Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday's WRAP!

It has been a DAY here at the Chapman's! 
I did indeed sleep LATE this morning. My very best sleep is after 3 am. I do NOT know WHY - but it IS!
As soon as I woke up - which was after 10:00 am AND after COFFEE and reading AND Pilate's - I put on my painting clothes and got busy on the bathroom!!

These were the first four steps.......

This is the last one!
DONE! At least for THIS cupboard!

Louis Dean  plans to take all the hardware off of EVERYTHING after I get through and paint them all black.

I LOVE the distressed look! I DO!
It has cream and green and a kind of - NOT brown - but 'Sunset Beige!'
A 'Man's' color that THIS lady can love!

I left Louis Dean to do the trim work AND to 'play quietly in his room' after I showered and cleaned up and headed over to Quadville. I helped Amber with the evening routine while Mike was at work.
It truly DOES 'take a village!'

I LOVE this picture of Amber and ALL her babies!!!

I took the truck over for Harrison but LOGAN knew exactly what to do!
She took one look at it and crawled over, pulled herself up and swung one leg over and she was ON!

Of course Harrison and Trystan wanted to try it!

Cute CUTE babies!!

They ALL have blue eyes! Different shades....different looks ....but ALL BLUE EYES!

They LOVE playing with tissue and paper.....

I can't get enough of these sweet babies!!
I called my mother on my way over and as soon as I told her I was on my way to visit the quads - I could HEAR her smile as she babbled about how WONDERFUL they are!!
I am SO happy Amber has made it a priority that the babies have TIME with their great grandma!
TIME is most precious!
You can't get this TIME back!
You are either there or you're not!
I want to be as involved with ALL my grandchildren as possible!

I SO enjoyed watching Kailey trying to get past the box I used to corral her free roam time!
Amber and I did bath time together and headed into the last feed of the day!

Kailey was SO active during the day she nearly passed out at dinner!
Who KNEW she would be up HOURS past her bedtime???

Amber gifted me tonight with the THIRD book of the Quads life!!!
This is the 6 - 9 month one and she is already working on the one YEAR book!!!
We are ever so grateful for this past year and where we are at this time.
SO grateful!!!

My Country Dairy Journal dated May 29, 2012 reads as follows: Keeping it 'REAL'- this is my actual entry.

"Back on the job! Arrived here shortly after 10 am. Amber slept and rested much of the day. She has a BAD case of double vision. I was with her during the sonogram and all four babies look great! 8 out of 8 on the 'grading' scale! Looking good. Amber's vision is really messed up! Double vision on STEROIDS!!  This is especially troublesome to her. My UTI acted up again and I was frantic on the way home. NO fast food/easy place to stop to go to the bathroom! HEB was where I finally landed and loaded up on echinacea, herbs, AZO and water! NO wine tonight! I was in such bad shape I was just about hysterical. Louis Dean let me go to bed and get to sleep before he did."

I remember at this point in time we were in Houston for the whole month of May - not taking any chance on leaving until Amber was safe and the babies were born.

I am so happy tonight as Louis Dean and I head out to the driveway - and yes!!! I KNOW it is nearly midnight! - but my heart is SO happy that I have a healthy daughter - who was in perilous danger this time last year - and FOUR nearly one year old GRAND quads!!

And!!!!! AND!!!! Louis Dean has promised me that, after living for ONE WEEK in our dining room,
the commode will go BACK to the bathroom!!! Hopefully to live there for the rest if its life!!!

Now THAT'S a Wednesday's WRAP!!!


  1. Linda, be ready for the feeling of emptiness with that commode is moved back into the bathroom.
    .....just kidding!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hooray for everything!

    And the commode will finally "go home." -gigggles- But it's a small price to pay, for a handy-man around the house. I know you agree.

    So cute pic of Momma and the Kids!!! :-))))))

  4. and a great Weds. wrap it was. The babies are getting so rest while you can.

  5. Linda
    Love the cabinet, wish I had the knowledge and patience to do that.
    What a wonderful gift from Amber, those babies have had an extrodinary year, to look at them now you would never know they were so tiny and frail, especially that handsome little Harrison.
    Amber is a extordinary young lady and Mother,of course she had a wonderful role model in you.
    Thanks so much for sharing :)

  6. Oh my goodness! Those babies are just cuter and cuter every day. So thankful with you that all is well with your daughter and her precious children. You are all blessed!
    (I really could relate to your journal entry with the UTI in the car!)
    Glad your commode is going to be back in its rightful place!

  7. And a delightful wrap it is. It hasn't always been easy, but God has always been faithful and I have been thinking how perfect His timing is and how someone is always there to help carry the load. What a great gift Amber is giving you in the books documenting the journey. What a great gift you have given her to be one of those grandparents who is there. True of Mike's mom, too, of course. Both of you ladies need to take a bow. All of you do! Glad that I'm remembering to tell you how fantastic that shot of Logan is peeking through the gate. Love it! (Oh so not surprised to hear about the steps being taken. They're ready! Are all of you? LOL!)

  8. P.P.S. (This has nothing to do with that commode.) I love the cabinet! It came out great.

  9. What a day... now for you painting:) paint your base colour...sand... then paint a second colour...then sand???

  10. Tomorrow's the day! Can't wait to read THAT post.

    Love how the cabinet turned out. So nice.

  11. Your distressed cabinet turned out great! I think the hardware being painted black will be the perfect finishing touch. Those quads are always so sweet to see. I knew they would all want to play with the trucks you bought! Kailey was smart to get on top to ride it! You are such a wonderful presence in their life. I'm sure you will always have a close relationship with them.

  12. Linda, You did a fine job on that cabinet. I just find it so hard to believe the babies are almost one. amber a wonderful mom and so are you !! Tell LD to stop carrying that commode around trying to look busy. LOL xoxo,Susie

  13. Nice cabinet finish up. Love that picture of Kailey laying her down on the table. That little rest gave her that extra energy to keep going after bedtime. ;o)
    Glad the toilet is going back to it's proper home.
