduced herself.
She said she had followed along and felt like she knew us.
It took only a minute and then she was gone but left us with smiles.
Everyone was wonderful that day!

Including the staff!

It was SUCH a good day! While Amber and Mike kept working (they never seem to stop all day long!)
the rest of us took naps! Kailey woke first and enjoyed a little extra attention!

Amber cooks nearly every single day. I do NOT know where she got THAT! Not me!
Sandwiches will do and I have been known to offer Louis Dean crackers and milk and call it DONE!
Dinner was a crock pot meal Amber had prepared back when they were in the apartment. She made several, bagged them up and popped them in the freezer!
 BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and beans. Plus the babies always get a serving of assorted fresh fruit. Raspberries, blueberries, bananas and strawberries are favorites.

After dinner the babies all got some special one-on-one time. 
I took Kailey around and she explored the kitchen and walked all through the living room and dining room.
Louis Dean had Logan playing music with her little horn while Amber had Harrison and Mike was in the corral with Trystan. Bedtime is early and I continue to be amazed at how Amber has the babies on such a marvelous schedule. It wasn't easy but she did it and babies (and people of all ages) like the security of routine and schedules. A bit of variety now and then is always included!

After the babies were down for the night we enjoyed the very same meal as the quads - just larger servings and we eat with utensils!
We closed our evening out in their newly set up living room relaxing to a bit of entertainment!
I wish we could live in two places at once but it was time to go home!

This morning we enjoyed going to church. We are 'regular' attenders and plan on placing membership this fall when we can be a real part of the church and activities.

After church we went to the Movie Tavern to see The Lone Ranger.
It was GREAT!!! We loved it! Louis Dean REQUESTED we see it!
It was so good Louis Dean and I started clapping when it was over. Pretty soon the whole auditorium was clapping along with us and we all walked out smiling!!

He seldom wants to go to the movies and will only go if it's at The Movie Tavern where he can have a beer and a hamburger! The beer stein is one that you purchase there and bring it back for a less expensive refill.
They have Shiner Bock on tap and that's his favorite.
We chatted with a couple as we stood in line and he owns a tree service. We need to have our HUGE pecan trees as well as the elm trimmed BIG TIME! Now we have someone to call. Amazing how God places just the right people in our life just when we need them!


  1. Sounds like another wonderful weekend my friend! I'm so glad you are getting to spend so much time with those you love the most!

    I sent you an invite to my new blog (I went private)!
    Did you get it? If not, I'll send another

    1. NO! I looked but I didn't see one! I meant to message you because I want to be included.

  2. Another nice weekend. I'm so glad going out to eat isn't a big deal -- at least with four adults to four kids -- and that no one bothered you. How great to meet one of your blog friends!

  3. I wish we had a movie tavern and a Glorias in Michigan. I am so glad you liked the movie, some of the critics didn't, what do they know. Babies are adorable, growing and changing aren't they?

  4. You're stars! =D And I mean it! (Sometimes, people will give me that funny look like "I know you" but so far no one has introduced herself. I am just learning to smile back. Ha!)

    Yes, God is good and so it does not surprise me that you found a tree guy at the movie theater.

  5. Oh how precious!

    Amber is a super, super mom! No doubt about it. It's quite lovely, that the Quads came into this particular family. With super coordinated mommy and daddy. :-))))

    Oh we used to have a dinner and movie place, but it closed. It is a fun thing to do. :-)

    Happy New Moon!

  6. We are thinking of seeing The Lone Ranger on date night this week. Thanks for the review. Wish we could see it there. Chris would be all over a hamburger, beer & a good movie.

  7. Linda, I truly think Amber needs to write a book on her quads and routines. She is amazing. Seeing them walk and chattering tickles me. LD is a good helper with you. Nice you had some funtime together.xoxo,Susie

  8. Awwwwwwwwwwww, so precious are they. And your table for nine was such a delightful read [and of course viewing the special photos shared!]

    They're such need not be told that tho, I'm sure.

    And I like your review on the Lone Ranger. I am now anticipating going to see it. I was leery to say the least. But if you thought it was worthy of applause, I'm gonna make a special request that Bud and I go see it.

    My computer is up and running again, after a long drug out weekend of repair work and frustrations.

    Hope your week ahead is just as special as your weekend.

  9. We also saw the Lone Ranger this weekend and really enjoyed it,I never listen to the critics.
    I would imagine all the babies love exploring all the spaces/areas in their new home.
    Sounds like you had another fantastic weekend.
    Thanks for sharing, the babies are soooo cute!!

  10. an awesome weekend....I want to see the Lone Ranger...

  11. You guys have such a wonderful life!

    I wanted to see the Lone Ranger - I head it didn't do so well though.


  12. You're the first of my friends that enjoyed the movie. Or maybe it was just Johnny Depp they didn't like. I haven't seen the movie yet so I can't say one way or the other. I'll just have to see it when it comes out and see for myself. ;o)
