Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's a Jungle Out There!!

We arrived at The Dallas Zoo shortly after it opened!

The quads were in for a BIG day!

We met up with Summer, Sabrina and RAYNIE!!


Raynie had never seen so many babies all at once! And all the SAME AGE!!

Seems like yesterday SHE was a baby!
Now she is nearly THREE!

Summer looks so good here!
Truth is she was feeling pretty sick with some health issues!
She was such a trouper!!

Precious Logan in her precious little hat!


Two more cuties!!

We loved the children's area!

Logan enjoyed getting her feet wet.

I had Logan, Amber had Kailey, Mike was holding Trystan......

Summer had Harrison! So they ALL got to play in the water!

Mid Morning SNACKS!!

A horse ride for Raynie!

I loved it when she would tell me, "I want to SHEW you sumpthin!"

I think Raynie enjoyed the babies and I think the babies enjoyed Raynie!

She is precious!

The lions are right outside the glass wall in the Serengeti Grill where we stopped for a lunch break!

Normally strollers aren't allowed in the restaurant but they made an exception for us!

Summer and Sabrina are Zoo members so they visit often.
Raynie always rides the carousel when they first arrive and then again right before they leave.
Sabrina graciously gave me her ticket so I could ride with Raynie.
As we were spinning around she said, "I'm SUPER Raynie!!"

The babies did great and by the end of the visit they were SUPER tired!!! We ALL were!

It was a lot of fun but FUN can be hard work!

Kailey is SO Kailey!!

See her foot hanging out there?

Harrison flirted all day with pretty girls at the zoo!
He IS a charmer!

Trystan gets in a nap on the way home.

So did Kailey!

Logan woke up as they put her in the car and talked all the way home.

Thank You, Summer, for my coffee cup!

Making Memories Together!

I had so much fun I had to come home and go to bed for a VERY long nap!!


  1. What a beautiful family day,Raynie is just as
    adorable as the quads. My youngest Gandson will be turning 3 next month and I love the age!
    Thanks for sharing:)

  2. Right before I read it I was thinking it wasn't so long ago that Raynie was the age of the quads. Time goes so quickly. I love the zoo. It looks like you had an awesome day. P.S. I would have needed a nap too!

  3. you are one awesome grandma!!

    what a beautiful day and it's just wonderful to see everyone together, out and about, enjoying life!!

    what miracle babies!! they are all so cute, each in there own way!!
