Friday, May 10, 2013

It was a PARTY Day!!

Today Deanie and I celebrated Mother's Day!!
I picked Mother up from the beauty shop and we drove straight to my sister's house!
Charlie was THE man of the day and drove us to THE best Mexican restaurant EVER!!!

We had SO much fun!!!!

I had the Margarita!!!

It was delicious!!! So was their hot sauce!!!

I can't tell you how FUN it is to hang out with my sister!!

The food was great!

So was the atmosphere!
I LOVE this place!!!

So did Mother!!!

 I have GOT to come back!!

Maybe on a Friday soon!
They just opened a Drive In Theater on the North side of Fort Worth.
It is VERY close to Los Vaqueros!
I can see us coming over to spend the DAY with Mother and the NIGHT having a wonderful dinner and movie! Would you like to join us???

The theater has three screens and one has a view of the Fort Worth lights downtown!

The North side of Fort Worth is an interesting place!

This day could NOT have been better!!!

I even saw THIS little guy on our local news tonight!!!!

My day is done and I have been gone nearly all day.
Louis Dean says it is 'Wine Time' in the gazebo!
Hoping YOUR day has been at least half as wonderful as mine!!
Thanks, Deanie and Charlie!!! I had a GREAT time with y'all today!!!


  1. Linda
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
    You are a true inspiration, your love of life your family and all those around you, shines brightly in your writings.
    Thanks so much for sharing:)

  2. A perfect Friday -- family, food and fun. Who could ask for more?

  3. How fun! Your Mom looks great!

    You are building drive in movies, and we are tearing them down.

    Mr D and I just came in from our little fire pit. Our son has a feature on NW Cable News.

    You have much more "partying" ahead of you with the Quad Squad Birthdays on the horizon!
    Happy Mother's Day, Linda!

  4. What a lovely day, for all of you.

    You do know how to enjoy life, my Dear! You are an inspiration. Grab life and run with it and have FUN!!!! Hugsssss

  5. So glad to hear that you had a great day yesterday! We went out to my favorite Mexican restaurant last night too! I missed it so much after being on a restricted diet. I swear the fajitas and chips and salsa never tasted better! I believe it's one of my favorite foods. Gosh, I haven't been to or even seen a drive-in movie in years! That sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I could join y'all down there in Texas. Your group is always doing something fun! Congrats on the quads and Amber being featured on TV too! I hope y'all recorded it as a keepsake. The quads would love to see it when they get older. Hope you have a blessed Mother's Day this weekend.

  6. I'm so glad to hear you all had a wonderful day out celebrating. Your Mother is just so lovely!

  7. Looks like a perfect day to me, but do tell, what was on the news? I'm left hanging in suspense over here! :-)

  8. Well I hope one day I make it up your way for dinner and a movie!
    Looks like you had lots of fun. You deserve it
