Tuesday, June 18, 2013

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Pablo Picasso

Tuesday night is art class night! It has been so for nearly 40 years. 37 years to be exact!
I totally stole Sabrina's favorite quote for the title of this post!

We accomplished quite a bit this evening! Finished the Italian scene.....

I worked on the Christmas Baby. At this point I'm just hoping it looks like a BABY!
I was TRYING to make it Logan but that may not be working out so well.

We even managed to completely base in this canvas!
It was a good night!

Dinner is usually a quick meal at the art table.
It's important not to dip a brush into either the tea OR wine!
Sabrina often brings these gourmet salads!
They are scrumptious!

This afternoon I worked on Louis Dean's bathroom.

Last night he took his bath but had to brush his teeth at the kitchen sink since I had the paint cloth and all my paints and tools sitting in the bathroom sink!

By 6:00 pm it was back in service!

I bought this stain to use as a final finish.
The color says 'Weathered Oak.'
It looks gray to me.
I wiped it on with a rag and then wiped again.

It worked okay but I wouldn't call it 'Weathered Oak.'
I put two pictures in the doors to hide the medications and stuff inside.
Louis Dean wants to put mirrors in there.
We'll see......
The marble will be replaced at some point. Just not yet!

Next week I will paint the last cabinet!
It has definitely lightened up the bathroom.
I'll be glad when it's all done and I can move on to the hall!
That hall has ALWAYS been a dark dungeon as long as I've lived here and I am excited about pulling it out into the LIGHT at long last!

That's a job for another day!


  1. I love that you have a glass of wine while doing art. I wish I was ambitious about home projects like you. Happy Wednesday

  2. My constant comment... You accomplish so, so, so much. Both of you do!!! :-)

  3. That would be me...dipping my brush in my tea!

  4. You are going to replace this pretty scalloped sink? I love it, it is beautiful! This must be the NEW sink? I want to join your art class even though I have no talent for art at all, how fun it looks! also those salads. And the paintings are GOOD!

  5. Linda, I don't know how you do it...you are busy all the time. Yet, it seems you have fun things going on. I'd love to live near by and take classes with you. xoxo,Susie
    Hi to Ld
