Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stormy Texas Weather!

Spring storms are here in Texas as I write this evening!
The winds have picked up and it is raining now. No sitting out on the driveway tonight!

I put some veggies in the oven to roast - potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, garlic - all drizzled with olive oil with rosemary springs on top. This and a chopped BBQ sandwich made from diced up steak we had left over will be our meal tonight. Add sliced onion and a pickle - DONE!

I took the turtle over to the babies this morning and stayed for a few hours.
I gave each one of them FAST rides down the hallway!!
They loved it!!

It's a 'God Thing' how I am finding something new and perfect for them nearly every single week!!

Toys! TOYS!!! More TOYS!!!

I stopped to get my hair cut after I left Quadville and then made an ALDI run!

That's a no frills store but they have some good prices.
I don't shop there often since I seldom carry 'real' money and that's all they take!

We've already lost power once during the time it's taken me to journal tonight.
Louis Dean and I were out in the gazebo and had just mentioned perhaps we should light some candles - and BOOM! We were in the dark!

Candles are now lit. The wine is now poured.
Cheers to WEATHER!
A stormy night in Texas!


  1. Watching the storms over here. Lots of lightning. Your candle is pretty.

  2. Oh my goodness those babies are getting to be so big! sandie

  3. Love the videos and pictures of the quads.
    I also think your candle is pretty.
    The Aldi's in our area just recently started taking debit cards.
    Take care during the storms.

  4. The rain is wonderful-fortunately nothing worse with it than pea-sized hail and some wind here. Stay safe!

  5. We had heavy rain here in Montreal but not as bad as what you have been getting. Take care of yourself, Linda. Beautiful photos...and those veggies look wonderful! I got caught in the rain today and when I got home I made a nice pot of chicken soup with lentils, garlic, carrots, onions and cabbage. It was great. Stay safe!

  6. I'd be taking cover but of course you know me, I hate storms.
    I'm so on the lookout for one of those turtles now. I bet Annalee would love it :)

  7. You are having the storms while we have had a perfectly beautiful sunny day here. I too love your candle. So pretty.

  8. It was a rough night for a lot of folks! We sure got a lot of rain

  9. Looks as if the turtle was a hit and how amazing that fast rides can be taken on a turtle.

    I read about that wild weather on my news page this morning. Crazy wild weather.

    The veggies look so pretty that they could be decorations. Gorgeous! Bet they tasted real good, too. We had Sloppy Joes with carrot sticks and celery last night. I obviously need to step it up in the veg department.

  10. I learned that Dallas was hit by tornadoes and several times. I hope you all were in a safe spot and nothing horrible and bad happened. Linda, I am thinking of you and your whole family. Hugs.

  11. Hope you got thru the storm okay...

  12. I am thinking of you down there and praying that you and yours are not touched by the storm.
