Friday, April 19, 2013

I Love a Really Good FRIDAY!!

I hopped back on the world today and have had a really good Friday!

I treasure my Fridays With Mother!
My sister had alerted me via text message this morning that Mother wanted to go shopping!
When Mother wants a check and her ID we know she what she wants! Sort of!
Since her beauty shop is across the street from the mall she had no problem pointing the direction we should take. She had Macy's on her mind. She even knew which lot she wanted me to park in! We went right in and headed to the cosmetic counters. Now there's MANY counters on Macy's all chock full of fragrant products! A sales lady asked what we were looking for and I replied, "I wish I KNEW!" 
Mother had pointed to her face and made a circle around her head.
After we walked around each and every counter we came to the Clinque kiosk. That's exactly where we had walked in and I had asked her if she wanted Clinque and she said no. Maybe she simply wanted to experience the thrill of shopping. Mother wears Happy Heart and now has a LARGE brand new bottle!
After we finished the purchase she said, "Thank GOD!"
Who KNEW she needed Happy Heart so badly????

We also shopped the clearance racks where Mother found FIVE tops to try on!
Now remember she is fresh out of the beauty shop so it was with great care I helped each garment clear 'The HAIR!' Only one top made the cut and I leaped at the opportunity to pay for it myself so her Mother's Day gift is a done deal!
Win! WIN!!
Lunch was at IHOP.
Buy one meal - get one free!
She ate the pancakes and took 95% of the omelet home with her.
My choice was a 330 calorie spinach, mushroom, veggie omelet and it was delicious!
A 'quick' stop at the Dollar Store completed our outing. 
No stop is really QUICK but we didn't tarry long there.

After I took Mother home I ran by to get in a quick visit with my sister, Deanie.
She sent me off with this cute book for the quads.
I needed a review of these nursery rhymes. I had forgotten how some of them go.

Of course then I HAD to run by and see the babies on my way home!

I keep thinking the babies can't get any cuter - and then they DO!!!

When I got home this afternoon Louis Dean was working on the pond in the back corner.
He NEARLY has it ready yo put the bricks and stones around the base.
This attracts a TON of birds when combined with the feeder hanging close by!
While he WORKED - I took a NAP!
For some reason I did not get to sleep until AFTER 3:00 am!
Up at 9:00 and then racing out the door to get to Fort Worth in time to pick Mother up.
A nap was just the pick me up I needed!

Then I got to work on the front flower beds - to the aroma of honeysuckle and roses!
Add the rosemary fragrance I stirred up in my rustling around and it smelled HEAVENLY!

I my quest to SLOW down my life - I am multitasking! 

Writing my journal entry for the day while preparing the Taco Salad I had planned for tonight's dinner.
Louis Dean is already out in the gazebo waiting for me.
I do so love a REALLY good FRIDAY!!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A lovely busy happy day. Thank you for writing and letting us/me/world share your journal, I look forward to reading every post.

Vee said...

Sounds great and I'm coming back to watch those videos at some point. I don't want to wake John who is just plumb worn out. The stories you share about your mom are a hoot!

Marsha Young said...

Well they don't get much better than this Friday, do they? :) Good for you and Louis Dean.
blessings to you said...

Your mom sounds like a lady that knows what she wants. Good thing that you were there to help make sure her hair wasn't going to get messed up. The quads are beautiful. I can only imagine how much fun they are when they are sitting up and exploring. Of course, the teething can be tough though. Loved the taco salad. It looked delicious!

Bernice said...

Boy you did have a Good Friday. You shopped at my favorte store Macys, had my favorite omelet at IHOP, spent time with the cutest babies, had another favorite taco salad, and I am jealous because I am sure you and LD were able to sit out in the gazebo enjoying a glass of wine,while we may see some frost in the morning.
The videos are great, Thanks for sharing:)

Vee said...

If they could get those caps open, they'd have a little drink. ☺ Yup. Here it is not even seven a.m. and I'm back like a bad penny.

Susie said...

Linda, You are blessed...time with your mom, the babies and that sweet LD. Hope your weekend is wonderful.xoxo,Susie

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Louis Dean is doing a super job with that pond, fountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynne said...

I know you love being home once again with all of the love, familiar smells and your debris at your finger tips. It's fun to watch you back in your routine!
Those quads! Major heart huggers!

Cheapchick said...

Sounds like a lovely day. I can't go into a thrift store with less than 1/2 an hour otherwise why bother!

Carla said...

Isn't life grand. The pond/fountain is looking really good. I like how you and LD sit outside and have a glass of wine togehter.