Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Telling Other People's Story

This is my fourth March to blog journal. It is my 27th year of keeping a personal country diary.
My friends and family have been very supportive and encouraging. 
I have tried to tell my own story and not infringe on the privacy of others.

I know I was pretty public about all that went on in my daughter's quad pregnancy.

I KNOW with all my heart the prayers and encouragement of many of YOU made all the difference in the world both to her and these four babies.

Mainly I share MY life in my journal and how others have touched, shaped, connected and are involved in MY life. 

Since others prayed so very faithfully for me and mine, I realize what a responsibility and privilege it is to pray for the concerns of others - both people I know and some I do not. Praying for friends, family and strangers is an honor and a priceless gift.

My mother (on the left) is a great prayer warrior! That's Aunt Alice in the middle. Mother is the last of her siblings still alive. Aunt Alice is in her 90's and was married to Mother's only brother.
They all called each other 'brother' and 'sister' - but there were two sisters! 
They always seemed to know which sister they were referring to.
My cousin, Joyce, is on the right - she's Aunt Alice's daughter.
Joyce's granddaughter, Dana, had a baby the day before my Amber gave birth to the quads.
Dana's baby has had some difficulties after birth. So has Dana. 
The following is a message from my sister, Deanie:

"I took Mother to see Aunt Alice yesterday in Weatherford. It is a smaller place than where Aunt Irene (Mother's older sister) was but there was a 2 year wait for that facility. Aunt Alice didn't know we were coming, I had called Paula and let her know we were going. Paula is not in good health and I wasn't able to talk to her so I left her a message. Mother and I sat in the waiting room and watched for AA to come out of the dining room. I didn't want to go in there. After about 30 minutes AA and Joyce walked through the front door. AA walks well but she didn't know who I was, so her memory comes and goes. So the brunt of things are on Joyce. We REALLY need to pray for Joyce's grand daughter Dana, she had a baby the day before Amber had the Quads. Dana is almost 30 years old (she is Pam's daughter) and the doctors found a large mass in her liver which turned out to be cancer. The next step is to find out where it originated so she will have a colonoscopy soon. Joyce said please tell everyone to pray!"

That would make the baby Aunt Alice's great GREAT granddaughter!
Mother was showing her pictures of the quads at last year's family reunion.

My cousin, Paula, on the left and Mother on the right.
Mother continues to be healthy as a horse and younger members of the family struggle with all sorts of medical issues!

So Dana, Joyce, Paula, Aunt Alice and baby comes under 'Family' on my Prayer List.

Under 'Friends' I have Gary.....

Gary is on the left and my brother in law is on the right.
They have been friends forever!
Taken from Gary's Facebook status:

My brother in law's good friend.......he's in our prayers!!

Is life good or what? Yesterday I found out cancer has reoccuried in my body. This is a great time to show how good God really is. I don't know how but someway Jesus will shine in this dark time. Already family and friends have comforted me, blessings from God. Please don't feel sorry for me, but stand in faith we me, this way I can do something for Jesus that means something, thank you all, Gary.

Gary had throat cancer a while back and had been cancer free for 18 months.
Gary has such a good attitude! God is not finished with him yet!

I find that Facebook oftentimes acts like the old fashioned Prayer Chains.
Remember them?
That's how Cayden came to be under the category 'Strangers' on my prayer list.

Cayden Thomas Wells July 2, 2012
For those who dont know Cayden was born with Down Syndrome. He has Av cannel defect, heart disease, congestive heart failure, congenital hyprothyroidism,abnormal liver, fluid on lungs, reflux, floppy airways, hearing loss and much much.....
He has had have oxygen since day was born. Due to his pulminary hyrotinsion. We was told hed have heart surgery when was 6 months old. But has to go in early so on October 31 went in at 6 for HEart Surguery. Was told would be a 6 hour but turned in to 9 hours. Due to had problems getting to sleep. Since than hes been going down hill every since. Hes now on complete bypass. Was told without machines wouldnt live. He has lung disease, both his lungs are callapsed, he has pneumonia, fluid all over, hes purple from fluid, dialysis machine to try help everything pull off fluid. and put more oxygen in his blood on ventilator, lots of other things. has bacteria, an rhyno virus, burns from probe, has 4 differnt drain tube, pace maker wires, on 20 differnt meds. I will try an update evryday. any prayers would be appreciated greatly. Cayden has a big sister Named Heaven who is 18months so were very busy. Mom is a stay home mom and dad is on fml without pay. So need prayer to get better quickly!! So dad can still provide for family and sister wont be so lost.

I found the information above on the Facebook page 'Prayers For Cayden.'
I had noticed a friend of mine had taken an interest, 'Liked' the Facebook page and was leaving encouraging and comforting comments as well as holding this family up in prayer.
I followed in her footsteps.
As we read the status each morning we were all waiting for Cayden to die. The doctors said he would.
God had other plans. Cayden refused to die! Day after day.....
Today's status from the Prayers for Cayden Facebook page:
Well since we couldn't get his thyroid level checked. Allan an self upper his dose Sunday. An yesturday was more awake but nothing I mean nothing like today. This boy has been wide awake since 6am an is still going. With no cat nap either. So upper ing dose was smart move. Plus starting next week going to try wean off all these drugs! Just to really c if he needs this much. Cause Allan or self doesn't think he does. But do think when he has a spell but that's what prns are for. It's time to start goin down on them a for him to b awake an being a baby! An when or if he can't handle the drug weaning well now he'll show us by needing more prns. So goals for cayden! Not diein! Weaning drugs. Trying to eat by mouth to get rid of tube. Working on strength an head control. An we can do all this since he's awake more. I truly believe the thyroid level was low cause when it's low it makes u sleep. Plus all these drugs he dont need but when has spell. So mom has big goals! Wish us luck an prayers for these to happen. Now don't get me wrong Allan still says when he has a spell he might not come out of it. But I'm tired of thinking lik that cause he's proved time an time again he comes out. So moms going start having him be on track of normal life! If it happens it happens but in reality it can happen to anyone at anytime an they don't stop their lives so why should he?

 Last night  I sent Cayden's mom a private message and asked permission to share their story.
Her response:

I don't mind at all thank u be could use as many prayers.

This little Prayer Bear was a gift from my son and daughter in law.
He holds my prayer list.

So now that I have shared other people's stories - here's the journal entry for MY day!
Amber had doctor appointments today so Granddad was only too happy to do some baby holding!

As I folded clothes Logan was playing right beside me.
She is such an adorable little thing!
It is so much fun watching her explore!

She and Kailey took a nice nap together while Harrison dozed in the swing.
Trystan had a doctor appointment so it was Care Taking of Trips today!
We got back to our camper home earlier than usual this afternoon - right at 4:00!
Which was a good thing since today was rent due day.
After paying for a month at a time for 7 months - we are now paying by the DAY!
Louis Dean paid us up til noon on Saturday!
He has probably left Quadville South for the last time today.
I will be over there Wednesday and Thursday.
Friday we pack up our camper, haul in the plants and debris (canopy and flapping shower curtains!), crank in the pull out section and go to bed early!
We'll be up at first light on Saturday morning hauling ourselves back home.
Quadville will be relocating as well!!
That takes the sadness out of leaving!


  1. It really is crazy we're all moving home together! Of course, that was sort of the plan all along I guess!

  2. Linda, you are a prayer warrior! I am glad I am part of your prayer list. It has been such a long journey for you and here you are moving back so soon. You, LD, Amber, Mike and the quads are on my prayer list daily. Thank you for the update on the others you pray for. I will be praying for them too.

  3. Linda,
    So sweet to have so many wonderful family members to share life with. And I have never seen a Prayer Bear before, but he sure is cute. :)

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
    Hugs to you.

  4. So many needs and the Lord knows each and every one. It certainly is a privilege to pray for fellow believers in tough situations. May they all keep looking up. It's all about Him.

    Gosh. How odd to think of your time there dwindling down to the end, but how wonderful to know that you're all heading out more or less at the same time. What an amazing achievement for you all. Yay God! He has certainly brought you through.

  5. Dear Linda
    Thank you so much for sharing your family and friends.
    You have such a special loving bond with all of them, and it was beautifully and loving shown in your writings of your journey the past months.
    While it is sad that one exciting chapter of your journal is ending..I have a feeling the new ones will be just as exciting..all the family gatherings and ALL your Grandbabies from the oldest to the 4 youngest under one roof will be wonderful and exciting.
    Cant wait to read all about it;)
    Take Care and God Bless

  6. A very full post, my Dear. Best wishes to all. YOur mom is so lucky, to simply keep going and keep going and keep going. And she is lucky to have your sister and her husband, to live with.

    Oh wow, all this Saga, is tying up and coming to an end... To continue on, in another place. HOME for you. And soon HOME for the Quads and their Mommy and Daddy. :-)

    Gentle hugs,

  7. What a beautiful idea it was to post for those standing in need of prayer. Your such a gentle soul Linda. I can't count the number of times I've asked for prayer and it never failed, you were commenting to say you were praying. It truly means so much. Those on your list in need will be in my prayers as well.

    I can't believe you all are leaving Quadville. What a wonderful journey it has been to follow :)

  8. Linda, this is such a lovely thought. You are such a caring person. Great post and I absolutely love your photos!

  9. Linda
    I enjoy reading your blog and your prayers for everyone. My father just found out he has thyroid cancer and will be having surgery soon. Please put me on your stranger prayers and thank you and your family for all that you do even if it is just listening.

  10. Thanks for sharing your life with us here in blogland. God is good...all the time...and His timing is perfect. Blessings to you all as you leave Quadville 'as you know it' behind.

    Have a blessed Easter!
