Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Simple Saturday

I love Simple Saturdays!
 A 'Simple Saturday' means no agenda - no NEED to DO things - no REAL work.
Sleeping late is a given for Saturdays!
We start ALL our days off with morning coffee in the gazebo.
The gazebo is to us an extra 'Living' space!

Today Louis Dean worked on something to do with getting the electric hooked up to the camper.
I did routine housework - changing the sheets on the bed (making sure I sprayed MY side with fragrance!), doing laundry, taking care of water and food for Maggie and Lucy, vacuuming......the usual chores of a homemaker.

Late in the afternoon I joined my first born daughter, Summer, at her scrapbook event!
They were a fun group! Today marked their 10th anniversary of scrap booking together!

These are the people I know!
Friends of my daughter!
Good people!

What an opportunity to spend a little time with Summer!!
The Scrapbook Event was right here in Irving!
Win! WIN!!!
I made a Sonic run for drinks for the girls so I felt like I could stay and visit a bit!
NEXT Scrapbook Event I plan to pay my dues and bring my sewing machine to spend the whole day sewing! It starts in the morning and last all day until 11:00 PM! 
I could do a whole quilt in that time!

Right before I left Summer made me this cute Gerber Daisy card!
It's hard for me to MAIL it! I want to FRAME it!!

I made a Simple Saturday Salad for our Saturday Night Supper.

I put everything I could find in it!
Lettuce, tiny tomatoes, celery, strawberries, blueberries, avocado, bell pepper, chicken - it was a work of art!

It has been a very good Saturday!
I would like to wish my dear brother in law, Mike, a very happy birthday!!
So many friends! So many birthdays!!
Happy Birthday, Candie!!


  1. I love a day with no agenda! Yours sounds just about perfect!

  2. Most of my Saturdays are simple Saturdays. I love not having to do things, just gettting the housework done. Glad you got a chance to get together with Summer and the scrapbookers.

  3. I would frame that cute card too!
    What a fun day!
    Salad? It's whats for dinner! We had shrimp salads.
    Shhhhhh...don't tell the beef industry!

  4. Linda, What a nice time with your Summer girl. I know what you mean about the card...keep it. The salad looked wonderful, nice warm weather supper. xoxo,Susie

  5. Your simple Saturday sounds busy enough! Glad you had such a nice day with your daughter.

  6. I love that every day is a "Happening" to you!
    Just great!!

  7. Sometimes simple Saturday's are the best! That card that Summer made you is darling. Sounds like a great way to spend the day being crafty with friends.

  8. I suspect a lot of good hearted people were in this post, including yourself! The salad made my mouth water. It looks delicious!

  9. Wow that is awesome. 10 years for a group to be together and that's a large group. Fun.

    That darn salad is making me drool....looks so yummy
