Friday, May 31, 2013

The Quads are One and A Normal Friday!

It was a normal Friday here! I love 'Normal!'

Louis Dean, Mother and I had lunch at the Cotton Patch Cafe.

We ate and I mean we ate GOOD!!
I had the margarita - which was delicious!
Since the drink was loaded with calories I had a small cup of chicken tortilla soup -
gotta balance it all out!

My pretty Mother!!

She ordered a BIG bowl of Chicken and Dumplings.
As I told the server what she wanted she said, "BIG! BIG!"
Then when the food arrived - it was a normal bowl. I had a cup which held about a CUP!
Her bowl may have had a cup and a half.
She frowned and said, "I wanted BIG!!!"
The waiter brought her a second bowl - at no charge!

She is so cute!

Louis Dean had the DINNER portion (NOT the 'lunch' version!) of chicken fried steak, French fries and fried okra WITH gravy! He ate every morsel!!!

After visiting with Mother we headed back home to visit the quads.
They are one year old today!!
The BIG Party and Celebration will be next weekend but I could NOT let this day go by without seeing Amber and the babies!

Trystan liked the Strawberry Sour Cream Pound Cake!
One slice fed all four!

I try to take some cute little something every time I visit to entertain the babies.

They got a kick out this little guy!

A baby in a BAG!!

Kailey has an eye for the camera!
She PAUSES for a photo op!

Little Trystan!

We gathered all the babies for a group picture - which is not as easy as it would seem!
Amber snapped and snapped away and I got ONE good one!
Who was the culprit??
Louis DEAN!!! Amber had to keep telling HIM to look at the camera!

We came home happy - and tired!

Last night I went to bed early. No problems from falling yesterday that a good night's sleep didn't fix!
Louis Dean, on the other hand, stayed up late allowing ME to go to sleep ahead of him.

PLUS - I took a nap on the way home since Louis Dean was driving.
So by late this afternoon HE was exhausted!!

He can RUN but he can't HIDE!!
While I worked in our bedroom changing out my closet to spring/summer clothes - 
HE napped in the guest room!
For over 3 hours he NAPPED!!

He feels a LOT better now!
We are holed up in the den watching the news.
So many storms and tornadoes!
I hope and pray all my friends are okay!
I know many of my blogging pals live in the areas in the news tonight.

I end this evening remembering this day a year ago!

My super duper daughter!!
She DID it! She GREW the babies at the risk of her own life and has done everything in her power to be the best mother possible! FIRST time mother, at THAT!!

Praise GOD for these babies!
Thank YOU for your prayers and encouragement during the whole journey!
The babies look so different today than they did at birth!
Can you tell who is WHO?

I can!!!


  1. Linda, this year has sped by so fast! Wishing you all a lovely celebration - so exciting!

    Glad to hear you are fine after your fall.

  2. Sounds great, Linda. So glad that your mother got an extra bowl at no charge...and your mother is indeed a pretty lady. Love your posts.

  3. How cute your mom is! And look at LD cleaning his plate!

    Happy birthday to the quads! I've been thinking of them all day. What a long way they have come. How much fun they have in front of them. What wonderful parents and grandparents they have.

    So glad there weren't any injuries from your fall yesterday.

  4. I have said it before, and I'll say it again...I wish you were my neighbor!

    I can only imagine how much your mother looks forward to Friday!

    The QUADS! ONE YEAR! What a celebration to behold!
    Every time you show us their sweet faces, I am reminded that life is filled with miracles and brilliant minds. They are God's gift to a most loving and amazing family!

    Happy Birthday to Harrison, Trystan, Logan and Kaylie!

    Linda, thank you for your visits and sweet comments!

  5. It's been quite a ride! Happy Birthday to those wonderful quads and John most especially sends his happy birthday greetings to all four. We can very easily tell them apart now and so we keep them straight in our thinking. We loved how Trystan looked at Kailey to see if she thought the dentures on feet were funny. So cute. Your mama is cute as a button, too. Glad that you're both caught up on your sleep.

    Those storms...frightening! I hate that so many people are affected and scared out of their wits day after day. Enough already.

  6. Oh my goodness - a year old - I can't believe it. I remember their being born so tiny and they are healthy and thriving and so beautiful. What a gift from God. sandie HAPPY BIRTHDAY

  7. My DH has to have a regular fix of that Cotton Patch chicken fried steak!! Your sweet Mama. So funny with the chicken and dumplings. Happy birthday to those babies and congratulations to all of you as you finish up the first year of a great journey with these kids. How far they've come!!

  8. Happy Birthday!

    Wonderful mile-stone.

    You fell????? I missed that! So glad you are ok though. -yikes-

  9. I live just west of St Louis,while not as devestating as Ok, a tornado touched down in my area,damaging many homes a school and cancelling Graduation for our three high schools today as the roof was damaged at the coundy's arena. Would appreciate if you and your blogging friends would keep the families affected in your thoughts and prayers.
    On a lighter note what a wonderful year, watching the quads grow.
    Thanks so much for sharing your beautful Grandkids,and your wonderful life.

    1. Linda
      I (Bernice) posted the above post, need to see why blogger is used my full name

    2. You were the one I was thinking about last night! SO happy to hear you are okay! Now that I think of it - I should have just emailed you directly!
      We were glued to the TV and felt so helpless watching!
      Continued prayers for all who are trying to cope with the aftermath of such storms!

  10. Happy Birthday to the quads!!!! What a wonderful day this is! Amber deserves a medal for everything she has done for these babies! She is such a good mom. She obviously had a good role model from you!

  11. i can't tell you how much i enjoyed hearing everyones voice....and that ld, what a twinkle he has in his eyes!!

    happy birthday sweet babies, i can't believe it's been a year. they are all so beautiful!!

  12. OMGoodness!! It's beyond words I can say on a comment...but these precious gifts are a year old already? I can't believe it. What a miracle.

    Oh, and your margarita and tortilla soup...........YUMMMMMMMMM

  13. Linda, God truly blessed all of you with the miracle of those beautiful babies. I know Amber could not have done so well if you and LD had not been there through it all with her and Mike. You take care of yourself and LD. Happy birthday to the Quads. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. Your Mom looked great, you make her happy.
