Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Dress, Pearls, Grand Quads, GRANDSON and our Gazebo! Weekend Recap!

This past week has flown by and the weekend went even faster! Louis Dean and I sat out in the gazebo this evening talking about how we wish we could slow life down. We decided we would do that very thing. SLOW life down! This next week we are going to practice BEING instead of DOING as much.

Remember the $10 dress I bought at an estate sale on Friday?

I tried it on yesterday and it FITS!!!
Amber used to tell me I dressed up like a doily! In keeping with that description I shall wear this dress to my niece's wedding this fall.

Perhaps accessorize with some pearls?

This is how I am using the huge martini glass I purchased at Junker Val's!
You didn't REALLY think I could drink that much, now did you??

The quads have had quite the social experiences this weekend!
I sat in the back with them as we drove to another Quad Squad's birthday bash on Saturday!
They were excellent at mingling with the other guest - both adults and children!
Harrison walked around the entire time - threading himself like a needle through the maze of legs in the crowd!
 They had yet another birthday party to attend today and since it was in Irving and at a water park, I met them there. Once again the babies proved to be adaptable as well as sociable. 
Amber does an amazing job! It's no small task to take four 13 month old babies out but these quads do NOT lack in social skills or opportunities to USE these skills!

We have so enjoyed having Robert with us this past week and a half. 

What an impressive young man he is. SO knowledgeable about so many issues.
He left this evening and we are going to miss him!

I shopped Tuesday Morning this Sunday afternoon and purchased a rug for our gazebo.

I do NOT know why I have not bought one before!!

This is where we ended our day. Not with our traditional evening glass of wine but with a freshly baked cinnamon roll and a glass of milk!! Louis Dean made the rolls this afternoon after I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Robert took a bag FULL when he left!

Louis Dean is already in bed and I just may go back out to the gazebo for a few extra minutes. I am towards the end of my book by Beverly Lewis - The Parting. I seem to sleep so much better if I read for awhile first.


  1. I've read that book in love it! Happy Monday.

  2. hope you take it easy this glad you had a good that rug...and the is so you Linda....adorable...

  3. That dress is so pretty - I hope you'll show us how it looks at the wedding. Is the gazebo open on the sides? I can't remember. I think I may have to copy you and put a rug in our gazebo too!

  4. I have that book on the nightstand of my guest room.It is a good read. Can't wait to see the wedding blog post and you in your new dress. I think it will be gorgeous on you. Have a relaxing week.

  5. Wonderful description that Amber provided. She may not have meant it as a compliment, but what is more lovely than a doily?'ve lost your guest until next time. Glad that it was a fun time for you. Hope that you and LD know how to slow down. I have my doubts...

    Those quads are so darling...every single one of them!

  6. Linda, You did have a big week. I like that Robert got to see that older people work hard and have an active social life too. It's good for young people to see that. Slow down and enjoy each other and squeeze those babies every chance you get. Blessings. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. Was Robert on his way here??

  7. Girl, you get more miles out of your day than anyone I have ever known! I look forward to your nightly updates and try now to compare it to my very slow day. You inspire me to do more than I think I can and it has helped me no end to read of all you do. Of course, if I had four babies to stop and love on any time I wanted to, I think I might go out a little more. What a blessing you have in those babies, your family, your hubs, and your lov of shopping!!

    Have a good week....and Blessings!

  8. We have the same conversation at the end of the day. Life is whizzing by too quickly. Glad your Robert had such a good time and I know you will miss him being there.
    Your dress is lovely and the quads are so cute. Your daughter is amazing.

  9. I think you are amazing so it's no surprise that Amber is as well. Life seems so very busy with HK right now, busy, but fun - still, can't imagine how one does this with FOUR!!...Gurl, I totally thought you could down a Margarita the size of that glass. I think I could in this summer heat! ;-)
