Monday, June 3, 2013

An Old Fashioned Monday!

Today has been a lovely Monday with perfect weather!
We haven't turned the A/C on all day and it is still comfortable in the house.
At night we sleep with the room air conditioner on and the door shut.
My favorite moment of this day was opening that door to the rich aroma of coffee and the fragrance of 'HOME!" It's been an EASY day for me - light housework, playing Scrabble and doing some reading.

I cooked lunch for us.....a real old fashioned 'Plate Lunch!'
FINALLY made the salmon croquettes I've been MEANING to make for days now!

The only semi work I did was emptying 3 trash cans of the kindling into this wood box.
Literally a WOOD BOX!

I did a little bit of yard work trimming the grass in this area with my scissors!
The weed eater is deadly and gets away from me!

What has Louis Dean been doing all day?

Digging a ditch!
He is going to hook up sewer and underground electric to the camper.

I am planning on a late MiMi Camp this summer for my older grandchildren.
By then I hope to have the camper up and running.

picture taken last August

It will be fun to let the kids sleep in the bunks.

The bathroom is CHILD size so that will work out great!

I have just a few more chores to do around here before I go over to watch a movie with Amber.
Louis Dean is glad I have somewhere to go tonight because he needs to turn the water off for a little while.
I do love a movie and tomorrow my movie buddy and I are going to see one.
I am torn between 'Jack the Giant Slayer' and  'Oz the Great and Powerful.'
I know! 
We've seen the other ones that are showing that we were the slightest bit interested in. 
So now we're down to these two!
Which one would YOU choose?


Denise said...

We have our motorhome hooked up to electric but not sewer. We are on a septic tank. Glad you have a semi-relaxing day.


Uhhh, I love that dish with gret food! Now I know what time I should drop by you guys, lol! When I don't see a post about your gorgeous quads, now it seems funny even...I MISS THEM!...heheheheheee
Thank you for your sweet visit, darling.

Linda said...

Hi Linda,

So glad that you had an easy day! That lunch looks fantastic! I love that bathroom!

Kelly said...

Yummy Yummy! That lunch plate you fixed looks delicious. I'd of eaten it all up if I was sitting at your table. I have no idea which movie to recommend because I haven't seen the trailers. I'm sure you will pick the right one though. I love watching movies too. My husband and I may go see one tomorrow. It is his birthday and we're planning to make a fun day of it.

Nonnie said...

Every bit of that lunch looks wonderful! Last night I made tuna croquettes from one of Alton Brown's recipes, which were very, very good. The camper and MiMi camp sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun for everybody.
If I were choosing, I think it would be the Oz movie.

Bernice said...

Oh the Grandkids will love MiMi camp! Your lunch looks delish.
I am not much of a movie person, but the Oz movie sounds interesting.
Enjoy your evening:)

Blondie's Journal said...

Mu hubby loved salmon and I'm not good with cooking fish. How about the recipe for those delicious salmon croquettes?!

I've never seen either movie but it sounds like you'll have a fun evening no matter what you watch!

It's supposed to be cool here all week...the 60's. Love sleeping in this weather!


Kathy said...

Even on your "easy" day you're busy. I think it would be fun to have MiMi camp in a camper!

Between those two movies I would choose Oz. Heard some good things about it.

Vee said...

Wow...the camper is going to be a mini B&B! What a lot of work for LD, but I get the sense that he prefers to stay busy. Your lunch looks delectable. said...

Sounds like MiMi camp is going to be so much fun! I like making salmon croquettes but unfortunately, I'm allergic to fish so I can cook and look but not eat.

Susie said...

Linda, You can't fool and LD are always working:):) Good that you can go see the babies when you want. That has to be a good feeling.xoxo, Susie

Judy said...

A true old-fashioned plate lunch, for sure! (And now I'm hungry.) Your MiMi camp will be a blast, I'm and all. Let us know which movie you saw...and how you rated it.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hi Linda, what a lovely lunch. Good old fashioned plate lunch looks inviting. What a great concept..MiMi camp. I saw both of those movies.
I liked the oz movie the best. Thanks for visiting Linda. xo Linda

Carla said...

The kids will love hanging in the camper. You're such a cool Grandma