Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday! Monday!!

I do love a good Monday!

There is SO much to DO in our yard!
The top left rose is from Sherry, our beloved daughter in law.

Last night I was waiting for Louis Dean to arrive back from a visit to his son's place out in the country.

I was sitting on the driveway waiting for him.
Lucy was TOO!!
She may be crazy but she DOES love him so!!

He came bearing gifts from his son!
Fresh turkey eggs, chicken eggs, and ......

GOOSE eggs!!

I can't wait to cook all these!!

Today was a good MONDAY!

I cleaned and did yard work and hauled more trash to the curb!

The mower didn't last long out there! One of our handier neighbors retrieved it and then lingered on the driveway for a bit of wine and a chat. We LOVE sitting out with friends and neighbors! His wife joined us after he called her to come down to the 'landscaped' house around the corner!
That should be motivation enough to get my act together!

Earlier we had run over to Amber's to see the quads for a few minutes hours!
We do love seeing these babies!

Amber went off to look at a couple of houses.....
do I need to tell her the quads played for half an hour under the table with cat food cans?
Nah! I didn't think so!

It's been a good MONDAY!!!
Looking forward to the REST of the week!!


  1. Hi Linda, what a great post. I have never seen goose eggs...or turkey eggs! I wonder what they would be like as compared to the chicken eggs. Would enjoy hearing more! Love your posts!

  2. That WAS a good Monday. You are one of those wonderful people who knows how to enjoy life' little joys. Good for you!

  3. Sounds like a great Monday!! And no you don't have to tell Amber anything haha!!! Your job is just to spoil them:))

  4. That just sounds like the best kind of Monday - your beloved came home, you played with those adorable babies got rid of some junk! That would just make MY day!

  5. I've got to stop reading here...I feel like such a slug!

    Exploring babies learn a lot of valuable information.

    John can not believe that the lawn mower went to the curb, but I reminded him what a blessing it was to the neighbor.

  6. Hi Linda-sounds like you had a great day yesterday! Those grandbabies are so sweet. Today is our day to keep ours-the girls are 6 and 4, and our grandson is 7 months. They do get into things don't they!

  7. Never thought about eating any eggs other than chicken eggs. You are one busy lady. It does feel good to clean house. Er, clean out house!!!

  8. Ahhh, the babies are growing so fast, I am just amazed. If they get any cuter, ya'll aren't gonna be able to stand it. :)))
