Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Flowers!!

Louis Dean and I have been meaning to buy some FLOWERS for WEEKS now!
We kept putting it off because we were still cleaning up the yard.

At long last TODAY was THE day!

We picked Mother up at the beauty shop. She was waiting! I try to get there BEFORE she is finished!
I took a tin of the chocolate chip cookies from last night's party to the ladies there at the shop.
Mother was OUT THE DOOR and headed to the car! I told her I needed to go in for a minute. I thought she would be HAPPY about me bringing cookies. Not so much. Perhaps she didn't realize I also had a bag of cookies for HER!

We lunched at Cotton Patch Cafe where Mother always orders the Chicken and Dumplings!

After lunch we headed down Hulen St. to Trader Joe's. 
Mother grabbed a cart and said, "See you LATER!"
She wheeled that thing up and down every row TWICE for her exercise!
She was pretty proud of herself and said, "That was NICE!"

Mother rode shotgun today so Louis Dean tried to cram his 6'1" frame into the back seat!
He is such a good sport!

We shopped Calloway's Nursery which is conveniently located right next door to Trader Joe's!

I bought a couple of native plants as well as some annuals and perennials.

I'll have to remember this plant is drought tolerant and NOT water it too much!

I think Mother approved of my choices!

Louis Dean bought FIVE new rose bushes!
He is a sucker for a lovely rose!!

We filled the trunk and he was scrunched up in the back seat with the larger roses AND his guitar!!
He would not leave home without it! His old one was stolen and he is still in protective mode.
It IS a LARGE guitar! He WAS crowded back there!

We stopped by to see the babies on our way home.

Cute CUTE babies!!

I bought these things at Trader Joe's thinking the babies would like them.
I took the Cinnamon Schoolbook Cookies this afternoon and they DID like them!
I guess I am 'dated' as I thought the Vienna Sausages would be a good snack!
All four of my kids ate these cut into strips. It was easy peasy pared with crackers and cheese sticks.
I was trying to find things other than crackers or cookies but I think I'll stick to those!

Amber gave them fresh cubed watermelon for a snack and here is Logan squeezing every bit of juice out of her piece!! Notice the juice running down her chin! I'm certain she ate at least a few pieces!

We had a good day!
Tomorrow will be a 'Dirty Day!'
The plans are to work in the yard!
We sat outside this evening and I caught the smell of 'country!'
I guess it is moist soil mixed with flowers, trees, bushes, and grass.
I LOVE that Louis Dean and I have a little patch of 'country' all our own! Right here in TOWN!
The fragrance and the evening bird song - which got a bit frenzied with the bird houses along the front of the house filled with cheeping baby birds letting their mother know just how hungry they ARE - made a lovely evening to this Friday.

PS. I cried 'uncle' and turned the A/C on this afternoon.
Warm weather is a lot different from HOT!


  1. It looks like a good day. Have fun planting! That's on my agenda for Monday...which is actually a holiday over here (Victoria Day).

  2. Looks like you two have your work cut out for you tomorrow. I'm like LD, I love a beautiful rose bush. You all take it easy though and don't work too hard, especially in the heat. It hit 90 here today so my AC has been on too. I love AC :)

    Tomorrow is a busy day for my crew but lots of fun stuff planned!

    Your mother is so precious. I think I'd just LOVE her :)

  3. Linda!
    You are back in the routine! Wow! What a load of flowers and planting ahead for you! Your words paint images as lovely as your photographs!
    Happy Weekend!

  4. Hi Linda, sounds like a busy and fun time. Love your photos.

  5. We've been using our A/C for a while now. I don't know how you've managed so long with not using it yet. You live in a hotter climate than I do! Thank goodness for the modern convenience of A/C! That nursery looked nice. I love the flowers you chose. Don't you just love getting home with flowers and how great they look after you get them planted? It's like Christmas! Your stories about your mom always make me smile. She is a fiesty one! LOL! You are always thinking of others everywhere you go too. Buying snacks for the babies and bringing cookies to the beauty shop. You have a sweet soul!

  6. Linda, I know you and LD had a busy day today...after seeing all the plants you bought. I love the little film clip of the babies...they are grwoing up so very fast. Hope you are relaxing, as it is 6:30 on a Saturday night, as I write this. xoxox,Susie
